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China is not a threat? - refer.

Authoritarian part I get, but the offensive military?

Heh, we're not your American daddy invading countries every few years. Last time we fought a battle was in 1988, and last time we fought a war was 1979.

China is big boy but uneducated.

China is a threat to Vietnam, Phillipenes, Indonesia, Mongolia

Philipin play with US, China can't.
China is doing everything for the sake of itself and not for Pakistan it is protecting its own benefits instead of Pakistan .is it right or wrong.

My friend! Every country has to think of itself before others! It is human nature, no? Studies found that a mother would not save her child if they were both drowning!
China is doing everything for the sake of itself and not for Pakistan it is protecting its own benefits instead of Pakistan .is it right or wrong.

You are not only ignorant of world politics but are also a fairly ungrateful person - China has stood by Pakistan when we needed help the most and if that isn't 'friendship' then God knows what that word means.
My friend! Every country has to think of itself before others! It is human nature, no? Studies found that a mother would not save her child if they were both drowning!

You are not only ignorant of world politics but are also a fairly ungrateful person - China has stood by Pakistan when we needed help the most and if that isn't 'friendship' then God knows what that word means.

My friends,
[sdogar] said that thing, it was not seem pleasant to hear but it's true.
China has helped you is because they want to contain India, it is because their interests first, but it coincides with your interests.
In the past China helped Vietnam against American, but they did not want Vietnam to unify the country. They helped North Vietnam against the Americans because they do not want to see Americans closer their borders.
Like now, they have helped North Korea also because their interests, not to the Korean's interests.

I don't think comparing it to the relation between mother and child. Many mothers on this earth are willing sacrifice herself to save her child life. But relations between the two countries are not.
My friends,
[sdogar] said that thing, it was not seem pleasant to hear but it's true.
China has helped you is because they want to contain India, it is because their interests first, but it coincides with your interests.
In the past China helped Vietnam against American, but they did not want Vietnam to unify the country. They helped North Vietnam against the Americans because they do not want to see Americans closer their borders.
Like now, they have helped North Korea also because their interests, not to the Korean's interests.

I don't think comparing it to the relation between mother and child. Many mothers on this earth are willing sacrifice herself to save her child life. But relations between the two countries are not.

My friend when China was isolated by the world, Pakistan facilitated Nixon's visit to China in the '70s. Pakistan has since supported China on every issue of importance to PRC and even introduced China to the Muslim Bloc by using whatever, though not substantial, influence that Pakistan has or rather had, with Muslim Countries.

In return China has stood by with Pakistan when it mattered the most. Whenever we were isolated in the world...even our so-called Muslim Brothers abandoned us or refused to recognize us...China never backed down and always stood by. When at the back-drop of the OBL raid in May, last year...when the US was eyeing us aggressively, China provided invaluable diplomatic support. She has invested in infrastructure projects all over Pakistan at minimal profits, sometimes at cost and at times by giving us pretty soft loans. Our military cooperation is on a complete different level and we both support each other on international forums where it matters the most. They have never arm twisted us to do anything, never blackmailed us or exhibited ill will towards Pakistan. I'm not sure why Vietnam-China relations went down hill but I, as a Pakistani, have followed China-Pakistan relations quite closely and have interactions with the Chinese and by God...I consider them our dearest friends.
My friend when China was isolated by the world, Pakistan facilitated Nixon's visit to China in the '70s. Pakistan has since supported China on every issue of importance to PRC and even introduced China to the Muslim Bloc by using whatever, though not substantial, influence that Pakistan has or rather had, with Muslim Countries.

In return China has stood by with Pakistan when it mattered the most. Whenever we were isolated in the world...even our so-called Muslim Brothers abandoned us or refused to recognize us...China never backed down and always stood by. When at the back-drop of the OBL raid in May, last year...when the US was eyeing us aggressively, China provided invaluable diplomatic support. She has invested in infrastructure projects all over Pakistan at minimal profits, sometimes at cost and at times by giving us pretty soft loans. Our military cooperation is on a complete different level and we both support each other on international forums where it matters the most. They have never arm twisted us to do anything, never blackmailed us or exhibited ill will towards Pakistan. I'm not sure why Vietnam-China relations went down hill but I, as a Pakistani, have followed China-Pakistan relations quite closely and have interactions with the Chinese and by God...I consider them our dearest friends.

Same to you my friend. :cheers:

And I agree with the above post 100%.
The Chinese economy relies mostly on exports and thus any economic downturn in America or the EU has a cascading effect on Chinese exports and thus lesser revenue in the bag. And that's what's happening at present with the EU in the dumps except Germany and a couple of other countries.

