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China Lost 14 Million People in World War II. Why Is This Forgotten?

US attacked Japan because Japan was a ally of nazis Germany,and japan attacked USA first,not because of the sympathy torwards china,you idiot.

You idiot, you would have been speaking japanese language, if japan had not attacked USA.

And don't forget thanking Allah for that... err.. unless you believe, Japan would have been far better than CPC.

Japan fought us for 10 years but we still hold 2/3 of our land. There's no question about the survival of our civilization.
But how long did you survive foreign invasion? You were conquered by the central asian muslims for the last 800 years. If not for the British, south asia would have become a peaceful Islamic region. Count your civilization lucky that British created India and thus, save your civilization. You are eternally indebted to the British. You should build a temple and worship the Queen of England.

This image shows the "Temple" of Genghiz Khan who romped mother china under his feet...

You idiot, you would have been speaking japanese language, if japan had not attacked USA.

And don't forget thanking Allah for that... err.. unless you believe, Japan would have been far better than CPC.


Fact is, India is using English as lingua france, while the Chinese still use Chinese. Heck, the Japanese are still using Chinese characters to write, while nobody in the UK outside the academic knows any Indian languages.

What actually really riles me up are fascist like you praising the barbarity of fascist Japan. I dare you make this kind of comments here in Germany without getting a punch in your face. You have no shame!
This image shows the "Temple" of Genghiz Khan who romped mother china under his feet...

Dumb troll, Genghis Khan didn't succeed in China. His son Kublai khan did, but we drove them out in 90 years. Ancient India was conquered and raped by Persians, Afghans, Turks and Mongols for 800 years. Then the British enslaved you for another 200 years. That's 1000 years in total. You are the most conquered country in the world history, even your constitution is written in English. What a shame!
More Chinese and Indian trolls in this thread. At least consider the historical context of what happened. Wars don't start instantly. For example China was being weakened by the West for 100+ years through opium and various warlord wars and wars with Japan before WW2 ever started. Similarly the way the British conquered the Indians is similar to how the Mongols conquered China through divide and conquer. Mongols aligned themselves with Song against the Jurchen Chinese just like how the British forced various Indians to fight and conquer each other. But never the less, modern China hasn't lost a war since including the Korean, Vietnamese and Indian wars.
Do not want to brag, but it was the USSR a few weeks defeated the Kwantung Army - the most numerous and the most combat-ready unit of Japanese Army. The Americans and British are only able to sink ships and drop bombs. Against this Japanese army, they would not have survived. And they knew it, so used a nuclear weapon.

I agree with USSR's huge contribution. Chinese here don't want to give credit to any of three USSR, US and Britain.
Do not want to brag, but it was the USSR a few weeks defeated the Kwantung Army - the most numerous and the most combat-ready unit of Japanese Army. The Americans and British are only able to sink ships and drop bombs. Against this Japanese army, they would not have survived. And they knew it, so used a nuclear weapon.

But You're bragging. Russia entered the war against Japan very late. The Japanese had lost the war at the crucial battle of Midway. Americans even took the islands of Iwo Jima and Okinawa. The decision to use the A bomb was to minimize American casualties in lieu of a full scale invasion.
Everyone knows USSR played a bigger role in the defeat of Japan then the USA. USA only nuked Japan to force a quick surrender so Japan doesn't turn red.
The Fourteenth army which drove the invading Japanese army out of indo-china is also known as the Forgotten Army.
Götterdämmerung;4803423 said:
Fact is, India is using English as lingua france, while the Chinese still use Chinese. Heck, the Japanese are still using Chinese characters to write, while nobody in the UK outside the academic knows any Indian languages.

You mean ... Japan came.. and chinese forgot how to write their language?

From top to bottom .. it became left to right?

From counting rods .. to Indian numerals ?

As for english, 50% of germans speak English .. and chinese are strugging to learn it.. their only way to get above slave labour in factories. :laugh:

What actually really riles me up are fascist like you praising the barbarity of fascist Japan. I dare you make this kind of comments here in Germany without getting a punch in your face. You have no shame!

You are fascist, telling chinese to self-opinionated .. It WAS the USA which liberated mother china.

Contest this, if you can?

Anyway.. I just saw .. it is Gotter writing ... the most useless fellow in this forum..

Nuf said.

