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Good to know we can have a conversation even though we might disagree with each other without namecalling/personal attacks. I appreciate that.:cheers::-)
By the way, where is Chinese Dragon? He is nowhere to be found in thsi thread, and similar others, since he's from Hong Kong, thought he might help us expantiate more on some points on here.:-)

Agreed. No learning can occur if we're talking at each other rather than to each other. <===tired cliche but true. Cheers. :cheers:
@Infra_Man99 I'm sorry, your response made no sense to me. I'm not from Europe. I'm happy where I am, as I've said before. I am not where I started out, I have moved a number of times to get to where I am, and I'm not likely to move again soon. Maybe when I'm older/retiring, to be closer to family. I work for a medium-sized technical/industrial company that was bought up by a very large company (hereafter VLC) over a decade ago. After fiddling with us for a bit, they have decided to let us do our own thing again (they were starting to threaten our long term viability). We are, and have been for many years, the industry leader (internationally) at what we do. We have been profitable for decades (thus VLC's purchase from our original owner, who has since died). About 70% of our business is international - we have an international technical team that I work with on a regular basis, as well as international commercial teams. VLC may have different numbers, I'm not sure, don't really care. More specific I will not get, as my employer does not want to be linked to what employees are doing online, which seems very fair to me.

From what I see, most other countries are more of a mess, sometimes a lot more. Given that there is a huge division in the US about which way the country SHOULD be going, it is not surprising that about half the population thinks things are going the wrong way. If we switched directions, we'd still have half the population thinking things were misguided. We have about 30-40% who want small government/low taxes. We have about 30-40% who want big government/high taxes. The folks in the middle are idiots who want low taxes and big government, which can't work. They vote half the time for one side and half for the other, which accounts for a lot of the craziness.

I disagree with your pessimistic assessment. I think the future is fundamentally positive. I hope you can live with the fact that not everyone agrees with you. I would still like to know why you don't move to another location if you think that location would be better. Are you tied down by family?
@Infra_Man99 I'm sorry, your response made no sense to me. I'm not from Europe. I'm happy where I am, as I've said before. I am not where I started out, I have moved a number of times to get to where I am, and I'm not likely to move again soon. Maybe when I'm older/retiring, to be closer to family. I work for a medium-sized technical/industrial company that was bought up by a very large company (hereafter VLC) over a decade ago. After fiddling with us for a bit, they have decided to let us do our own thing again (they were starting to threaten our long term viability). We are, and have been for many years, the industry leader (internationally) at what we do. We have been profitable for decades (thus VLC's purchase from our original owner, who has since died). About 70% of our business is international - we have an international technical team that I work with on a regular basis, as well as international commercial teams. VLC may have different numbers, I'm not sure, don't really care. More specific I will not get, as my employer does not want to be linked to what employees are doing online, which seems very fair to me.

From what I see, most other countries are more of a mess, sometimes a lot more. Given that there is a huge division in the US about which way the country SHOULD be going, it is not surprising that about half the population thinks things are going the wrong way. If we switched directions, we'd still have half the population thinking things were misguided. We have about 30-40% who want small government/low taxes. We have about 30-40% who want big government/high taxes. The folks in the middle are idiots who want low taxes and big government, which can't work. They vote half the time for one side and half for the other, which accounts for a lot of the craziness.

I disagree with your pessimistic assessment. I think the future is fundamentally positive. I hope you can live with the fact that not everyone agrees with you. I would still like to know why you don't move to another location if you think that location would be better. Are you tied down by family?

Is your company related to overweight domestic security, the obese military, any wasteful government agencies, or too big to fail corporations?

George Bush said something about don't cut and run. Bush was and is an idiot, but, like a broken clock, sometimes he gets things right.

I don't believe in running away from all of my problems. Some things are worth ignoring or avoiding, but, many times, I believe in fixing the problem. Majority of Americans (~2/3rds) agree with me that the system is going in the wrong direction. I previously provided proof of this.

Previously, you misinterpreted what I wrote. Now you claimed about 1/2 of Americans agree with me. I'm starting to think you lack reading comprehension.
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I definitely wouldn't include India and Pakistan as neither are remotely close to first world standards. But don't take my word for it. Ask our Indian and Pakistani PDF friends if they are thankful for the British raping their lands. Go ahead.

I wouldn't include the parts of Africa they conquered either. And the US did well after it bloodied the British and sent them scurrying. Kind of the whole point of their revolution - because the Americans weren't prospering under the British yoke in the way they thought they should. And don't use the phrase "core" colonies. That's weasel wording (purposefully vague with a definition that can be broadly interpreted to help your argument) and you, as an intellectual, are better than that.

Thank you for your correction , I apologize for using the word "core colonies". I hope I didn't offend anyone.

lool Its because we had leased Hong Kong for 100 years from the Chinese after we defeated them during the opium war. So we had to ceed it to them back after the leased expired. Else it will have been illegal or even lead to a senseless conflict, which no side will have benefited from it.

