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China Is a Paper Dragon

US stronkk!! Great.. why do you care about China? Continue storming your capitol and smear poop on the walls.. or if you are an Indian die from lack of oxygen.

You Iranians should die of shame because a tiny country (our ally israel) keeps on killing your scientists and sabotage your nuclear program whereas you keep on farting about achievements of IRGC which is none better than police of any of the country. You are brainwashed by mullahs of your superiority just like chinese are programmed by CCP.
WTF? Since when does the military learn about political beliefs instead of military doctrines/training/tactics?
Is this guy trolling us or ?🙄
he's just surprised at the fact that the Chinese people study cuz y' know, studying & education has become an alien concept for most americans. after all, most americans can't even point out the state they live in on the map. 🤦‍♂️
Chinese are super paper dragon. better to just leave them alone then! let them do what they want and go after Iran or NK because they are super powers!
he's just surprised at the fact that the Chinese people study cuz y' know, studying & education has become an alien concept for most americans. after all, most americans can't even point out the state they live in on the map. 🤦‍♂️
And most think 25x10=2500
he's just surprised at the fact that the Chinese people study cuz y' know, studying & education has become an alien concept for most americans. after all, most americans can't even point out the state they live in on the map. 🤦‍♂️

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And most think 25x10=2500
I'd have a glimmer of hope of they'd at least said 2510, at least show me that there is some sort neandrathalic level of logic there but the idiots can't even put the two numbers together! 🤦‍♂️
WTF? Since when does the military learn about political beliefs instead of military doctrines/training/tactics?
Is this guy trolling us or ?🙄

It's called the little red book & it's a must read for any chinese soldiers. Don't ask me how quoting Mao makes one better soldier though.

Also another problem the article forgot to mention about the PLA is that the higher ups are fiiled with toadies, promotion are based on party contribution instead of actual merits. That's why u always hear about story about an officer having a dozens of mistresses & homes to house them, officer not knowing how to write their own names because they came from famous families or something, advancement through bribes & etc.

That & every high ranking post have 2 CO one military & 1 Political commissar making decision making extremely complicated at the top.

This is why serious military planner doesn't see china as a credible threat.
"Let China Sleep, for when she wakes, she will shake the world” --- Napoleon Bonaparte.
It's called the little red book & it's a must read for any chinese soldiers. Don't ask me how quoting Mao makes one better soldier though.

Also another problem the article forgot to mention about the PLA is that the higher ups are fiiled with toadies, promotion are based on party contribution instead of actual merits. That's why u always hear about story about an officer having a dozens of mistresses & homes to house them, officer not knowing how to write their own names because they came from famous families or something, advancement through bribes & etc.

That & every high ranking post have 2 CO one military & 1 Political commissar making decision making extremely complicated at the top.

This is why serious military planner doesn't see china as a credible threat.
Sounds great then maybe you can focus on another country and forget about Korea when chinese with machetes Chased America with heavy weapons and airpower out of NK.
Mao called US a paper tiger in 1950's, honestly speaking US back then was not a paper tiger, it was still much stronger than China, calling it a paper tiger only means to show China's atitude , how things changed over the decades, now US is calling China Paper Dragon....
Mao called US a paper tiger in 1950's, honestly speaking US back then was not a paper tiger, it was still much stronger than China, calling it a paper tiger only means to show China's atitude , how things changed over the decades, now US is calling China Paper Dragon....
America right now is a liberal lazy millenial hotspot. They have no will to fight an actual war or exchange nuclear bombs. China could build 10k hydrogen nukes tomorrow and ensure MAD in every way possible.
Didn't the Turks & Filipinos wiped the floor with you guys?

lol who? All i know is UN tried to invade China and China beat them out of NK.

China with no airforce and no heavy weapons and little ammo cut down their enemies with machetes and managed to kick out the UN from NK lol
WTF? Since when does the military learn about political beliefs instead of military doctrines/training/tactics?
Is this guy trolling us or ?🙄
Thats true, VN troops also may spend 20 to 30 percent of their time studying communist ideology , thats why we have comrade commissar.

The purpose of studying communist ideology is to help the soldiers to understand why they must fight against "bad guys" (Nazi-Jap-France-US-CN invaders) till the end, even when the communist soldiers have worse weapons/ equipments than the "bad guys" .
lol who? All i know is UN tried to invade China and China beat them out of NK.

We're talking about quality of the PLA & so far the only example you gave is when the 40.000 strong PLA troops got stopped on their track by bunch of Puerto Ricans & other BCT troops.
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