More Chinese and Indian trolls in this thread. At least consider the historical context of what happened. Wars don't start instantly. For example China was being weakened by the West for 100+ years through opium and various warlord wars and wars with Japan before WW2 ever started. Similarly the way the British conquered the Indians is similar to how the Mongols conquered China through divide and conquer. Mongols aligned themselves with Song against the Jurchen Chinese just like how the British forced various Indians to fight and conquer each other. But never the less, modern China hasn't lost a war since including the Korean, Vietnamese and Indian wars.

They are "self-proclaimed" ones.... none surrendered, none signed a peace treaty on chinese terms.

In fact, India didn't lose a war by signing a ceasefire be it 1948, 1962, 1965, 1971 or 1999 ... in fact, secured formal surrender in the case of 1971 war.
You mean ... Japan came.. and chinese forgot how to write their language?

What? Are you stupid? Since when have the Chinese forgotten to write Chinese?

From top to bottom .. it became left to right?

From counting rods .. to Indian numerals ?


As for english, 50% of germans speak English .. and chinese are strugging to learn it.. their only way to get above slave labour in factories. :laugh:

Ever heard a German politician speaking English in the Bundestag? Do we have a national TV station that broadcasts in English?

I find it hiarious that Indians are talking about slavery when the average income of India is a few orders below Chinese. Only in delusion are you guys a few orders above them.

You are fascist, telling chinese to self-opinionated ..

Show me one quote where I ever praised fascists. I have plenty of yours.

It WAS the USA which liberated mother china.
Contest this, if you can?

It was the Soviets that did the most in liberating us from Nazis. FYI, in Germany it's Vaterland (fatherland).

Contest what? Your stupidity is not worth to contest.
But You're bragging. Russia entered the war against Japan very late. The Japanese had lost the war at the crucial battle of Midway. Americans even took the islands of Iwo Jima and Okinawa. The decision to use the A bomb was to minimize American casualties in lieu of a full scale invasion.

Well, first of all, that the Soviet victory over Japan in Khalkhin Gol in 1939 -stopped the further progress of Japan to the West.
Second, the Americans fought with small units of colonial troops in Japan, the main army - Kwantung was fully operational at the time of the entry of the USSR into the war and was crushed on his head for 4 weeks.
Third. Chinese Communist forces, as well as Korean or were trained in the Soviet Union or Soviet training camps. In addition, the Soviet Union fully supplied them with weapons.
I agree with USSR's huge contribution. Chinese here don't want to give credit to any of three USSR, US and Britain.

With a lot of help from USA, USSR received from the USA

Machine guns........................131,633
Explosives..........................345,735 tons
Building equipment valued.......$10,910,000
Railroad freight cars................11,155
Cargo ships..............................90
Submarine hunters.......................105
Torpedo boats...........................197
Ship engines..........................7,784
Food supplies.....................4,478,000 tons
Machines and equipment.......$1,078,965,000
Noniron metals......................802,000 tons
Petroleum products................2,670,000 tons
Chemicals...........................842,000 tons
Cotton..........................106,893,000 tons
Leather..............................49,860 tons
Army boots.......................15,417,000 pairs
Well, first of all, that the Soviet victory over Japan in Khalkhin Gol in 1939 -stopped the further progress of Japan to the West.
Second, the Americans fought with small units of colonial troops in Japan, the main army - Kwantung was fully operational at the time of the entry of the USSR into the war and was crushed on his head for 4 weeks.
Third. Chinese Communist forces, as well as Korean or were trained in the Soviet Union or Soviet training camps. In addition, the Soviet Union fully supplied them with weapons.

In 1939? The war ended in 1945. What were Russians doing from 1939 to 1945?

American fought colonial Jap troops? LOL, the battle of Midway was the biggest naval battle in the pacific. The battle of Iwo Jima and Okinawa were the bloodiest. What are you taught in school?

So what? KMT were trained in Germany.

Look, battle of Stalingrad was your bragging rights. But let's be honest, Russia played no major role in the pacific war theatre.
In 1939? The war ended in 1945. What were Russians doing from 1939 to 1945?
I repeat once again - in 1939, the Soviet Union stopped the progress of Japan to the West. It saved a lot of Chinese and Mongolian lives.
American fought colonial Jap troops? LOL, the battle of Midway was the biggest naval battle in the pacific. The battle of Iwo Jima and Okinawa were the bloodiest. What are you taught in school?
What? Biggest battle? 2500 Japanese were killed. In Manchurian Strategic Offensive Operation 84000 were killed and 640000 were captured
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