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China lacks innovative skills and freedom found in India

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The Chinese (East Asians) have the highest average spatial IQ in the world, which is the genetic basis for engineering.

That's why East Asians on average are the world's best natural born engineers.

Look at China's engineering records: The Great Wall, the world's longest canals, bridges, tunnels, railways, etc, etc.

That's why even though Germany (northern Euros) is very good at engineering, Japan is better. China will be another Japan or better, especially on scales.

That's why Israel is mediocre at engineering - look at that engineering craphole called Israel. It provides further evidence that spatial IQ of Ashkenazis is far less than that of the East Asians and Whites.

Ashkenazis produce hordes of lawyers, script-writers(for presidents, for Hollywood, for political parties, columnists for newspapers, ...), stand-up comedians, show-hosts, directors of NGOs, and bankers (when combined with their math skills). Yet you don't see Ashkenazi engineers that often cuz they usually suc* big time when compared with the East Asians in particular.

That's why India is at rock bottom of engineering (e.g. roads, ports, rails, etc infrastructure) - as Indians spatial IQ is only a shade lighter, as in almost anything else, than that of Sub-Sahara Africans.

That's why India will never be able to develop a high tech society, let alone maintaining it, let's be honest.

That's why the most advanced high tech society in the world is Japan currently, not the U.S.

That's why all East Asian countries are and will be the most advanced high tech societies in the world : Taiwan, S Korea, HK, Singapore, China...you name it.

That's why the natural development path for all East Asian entities have always been, and always will be, "Manufactured -by- XX" and "Engineered by XX", unlike "Served by XX (India)" crap.

All countries do copying. The US was the copying capital of the world in the 19th century. Ask any Brit.

And every country wants to be able to reverse-engineer things. Even India dreams about it.

Yet after copying stage, only a few have been excel at reverse-engineering (requires high spatial IQ) that have been the Chinese, the Japanese and the Koreans.

That's why it all boils down to IQ, Spatial IQ this time.

Where is this source of IQ of Indians.
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