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China lacks innovative skills and freedom found in India

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Nov 26, 2010
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The world may be awestruck by China's phenomenal economic growth but the Asian dragon lacks the innovative skills of India because of the atmosphere of freedom that exists in its neighbouring competitor.

Barely 10 days ahead of Chinese President Hu Jintao's visit to New Delhi for the BRICS Summit on March 29, Republican leader Jon Huntsman Jr dwelt on the competitive placement of the two South Asian giants in the global order.

Huntsman, who was not so long ago the US envoy to Beijing, elaborated on the idea of India and the growth of China as he addressed a packed audience at the first session - 'Decoding the Dragon- China: Opportunities and Challenges' - on Day Two of the Eleventh India Today Conclave.
Not many would know that the former US envoy and Utah governor has a deep connection with both neighbours.

Huntsman has two daughters, one adopted from India and one from China. 'I wake up every day with the hope of India… because that is what my daughter's name, Asha Bharati, means,' he said on a personal note.

To a query from industrialist Adi Godrej on whether India is given equal importance in the global discourse, Huntsman said the atmosphere of freedom that breeds innovation underlines India's standing. China is watching it very carefully.

'China carefully takes note of India's innovative moves and will like to crack the code of innovation. Yet, cracking this code will not be easy because of the lack of freedom unlike in India and the US whose partnership is based on shared values,' Huntsman said.

China is not only a challenge for India but also for the world's lone superpower in the post-USSR period, and Huntsman is among those qualified to explain the Chinese mindset and its policy, having served as US envoy to China from 2009-11.

He later stepped down to run for the 2012 Republican nomination for President. With barely six months left for leadership change in China, the international community awaits the new communist bosses and their approach towards political and market-oriented reforms.

The 'Fifth Generation' of Chinese leaders will take over at the 18th Party Congress this October.

Seven of the nine standing members of the Politburo will be shifted as Xi Jinping takes over the mantle from Hu Jintao as the new President. Huntsman is hopeful Xi Jinping will bring more stability.

Huntsman will be meeting with Chinese president Hu Jintao
'By the end of 2013, Xi will consolidate himself and this will be good news for reforms,' Huntsman observed, whose biggest challenge as the envoy to China was to manage the Washington- Beijing relations in the backdrop of US military ties with Taiwan.

According to Huntsman, the biggest challenge for Xi in the next two years will be to deal with the growing social networking generation in China.

Crackdown on bloggers and Internet activists have forced people to find ways to circumvent the system and speak out on issues of human rights, economic disparity and ideology.

And for the world, the challenge will be to deal with intrusions into their cyberspace, warned Huntsman in a veiled reference to China as a perpetrator.
'There are no clear answers as to how to deal with this cyber security threat.'
Huntsman believes the new Chinese leadership will look to reduce the wide gap between its rural and urban population given the fact that it ranks 99 in the world in percapita- income.
Asked about the new leadership's challenge to deal with the question of Tibet, Huntsman was categorical in his reply: 'It is a complicated question for China. It is a question of sovereignty. Add to that religious and cultural sensitivity. What happens next is an important step. It is a problem crying out for dialogue. Once Xi consolidates power, there could be a new beginning for the Tibet issue during 2013-14.'

Tibet is intrinsically linked to China's internal security challenge and the Huntsman claimed China spends more on public and state security than national defence.
'They are spending more on domestic security. This explains that China is focusing on stability at home. But China will also step up its role with respect to North Korea, Iran, the South China Sea and Pakistan,' he predicted.

The former envoy described China in three phases - 1972, after the visit of Kissinger and Nixon as 'preparing to enter the world'; its entry into the WTO in 2001 as 'no longer preparing', and finally in 2012 as having arrived 'on the world stage'.

China lacks innovative skills and freedom found in India | Mail Online
What "innovative skills" are found in India that can not be found in China? Like I have stated before, some of the biggest "propaganda" spreading/loving/consuming countries in the world are USA/India/"Israel". They spread propaganda nonstop, sometimes subtly, sometimes not so subtly, and their public also accept all of it without any investigation.
According to Huntsman, the biggest challenge for Xi in the next two years will be to deal with the growing social networking generation in China.