China needs to encourage domestic consumption otherwise its GDP would stagnate at around + - 8%. Given that, and the uncertain outlook for the global economy, particularly its European component, Beijing’s policymakers will have to walk a fine line, a task made more difficult politically by the leadership transition now underway. It is also likely to make policymakers and politicians alike more nervous of tackling the changes needed to rebalance the economy in the longer term, away from export- and investment-led growth and towards domestic consumption.
The Chinese economy relies mostly on exports and thus any economic downturn in America or the EU has a cascading effect on Chinese exports and thus lesser revenue in the bag. And that's what's happening at present with the EU in the dumps except Germany and a couple of other countries.

China needs to encourage domestic consumption otherwise its GDP would stagnate at around + - 8%. Given that, and the uncertain outlook for the global economy, particularly its European component, Beijing’s policymakers will have to walk a fine line, a task made more difficult politically by the leadership transition now underway. It is also likely to make policymakers and politicians alike more nervous of tackling the changes needed to rebalance the economy in the longer term, away from export- and investment-led growth and towards domestic consumption.
Try lower than that. More like half. China does not have the social safety net than the Europeans or even Americans have from their respective governments plus long memories of gross economic mismanagement for decades by the communists made the Chinese averse to spending. There is no reasons, as far as these memories are concerned, that the current capitalist trend will continue.

China hopes social safety net will push its citizens to consume more, save less
The key reason Chinese save so much and consume so little, experts say, is because without dependable government payments, they need to sock away money for the future -- for medical emergencies, for children's educational expenses, as a guarantee against a job loss or to help elderly parents.

"When a person has no medical insurance, unemployment insurance or endowment insurance, how can that person dare spend all their money?" said Tang Jun, a sociology researcher with the China Academy of Social Sciences. "The Chinese people are a nationality that likes saving money. . . . Ordinary people will only feel relieved about consuming if they don't have to worry about not having money when they get old and not having money to go to the hospital."
My friend! Every country has to think of itself before others! It is human nature, no? Studies found that a mother would not save her child if they were both drowning!

Studies are wrong then.

Its a no brainer that the mother will save her child even if it means her death.
Try lower than that. More like half. China does not have the social safety net than the Europeans or even Americans have from their respective governments plus long memories of gross economic mismanagement for decades by the communists made the Chinese averse to spending. There is no reasons, as far as these memories are concerned, that the current capitalist trend will continue.

China hopes social safety net will push its citizens to consume more, save less

Sorry, China has a universal 70%-90% government paid medical insurance coverage. The government will pay 70%-90% of your medical bills depending on what you use it for. There's also unemployment benefits and pensions.

The only problem is, you can only collect these benefits at the place of your permanent address written on your Hukou. Since 200 million people are not living in the place where their Hukou is, they cannot collect the benefits, and may not want to go back to an "inferior" hospital in rural areas and would rather complain first then pay out of pocket for a "superior" city hospital.

Same with employment. If you are unemployed at your place of permanent residence, you can collect unemployment benefits. Most of those complaining are not unemployed at their place of permanent residence and unemployment takes a month to file with very low payout, so most don't bother.
Sorry, China has a universal 70%-90% government paid medical insurance coverage. The government will pay 70%-90% of your medical bills depending on what you use it for. There's also unemployment benefits and pensions.

The only problem is, you can only collect these benefits at the place of your permanent address written on your Hukou. Since 200 million people are not living in the place where their Hukou is, they cannot collect the benefits, and may not want to go back to an "inferior" hospital in rural areas and would rather complain first then pay out of pocket for a "superior" city hospital.

Same with employment. If you are unemployed at your place of permanent residence, you can collect unemployment benefits. Most of those complaining are not unemployed at their place of permanent residence and unemployment takes a month to file with very low payout, so most don't bother.
You are correct, your argument is 'sorry', as in pathetic. You speak as if changing someone's moral persuasions is a matter of turning an On/Off switch. You cannot deny decades of communist mismanagement of the economy that morally persuaded people to become savers or even cheapskates. When poor people migrate to prosperous regions to seek out opportunities for themselves the first thing they will do with their newly found wealth is to save. Health care is only a part of that moral calculus. Saving for their retirement is another. Trade surplus or not, they do not care. That is above their level of worry. The Chinese government can no more force these people to become spenders like the Americans whose consumerism fueled China's economic growth than the Chinese government can stop the tides.

You cannot spin China's way out of this.
for small nations china is indeed a threat,just like USA.
China will not attack any big nation which is capable enough to give china a bloody nose in return,again same as USA.

For small nations like Iraq and Afghanistan, the threat has always come from the west and for small nations like Bangladesh and Sri Lanka the threat always comes from the jewanabes in india.
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