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China jails 20 on Jihad

i must say a wonderful move by the Chinese :yahoo: , its better not to spread this phobia before it gets out of hands and its better to take control of it by wiping it off in early stages

and i think that the answer to the source of this mind pollution is given in the report :

Dilxat Raxit, spokesman for the exiled World Uyghur Congress, said the 20 were actually guilty of no more than listening to the U.S.-funded Radio Free Asia and using the internet to discuss the importance of religious and cultural freedom.

i bet they must have now discovered a special website for these activities too !!!!

well done :china:
Ooops! That sucks! :fie: How can Pakistan, an all weather friend, indulge in such activities against China? The Chinese must be out of their minds to keep blaming Pakistan for training terrorists! :whistle:

The difference is that these militants are not officially supported by Pakistan.

Unlike some other anti-China militants who are given official sanctuary in neighboring countries. ;)
Ooops! That sucks! :fie: How can Pakistan, an all weather friend, indulge in such activities against China? The Chinese must be out of their minds to keep blaming Pakistan for training terrorists! :whistle:

LOL they must be Afghanis training them inside pakistan to put blame on Pakistan!
The difference is that these militants are not officially supported by Pakistan.

Unlike some other anti-China militants who are given official sanctuary in neighboring countries. ;)

"Officially" is such a loaded word, Sir. What about "unofficially"?
The difference is that these militants are not officially supported by Pakistan.

Unlike some other anti-China militants who are given official sanctuary in neighboring countries. ;)

yes those militants are not the ones who are supportd by Pakistan, Pakistani sponsored holiday package is only to India, and those are the ones who infiltrate Loc not the peaceful tibetan refugees and Nobel winner dalilama.
I am really confused whose side to take. It's true Han China has occupied this region which is ethnically and culturally different than China. But then, Jihadis must be treated harshly, so Chinese are doing good in that case. :undecided:
Not against China. Even China acknowledges it.

At the risk of going off-topic, let's just say the Chinese use different adjectives for your Tibetan guests.
what else do you expect from Chinese ? India has given conditional asylum to them warning Indian land will not be used for any offensive purpose against China.
btw when we discuss we can't discuss incidents in isolation, we need to draw parallel to other occasions and areas, otherwise hypocrites will escape saying it's off topic(not against you, at lest here ).
Chinese government doesn't care your religious affiliation. The main charge is "separation of the country" which means treason.
The difference is that these militants are not officially supported by Pakistan.

Unlike some other anti-China militants who are given official sanctuary in neighboring countries. ;)

Can you shed some light on what these militants use to fight Chinese? Do you even know the meaning of Militant?
You seem to think protests as militant activities :lol:
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