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China-India Border Talks

Is that all your mom taught you?

Mom to Grey boy: "Listen son, if any Indian guy makes you piss in your pants, you just tell them one thing: Go make decent rifles first, okay?"

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

Mom to Grey boy? Do you mean your mom?

Damn, she just could't kept secrets!!:smitten:

Cannot set foot in your land??

What happen in 1962 China-Indo war?

We not only set foot in your land, but we RAPE you in your land!!

Reaility hurt? TALKS are CHEAP, We proved with ACTIONS.

For the time being, Enjoy your SHAMEFUL DEFEAT!!!:smitten:


seems like u r taking credit for somebody else's raping history. what a mess!!!:hang2:

just stay ontopic will ya?:rolleyes:
seems like u r taking credit for somebody else's raping history. what a mess!!!:hang2:

just stay ontopic will ya?:rolleyes:

Why don't you say anything when you Indians making all kind of

RACIST remarks?????

And yes, including you, So shut the hell up!!! :hitwall:

1st---the 80000 to 12000 merely means that china had the means to get more troops in the areas in a smaller amount of time, it does not mean it takes 8 china soilders to deal with 1 india soldier as indian posters would like to believe after all if you know anything about history china DID win in 62. but of course it was merely a fluk india's much stronger and china havent improved at all :disagree:

Hello! Isn't is obvious? We were caught by surprise.. no doubt. At one time, Nehru was singing "Hindi-Chini bhai bhai" and Mao was planning a devious plan to invade India.

And fact is fact. The Chinese themselves knew that they had absolutely no chance of defeating India is an one-on-one fight. No wonder they had to send such a massive army.

2nd---yea im sure the indian army planned to reinforced the front...oh wait there was no front the indian army was in full retreat by then :lol: . and the chinese pissed their pant? yea so the indian army which was sure to win with the additional troops accepted cease fire(unilateral at first BTW) because their just so NICE as to not get back the land which they lost to the aggressive evil chinese empire.....
oh might i add that as a sign of good will the chinese gave back all prisoners and equipment captured? but im sure that was so the mighty indian army could be appeased.


So wait.. you are trying to say that the Chinese first invade a territory and then retreat back unilaterally as a sign of "goodwill"?! :rofl: Only a Chinese could come up with such a logic. :rofl:

You can bark here whatever you want. But common-sense clearly says that the Chinese retreated and gave back captured Indian equipment only because they realized that once India regroups and reorganizes its forces, China would stand no chance against India.

GASP! but wait! whats this!? there are large amounts of boarder incursions into india every year!?!! why on earth would they do that!?!!??! oh nos indias not gonna be happy, better hide! they might sanction us!!!!

No wonder the Chinese get so scared whenever India accuses them for incursions into our territory -

China rejects India's charges about border - UPI.com

3rd--- oh of course the CCP is desperate to please the mighty indians, wouldnt wanna piss them off, oh no. the CCP doesnt like to have good relations with its neighbors at all but it must please the great democracy of india cause india's just so important and powerful what would the chinese ever do if the india's pissed off ! GASP! but wait! whats this!? there are large amounts of boarder incursions into india every year!?!! why on earth would they do that!?!!??! oh nos indias not gonna be happy, better hide! they might sanction us!!!! oh wait they have no hold on china economy...... then...then...could military action follow?!?!?!?! WHATS THIS! china has more troops, better infrastructure, more diplomatic power, more money, more and better missiles in place than india????? how is that possible!!?!? im sure the mighty indian navy will do something then......but...but what!? they have 1 carrier and lack escorts for it.... hmmm what a dilemma. BUT..BUT if india has no economic hold and their military treat is not insurmountable then why is the Chinese so "desperate" to please them?? hmmm the answer couldnt be that their not desperate could it? maybe...just maybe trade is more of a reason for better relations..... nah, thats not possible, india must have some kinda of super duper secrete mega weapon the CCP knows about that we civilians dont and that must be why the CCP are so desperate to please the mighty indian super power. :hang2:

Dude... there is no doubt that as of now, China is ahead of India in military and economic terms. Even our military leaders agree to that -

China is mighty, but why India need not tremble

But it would be ridiculous to think that China would survive if enters a full-scale conflict with India. China would pay heavily, be economically, or diplomatically, or militarily, if it ever engages India and for that very reason the CCP is desperate to boost ties with India.

To end, a lot of Indians will hate me for saying this, but fact remains that most Indians themselves don't care about a barren, mountainous piece of land (Aksai Chin and Arunachal Pradesh). And I would be least concerned if China ever gets hold over the so-called "South Tibet".

So.. enjoy your "Chinese incursions" into barren, snow-capped mountains :rofl:
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Dude! When you start abusing, that confirms you are out of reasonable arguments and I see that more than often in your post! Try to be brave here, say "okay China defeated Indian in 62 but now we will reverse the history" or something more rational. You appear to smoke out in every line of your response. In my opinion, you shouldn't have started this arguing when you knew you couldn't handle the reply.
Dude! When you start abusing, that confirms you are out of reasonable arguments and I see that more than often in your post! Try to be brave here, say "okay China defeated Indian in 62 but now we will reverse the history" or something more rational. You appear to smoke out in every line of your response. In my opinion, you shouldn't have started this arguing when you knew you couldn't handle the reply.

