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China, India military might forces Australia to..

I was about to write the same thing.

The movie showed an "enemy" jet that eerily resembled a J-10.. must be a serious coincidence. :P

Don't know why they're worried about us but it is always good to be prepared against the Communists.. the Chinese ones have this weird habit of jumping out of the blue and start claiming land, sun, sea, stars and whatever they can see with their eyes, further justifying it with fabricated history.

The explanation to claim Australia would be something like LMao's great great great-great great grandfather was the first one to explore the continent before the British arrived there or something. :fie:

Well it doesn't really matter much because even if this is to extract more money for the F-35s, it won't pose any threat to anyone as Australia's geographic location is far off from any conflict zone or disputes.
Start claiming sun sea stars or what ever they can see lol this cracked me up lol :rofl:

India would like to think that Australia would be a willing tool of containment, just like they are, but the reality is that Australia is wary of India as well. Australia has a slightly negative view of India (45neg-44pos), compared to a balanced view of China (43neg-43pos). India's desire for hegemony in the Indian ocean and it's brusque handling of smaller nations in that area have left Australia hedging its bets.
come on australia as long as u keep supplying us coal and uranium u have nothing to worry about. indian australian relations are good for now.
SO India would invade Australia to secure Uranium? Genius! Next we'd invade Saudi Arabia for oil and South Africa for diamonds.

Better invade the mighty US...everything else will come free with it :lol:
Australia wants to be a military superpower to keep up with its resource superpower title.
Seriously when did bloomberg start publishing such crap.

Oohhh India has a missile china almost has an aircraft carrier wtf does that have to do with Australias f35 purchase?

It would be very suprising if the Aussies are going to buy any where near 100 and both India and China have the same chance of a snow flake in a volcano of bing able to invade Australia.

Sounds like a propoganda piece for a failing program.

the real news

The Australian government is delaying its order of F-35 fighter jets, joining a growing list of countries that were committed to the program but are now scaling back because of the global economic crisis.

Australia delays F-35 order: reports
I believe that Australia has the ability to defend itself against an invasion from india or even china. one just needs to use his brains to figure this out and put his patriotism aside

India,China or any other country wouldn't try to invade Australia. It would be a very costly pointless exercise.

If another countries military even managed to cross the heavily defended sea approaches and reach the Australian mainland, they would need atleast 1 million soldiers to hold the country due to the size.

^^^ agreed

But cant see any reason, why the aussies are afraid of India ;)

Australia isn't afraid of India, but that doesn't mean Australia shouldn't build up its military force in light of Indias build up or any other coutnries build up int he region.

A country can't leave itself defenceless just because they are friends with someone.

Pardon the pun.. but what possible motivation would India have in Invading Australia???? Establish outsourcing centres?

It's rather annoying that whenever a military build up is announced, it's automatically assumed it's to protect against invasion.

Things are a little more complex than that.

Australia has what India wants so badly -- Uranium and other natural resources.

India will simply buy uranium like any other normal country does. Why do you think countries like India and China choose Australias resources over countries such as the U.S and Canada?

We are cheap, close and our business laws are great

Australia wants to be a military superpower to keep up with its resource superpower title.

Hahaha. Not a superpower. But a medium power. Our government states very openly the goal of becoming a medium power.

Is Aus not a puppet of the UK :unsure:

No. Australia hasn't even been close to the UK since the 1940's
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