Yes, yes you did. That's what I find very interesting about the British , despite the Imperialist system, the fact that your side considered a lease of Hong Kong. When , during such times, it was the rule of the day to seize territory through one's shear firepower.

Your side waged that brutal war against the Qing Dynasty unethically, tho, I must say. The Opium addiction devastated China, not to mention the loss of silver as a result of that so called drug trade.

Exactly bro, he fails to understand that.
Now compare it with French colonies.:lol:

Two empires, French Empire and Spanish Empire. I think there is a culture of corruption, colonial mentality amongst former French and Spanish possessions. From Latin America, to parts of Asia, and Africa.
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...says the ignorant *** to an American Catholic who is a conservative Republican, but why should I think you know anything more about me than anything else you have been spouting on about? Spout on American neo-Nazi leech! :lol:

First you called me a coward, and now you are afraid to directly reply to me. First you insult me, then I defend myself, and then you hypocritically slander me with accusations of racism, anti-Semitism, Nazism, and other hypocritical slanders.

I doubt you are a real Catholic. I bet you are a closet Jew. Lots of Jews adopt gentile names to swindle gentiles.

You are not a conservative Republican. You are a GOP neo-con fraud, a hypocrite, and a liar. A real conservative does not advocate sending nonstop welfare to Jewish parasites in America and Israel.

Larry Klayman is a the former Justice Department lawyer and founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch websites. Larry Klayman was born a Jew, but "converted" to Christianity and is now a "Messianic Jew" and is a Republican Party extremist. Larry Klayman is using a incredibly stupid lawsuit to deport President Obama back to Africa.

I dislike Obama, but even I'm not this hatefully stupid and self-righteous. I recall that you wanted to deport me from America, because I disagreed with you. I'm guessing Larry Klayman and you are both Jewish pieces of shits. You arrogantly think America is primarily for Jews. Screw Native Americans and other gentiles. Jews come first everywhere.

Of course, if a real gentile uses lawsuits to deport this Republican Jew back to Israel or Europe, then he would whine about racism, anti-Semitism, Nazism, etc. Larry Klayman is a hypocrite parasite on the system. His entire career is about frivolous lawsuits.

Of course, Larry Klayman has no problem with the many American Jews who also have dual citizenship with Israel. Of course, Larry Klayman didn't try to deport President Bush when Bush's approval ratings dropped to around 25%.


Klayman Files for Deportation of Barack Obama
Klayman files for deportation of Barack Obama

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Now Larry Klayman, the former Justice Department lawyer and founder of Judicial Watch and Freedom Watch, is suing to get President Obama deported.

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“In sum, deportation proceedings should be immediately commenced, an investigation undertaken, a full evidentiary hearing held, and Barack Hussein Obama should be removed from the United States,” Klayman writes in his deportation petition.

The petition was sent to Thomas Homan of Enforcement Removal Operations at the Department of Homeland Security, Thomas Winkowksi of Immigration and Customs Enforcement and Sarah Kendall of the Office of Fraud Detection and National Security at DHS.

Klayman explained it is based “on the grounds that he has falsified various birth and other documents with regard to obtaining a U.S. passport and other privileges as an alleged American citizen.”

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Larry Klayman insists he is doing this for patriotic reasons. This is obviously a lie. Klayman is using patriotism to hide his personal agendas. He thinks America should be ruled by Republican Party Jews. If things don't go his way, then he start suing and slandering people for being racist Nazis, anti-American, commies, etc.

Speaking of commies, did you know the early communist movement was disproportionately lead by closet Jews? Trotsky, Lenin, and Marx were all closet Jews. They hid their religion, because they wanted gentiles to believe they were one of them. We all know how disastrous communism was on humanity. Right now, Zionism is a disaster upon humanity.

Despite US media and government propaganda and intense political efforts, Israel is amongst the most unpopular nations in the world.

According to your stupidity, hypocrisy, and lies, this means Israel is innocent and the world is an anti-Semitic Nazi or a terrorist sympathizer. East Asians are racist Nazis. Latin Americans are racist Nazis. Africans are racist Nazis. Europeans are racist Nazis. Middle East is filled with racist Nazis or evil Muslim terrorists. Israel slaughters Palestinians and steals Palestinian land with "settlers," but Israel is the beacon of hope for the world. That's how self-righteously dumb you are.


Israel one of world’s most unpopular countries and it’s getting worse: BBC survey
Israel one of world's most unpopular countries and it's getting worse: BBC survey | The Electronic Intifada
Thu, 06/06/2013

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The 2013 Country Ratings Poll, conducted by GlobeScan/PIPA for the BBC among 26,299 people around the world between December 2012 and April 2013 found that:

Iran is once again the most negatively viewed country, with negative ratings climbing four points to 59%. Most people also give negative ratings to Pakistan (56%, up five points), North Korea (55%, up three points) and Israel (52%, up one point).

