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If India continues to be as irrelevant as it is, even radars from 3000AD won't be able to detect it.

So which of the countries apart from US and Russia are relevant.

And do explain the term relevance in the above context.
It look like all the countries in South Asia regard India as enemy #1. India regard China as enemy #1. But China do not have India in the radar.

What about China's dispute. The number of countries having border dispute with China is more than the number of neighbouring countries of China, possible only with Chinese logic :omghaha::lol:
India is a major problem in South Asia, I think it is imperative regional countries involved commission a joint task force specially designated to resolve the India problem. Member states such as Pakistan, China, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka all can cooperate together in solving the India problem.

The day a Chinese or Pakistani could enter Nepal without a passport just like an Indian, then dream about cooperating with Nepal. :omghaha: In reality Tiny countries don't make alliance but will only end up as pawns. :laugh: Meanwhile, China will always remain an alien to the Indian Ocean.

India needs to be suppressed and divided into multiple states, otherwise it will resort to it's aggressive behavior of occupying territory of regional states.

Are you capable of doing it? :omghaha: remind me of 71. :cheesy:
India is not an equivalent to China just as China to USA. But, one has to remember that India has whole of China covered under its missile range.

BTW, I cannot understand why posters from Bangladesh as tailing China :bunny:
India is too weak, meek and timid to be taken seriously. Why would we consider India as an enemy when we are ahead of India in everything.

Certainly, that was visible in anti-India articles of globaltimes after Agni-5 test. :omghaha:
This is an oversimplification of history. Gandhi, Bose & Nehru - were all selfless and really not corrupt. Gandhi was cut from a different cloth but both Bose and Gandhi shared mutual respect - infact one of the brigades in the INA was the "Gandhi Brigade" ; another was the "Nehru Brigade". Nehru was naive and pompous - I remember reading that he didn't think much of Kennedy. It was the next generation of Nehru-Gandhi who screwed up India completely.

Bose was a leader so we have the brigades is INA but the vice verse is not true both nehru and gandhi were politicians and they did what politicians do.
To be really honest Nehru was India's first ENEMY, Honestly there have been very few selfless leaders in India. Look at Gandhi the so called Father of the nation he is a politician cunning to the core and seeking personal glory at the nations expense look at what they did to Subhash Chandra Bose.

It was Nehru's ambition to potray himself as a champion of third world countries that cost us the debacle with Chou En-Lai .

We need good and moral leaders not politicians.

1962 was India's fault. To be honest it was a failure of the political class who were daydreaming to be world class leaders when they were only ****** politicians.

Personal glorification and ego clashes coupled with overestimation of capabilities led to 1962

Don't talk crap, Its the Atal Bihari Vajpayee the biggest traitor along with lk advani who have sold out to china.

Its the Vajpayee and advani who have accepted Tibet as a integral part of china. And from that day china is bullying us. :hitwall:

The malnourished elephant's boat is appearing as a nuisance to the Dragon's cargo ship. The cargo ship can easily pulverise the boat but being rationale the Dragon is showing mercy to the poor elephant. An amazing depiction of reality. :coffee:
Don't talk crap, Its the Atal Bihari Vajpayee the biggest traitor along with lk advani who have sold out to china.

Its the Vajpayee and advani who have accepted Tibet as a integral part of china. And from that day china is bullying us. :hitwall:

well u can add them to the list buddy! as i said in my first post they are all politicians.
The malnourished elephant's boat is appearing as a nuisance to the Dragon's cargo ship. The cargo ship can easily pulverise the boat but being rationale the Dragon is showing mercy to the poor elephant. An amazing depiction of reality. :coffee:

What will be the size of Bangladeshi paper boat, pom pom holder :laugh:
What will be the size of Bangladeshi paper boat, pom pom holder :laugh:

Bengal tiger is like a high speed fast attack craft. Enough to sink rag tag Elephant boats. There is a reason why the elephant always worries about her soft underbelly. :coffee:
If India continues to be as irrelevant as it is, even radars from 3000AD won't be able to detect it.

Chinese radars from 3000AD will not be able to detect. Readily agreed. :laugh:

Damn.. we are wasting money on FGFA and AMCA stealth aircrafts... Mig-21s are stealth aircraft to chinese radars. :laugh:
Bengal tiger is like a high speed fast attack craft. Enough to sink rag tag Elephant boats. There is a reason why the elephant always worries about her soft underbelly. :coffee:

Tigers and Asiatic Lion are too our trademarks. I have never heard world symbolising Bangladesh with Tiger. :lol:
Chinese radars from 3000AD will not be able to detect. Readily agreed. :laugh:

Damn.. we are wasting money on FGFA and AMCA stealth aircrafts... Mig-21s are stealth aircraft to chinese radars. :laugh:

So you will be fielding Mig-21s in 3000AD? Damn, even with a Hindu rate of growth, we still expected better from you. There's just no happy ending for a country that's an eternal disappointment :disagree:.
Tigers and Asiatic Lion are too our trademarks. I have never heard world symbolising Bangladesh with Tiger. :lol:

Asiatic Lions are a trademark of pricely states of western british India such as rajastan while tigers have always been identified with Bengal and BD being a successor state of Historical Bengal, its rightfully ours now.There is no such thing as Indian trademark. A country that never had a historical existence can not have trademarks and hence its understandable that they would try to take pride in other's trademarks. We understand your predicament. :coffee:
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