:what: Abusive?! Me?!
Hello! Isn't is obvious? We were caught by surprise.. no doubt. At one time, Nehru was singing "Hindi-Chini bhai bhai" and Mao was planning a devious plan to invade India.

And fact is fact. The Chinese themselves knew that they had absolutely no chance of defeating India is an one-on-one fight. No wonder they had to send such a massive army.

right they had "no chance of wining" which is why they invaded makes perfect sense then again u indians and ur senses.....

uh huh so anytime one army is bigger than the other they MUST not be able to fight one on one of course the indian armys just so fierce :rofl: not sure which Chinese general u talked to about "knowing" they had no chance of winning. also according to you then shouldn't china be keeping a 8 plus million man army to keep back the one million man indian army?


So wait.. you are trying to say that the Chinese first invade a territory and then retreat back unilaterally as a sign of "goodwill"?! :rofl: Only a Chinese could come up with such a logic. :rofl:

You can bark here whatever you want. But common-sense clearly says that the Chinese retreated and gave back captured Indian equipment only because they realized that once India regroups and reorganizes its forces, China would stand no chance against India.

yea invaded to show we are not weak as you think then to show we would rather not have full out war we retreated back to lands we claim, clearly if Chinese is the only people to come up with such a logic then we must be smart to do so,after all india accepted the cease fire, so does that make the logic superior?

right so ur Indian common sense says to give back the enemy their equipment without peace because ur afriad of their military power, makes perfect sense, lets boost our enemies fire power! ever thought maybe its because their not afraid of ur army and are confident the return of military hardware would not be much more of a threat to them?. so why don't you tell me WHY the invincible indian army dare not take back the land they lost to the aggressive Chinese army(who had no chance of winning). normal people with normal common sense would say that having suffered such a defeat the indian army found that the chinese were no push overs and dared not drag this out longer and suffer more defeats with a already demoralized army. but course to you the indian army in 62' are just SOOOOOO nice that they would let the chinese keep the land they took

No wonder the Chinese get so scared whenever India accuses them for incursions into our territory -

China rejects India's charges about border - UPI.com

so saying denial of something instantly means their scared now?
and so what? should the central government come out and say yes it activly goes into indian land when ever it want? does the CIA admit to everything it does? does RAW admit to everything it does? or are you claiming that the incusoins never happens?

Dude... there is no doubt that as of now, China is ahead of India in military and economic terms. Even our military leaders agree to that -

China is mighty, but why India need not tremble

But it would be ridiculous to think that China would survive if enters a full-scale conflict with India. China would pay heavily, be economically, or diplomatically, or militarily, if it ever engages India and for that very reason the CCP is desperate to boost ties with India.

To end, a lot of Indians will hate me for saying this, but fact remains that most Indians themselves don't care about a barren, mountainous piece of land (Aksai Chin and Arunachal Pradesh). And I would be least concerned if China ever gets hold over the so-called "South Tibet".

So.. enjoy your "Chinese incursions" into barren, snow-capped mountains :rofl:

learn to read man, no one claims china would come out of a full scale war with India unscathed
however in a localized conflict (say boarder skirmish), all those advantages i listed come into play and their very much in favor of china
also no one in china is desperate for anything from India, we do want better trade relationships and hopefully work out there boarders in the future but that is to the benefit of all. after the humonious rise concept would be easier with a stable boarder all around
and....... alot of chinese dont give a crap what indians think (also its the government thats makes the decision)

so.... yes we will continue to enjoy our adventure in the barren snowy waste lands you know why? cause we can. the indian army sure cant do anything about it
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... We are just defending whats ours!


The word "ours" is a clear manifesto of imperialism mentality of Akhand Bharat: whatever the imperial master said is his is now mine. :tdown:

That is precisely why after 60 years' of independence, India hasn't resolved any boarder issue with its neighbors.
I like how some of our interesting members bring out the mum's and god knows what else when they cannot argue back.

Quite interesting.
The word "ours" is a clear manifesto of imperialism mentality of Akhand Bharat: whatever the imperial master said is his is now mine. :tdown:

That is precisely why after 60 years' of independence, India hasn't resolved any boarder issue with its neighbors.

You are right, one must not agree to the imperialist British because imperialist China is always right. And of course the onus of settling the border issue lies only on India.
You are right, one must not agree to the imperialist British because imperialist China is always right. And of course the onus of settling the border issue lies only on India.

u have some terrible logic there buddy
Yeah Indias all talk!!Indias goin down!!!China will take u down!!!
:what:Wait a minute.....Im Indian!:rofl:
This is a great forum!!!Why didnt I come here before??World war 3 started already and I missed it!!Darn !!!!!!!!!!!!
Deception is the name of Indian 'Defence' doctrine. IMO, by propping/sensationalizing INDO-SINO WAR, Indian's are veneering their upcoming massive PAK attack plan. Wake up Pakistanis, all the preparation are to attack and invade FATA and cut off Baluchistan are going on planned and very well. These Chinese attacks talk are nothing but usual Indian distraction.
how????one of the craziest conspiracy theories I ever read man.

Most of these so-called neighbors are artificial. Pakistan, Bangladesh, Sri Lanka and Nepal)
so is India itself.
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