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China is back to stapling visas to Arunachal travellers

China will have to pay big price, Pak started a proxy war with India in form of terrorism and paid heavily in form of devastating nation, China will also pay somewhat same sooner or later.

A devastating nation that a self proclaimed super power the shining india:rofl: is soo scared off that every time we even buy a bullet your entire media looses some serious sleep over it...:yahoo:...whatever problems we are facing we will sort it out and we faced those for being an ally to usa so ur next in line..:tup:
Good going china. GOI is pu$$y.If you want to take AP do not hesitate. Pakistan can take rest of the India up to Mumbai. We are bound to be slave nothing more.
now i understand the indian mentallity, i take it when we kick assssss badly in 1962 also good for india....loool , so glad we china could help.

Still in the hangover from 1962 :what:
We are much nearer to 2012 now :coffee:
Land thieves and aggressor china upto it again .If they start claiming whatever was under ching ming dynasty.
Like that we can claim whatever was under ashokas or even akbars rule..
We or nepal can claim even some portions of tibet like kailash mansarovar bec of its significance to hindus..
Chinese communists must know how to behave..Threatening and acting hostile wont work...Its time china became a democracy for the good of the world,its neighbours and its people..
oh, yea no doubt in that. but a lot has changed since then.

True, a lot has changed since then but the change is positive in terms of Indian military strength. I mean it has increased. though there are some shortcomings but the Indian military is working towards overcoming them. At the moment we do have credible deterrence.
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using the SAME EXACT logic that Indians use for the 62 war,

oh india weak, cant supply themselves, no ballz or supplies to chase a retreating enemy and take back lands lost before, big strong chinese army just waiting mere miles away for indians to come into trap but india scared and couldnt pursue further and opted for peace. oh and to add to this logic used just above: lucky indians that china didnt use its big air force or Indians bombed back to stone age.

now using more normal thoughts,

its a small skirmish involving a hand full of troops, how much better equipped could you be, handful of small arms and bullets? china lost that skirmish, we admit it unlike some other country who still refuse to believe they had lost and instead blame things on backstabbing(even though they started forward policy first), bad supplies(and whose fault is that).

Hello applesauce, nice reply. But harsh language. Anyways, I would like to point out certain facts about wars. I am sure you would agree with me that there are reasons/factors for winning or losing a war. A win may be attributed factors such as good military strategy, adequately equipped military, logistics and sustenance capability, intelligence gathering abilities, correct anticipation of enemy tactics, bravery, morale etc. I suppose that these factors are of prime importance. on the other hand a loss may be attributed to weaknesses in any of the above mentioned parameters or some lack in them.
You seem to have a problem with excuses Indians give for losing that war. I will try to give you an explanation for this.
Nehru had adopted a wrong policy in defence matters and he ignored the Indian military because he had wrongly concluded that china would not attack India and India does not face the danger of invasion by any other country except pakistan . As a result defence spending was reduced. This adversely affected the military preparedness of the army in particular and that is why the Indian army was ill-equipped. A poorly equipped army cannot win a war against a adequately equipped army. In light of these facts it is logical for Indians to think that we lost the war because of an ill-equipped army. check on the net and compare the weapons possessed by the Indian and chinese armies during 1962 and you will understand my point. Also consider that Nehru had requested the US for immediate supplies and military help. why would he do that if the Indian military was not poorly equipped? I hope i have cleared your misconceptions regarding our so called excuses.
Now for chinese airforce bombing India to stone age in 1962, I don't think that was possible because the IAF was quite capable of defending Indian airspace. In fact our former Air vice marshal A.K. Tewary had said that in the final analysis the use of IAF could have turned the tables on the chinese and 1962 could well have been a debacle for china, but the then political-bureaucratic combine didn't even consult the IAF chief and sought US air support. see The Hindu : National : "India could have won 1962 war"
By the way, India did not opt for peace initially because the US had started sending supplies and had also dispatched an aircraft carrier, it was china who declared a unilateral cease-fire and retreated to pre-war positions and only after this India opted for peace.
Now for your normal thoughts, A loss is a loss whether big or small. It does affect national pride and a nation's reputation. For us winning a small skirmish against a country who defeated us in a war is of great significance, may be for you such a loss is not significant.
Now for the question of our army being better equipped in 1967, after the 1962 loss, when Lal bahadur shastri came to power strong emphasis was laid on strengthening the military. That's why we were better equipped in 1967 as compared to 1962.

just as you agree that china lost the 1967 skirmish, we Indians also agree that we lost the 1962 war, but stating the reasons for the loss does not amount to denying the loss.
As far as backstabbing is concerned, what people in India believed was that china is a friend according to chinese actions, hence the term Hindi-Chini bhai bhai was coined. so when a friendly country attacks us, what would Indians think?
Forward policy was probably misunderstood.
Bad supplies courtesy of Nehru and his men.
check wikipedia for sino-Indian war. see what CIA's polo documents state. or check any western source for that matter. Basically the 1962 war was a result of foolish decisions by nehru and his men and misperceptions/ wrong beliefs and consequent wrong actions by the then chinese leaders. i now hope that you understand the realities.
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China was lucky that the Indian Airforce was't used.....otherwise the story could've been very different! By the way, what did China achieve. if they won and beat India, wouldn't they have A.P.? I guess there is a lot more to the story than you and I both know..

Agree with you :agree:
China will have to pay big price, Pak started a proxy war with India in form of terrorism and paid heavily in form of devastating nation, China will also pay somewhat same sooner or later.

No point in telling them all this. Time will tell the outcome. Let's wait and watch.
Good going china. GOI is pu$$y.If you want to take AP do not hesitate. Pakistan can take rest of the India up to Mumbai. We are bound to be slave nothing more.

Alas, we are doomed :lol:
This is a confusing piece of news. In CNN-IBN I saw it as "Previously China was not ready to give visa to people from Arunachal pradesh, but now they have started visa with a stapled page like they do it for people from K&K.
Sadly these kind of steps only further gonna escalate the grim situation to worse than nothing more.
China was lucky that the Indian Airforce was't used.....otherwise the story could've been very different! By the way, what did China achieve. if they won and beat India, wouldn't they have A.P.? I guess there is a lot more to the story than you and I both know..

If the Indian Air Force was used, the only result would be the Indian Air Force needing to buy some new planes.

We have always stationed only a tiny portion of our forces in Tibet, because that's all that's necessary to deter India.
you sure know how to keep a good relation by continously support the tibetans government in exile

This is a very strange statement, considering that the Dalai Lama and his entourage enjoy refugee status, are not given protocol treatment as an independent government, are not permitted to demonstrate in public, are not given permission to work against the PRC.

Somewhere in our recent new threads, within the last 7 days, there is an article by Sunanda Datta-Ray. Please read it before bursting into flame in future. And ask your groupies to read it too.

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