Crackdown on bloggers and Internet activists have forced people to find ways to circumvent the system and speak out on issues of human rights, economic disparity and ideology.

Intresting times ahead for China in the coming 12 months.
dude. Chinese got access to sell and buy land about 20 years ago...
What a joke...:lol:
What is far more interesting is that an American senator finds it advantageous to promote India-China rivalry, and his remarks are lapped up by the Indians.

Clearly, China-bashing is a hot selling item to Indian audiences.
China May Have Technological, Economic Edge Over India in 2025, but Also Demographic Disadvantage | RAND

As India and China continue to grow in prominence, each nation has certain advantages, but neither one is primed to have clear across-the-board competitive advantages over the other, according to a new analysis by RAND Corporation researchers.

While India's prime working-age population will overtake that of China in 2028, China has advantages in science and technology, as well as in developing its national defense capabilities, according to the report.

But India's more open and flexible political structure may allow it to move nimbly in making adjustments to its policies and thereby improve its relative performance, perhaps providing it with an advantage over China.

"Because of their population size and tremendous growth, India and China are both nations to watch," said Charles Wolf Jr., lead author of the study and a senior principal researcher with RAND, a nonprofit research organization. "What happens in these two countries as they continue to grow will have major repercussions in the rest of the world."

The RAND study assesses the relative attainment and prospects of China and India through 2025 in four areas: demography, macroeconomics, science and technology, and defense spending and procurement. Researchers say understanding the nations' relative standing on these issues will have an effect on potential cooperation and competition between the two countries, and may assist policymakers in other countries in developing policies toward the two nations.

China and India have the world's largest populations, with India's rate of population growth about twice that of China's. India's total population will equal China's in 2025—each will have an estimated 1.4 billion people—and is expected to exceed China's population thereafter. In addition, India's prime working-age population will overtake China's in 2028.

While the Chinese public is aging faster than in India, China's population is healthier, has access to a better-developed health care system, and has higher levels of literacy and education, according to the study. Both countries have gender imbalances caused by historical preferences for males, which could generate social pressures resulting from having populations with significantly more men than women in certain parts of the two countries.

The growth rate of the gross domestic product in each of the nations from 2020 to 2025 is expected to be about the same—5.7 percent in China and 5.6 percent in India. China's current overall GDP is about three times larger than India's, and by 2025 the difference between their two GDPs is estimated to be $4.4 trillion annually.

China comes out ahead in the science and technology field, with more full-time science and engineering researchers, more people with science and engineering doctorates, and more patents and academic journal publications. However, the quality (measured as employability) of graduate engineers from China is 60 percent lower than those from India, according to a survey of multinational businesses.

Estimating defense spending by each of the two nations is difficult, given gaps in information about the two countries. However, methods used by Wolf and his colleagues to make such estimates suggest that China's spending on defense was three to six times larger than as India's.

Researchers conclude that prospects for India to enhance its competitive position with China are better than China's chances to do the same, because India's political-economic system allows a greater degree of economic freedom and provides an environment more conducive to entrepreneurial, innovative and inventive activity. That flexibility may favor India's position in the long-term competition between the two countries.

The study, "China and India, 2025: A Comparative Assessment," can be found at RAND Corporation Provides Objective Research Services and Public Policy Analysis. Other authors of the study are Siddhartha Dalal, Julie DaVanzo, Eric V. Larson and Harun Dogo, all of RAND; Alisher R. Akhmedjonov, assistant professor in the economics department of Zirve University in Turkey; and Sylvia Montoya and Meilinda Huang, formerly of RAND.

Research for the study was sponsored by the director of net assessment in the Office of the Secretary of Defense and conducted within the International Security and Defense Policy Center of the RAND National Defense Research Institute, a federally funded research and development center sponsored by the Office of the Secretary of Defense, the Joint Staff, the Unified Combatant Commands, the Navy, the Marine Corps, the defense agencies and the defense Intelligence community.
As good as you can get from the loser Huntsman!
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