The persistent association of Israel with the world’s most negatively viewed countries will come as a disappointment to Israeli government and other hasbara officials who have invested millions of dollars in recent years to greenwash and pinkwash Israel as an enlightened, democratic and technological “Western” country.

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The United States is the only Western country surveyed holding favorable views of Israel, and the only country in the survey with a majority of positive ratings (51 percent, stable).

Views of Israel in Canada and in Australia remain entrenched in negative territory with respectively 57 and 69 percent of unfavourable views.

In the EU countries surveyed, views of Israeli influence are all strongly negative and have either hardened further or remained stable.

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According to the above poll, Germany is the world's most popular or most liked nation.

Of course, you would never get this from the US media and government. Instead, all we get are news about evil German Nazis, Hollywood movies about evil German Nazis, TV shows about evil German Nazis, etc.

Meanwhile, Japan refuses to honestly and fully apologize to South Korea, North Korea, China, Philippines, etc. America's Democrat Party and Republican Party are fine with this. The average Jew obsesses over evil German Nazis. Yeah, who cares about China's and both Koreas' holocaust? Who cares about Native American holocaust? Who cares about Palestinian holocaust? Jewish sufferings are the most important. That's the hypocrisy of the Democrat Party, Republican Party, Israel, and many Jews (not all Jews).

According to various sources, Israel has the most UN resolutions called against a nation. Did you know the US constantly vetoes these UN resolutions against Israel? That's cuz Israel and its diaspora are parasites and the US is its voluntary host.

Thus, America sends nonstop welfare to Israel. America bribes, threatens, and bombs nations (especially Muslim nations) to make them neutral toward Israel or superficially pro-Israel. In return, America is targeted by Muslims around the world. Inside America, the Democrat Party liberals insist that everyone must coddle the "oppressed" Jews and the Republican Party Christians insist that everyone must obey God's desire to spoil Jews.
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Why not 7 years old kid become president of Taiwan? Why not 7 years old dog? 7 years old dog is 49 years old man? Why racist against 7 year old dog president of Taiwan? Why? Why no kibble for every bowl, a bone for every doghouse? Why not 3 year old dog make decision? 3 year old dog equal to 30 year old fish divided by 24 year old monkey, carry the two. Banana. Why?

LOL. Good one!
With the proper (in the negative sense) use of social media and indoctrination/radicalization, the teenagers can somehow be turned into obsessive maniacs going extreme for things they have little (but dreamy) idea about.

Take a look at the case of the ISIS. Similar stuff, on a larger and bloodier scale.

Like I said, I will NOT respond point by point, to anti-Semitic, neo-Nazi thugs, particularly those who leech off America's freedom and hide within it's security that braver, real men provide, while they ungenerously denigrate that very country they live in. I will NOT respond to anyone like that anymore than any other neo-Nazi bigot or racist. And any person who says things like,

"I doubt you are a real Catholic. I bet you are a closet Jew. Lots of Jews adopt gentile names to swindle gentiles."

...are clearly nothing more than sad little bigots and not worth my time. AgentOrange may feel comfortable defending such persons, but I will not engaged them in their twisted thinking.
Is your company related to overweight domestic security, the obese military, any wasteful government agencies, or too big to fail corporations?

George Bush said something about don't cut and run. Bush was and is an idiot, but, like a broken clock, sometimes he gets things right.

I don't believe in running away from all of my problems. Some things are worth ignoring or avoiding, but, many times, I believe in fixing the problem. Majority of Americans (~2/3rds) agree with me that the system is going in the wrong direction. I previously provided proof of this.

Previously, you misinterpreted what I wrote. Now you claimed about 1/2 of Americans agree with me. I'm starting to think you lack reading comprehension.
Not related to security of any kind, other than reasonably securing the product/services themselves (e.g. locks, software security, etc). Any military sales would be incidental, we do not make military products. The military does buy lots of commercial, off-the-shelf stuff, they very probably consume some of our products in that fashion. Generally, we do not sell to the government, but there are probably cases where government agencies buy/use our products/services. I am only aware of a few cases, it would be a very small part of the business. We did do a bit of consulting with NASA on the shuttle years ago, but that was, again, very very unusual, it is not our normal line of work. We don't make rockets or rocket parts, nothing like that, it was a one-off piece of research (and before we were owned by VLC). As far as too big to fail, my company certainly is not, but VLC might be considered so. There was a scare a few years back, but no mention of the government stepping in. The government would certainly not step in to save my group. Nor would they need to, as I said, we are stable and profitable. There are companies like that.

By the way, the VLC failing would likely not be that big of a deal to us. We're a profitable group, so it would just mean we'd get spun off or sold off to another VLC to pay off debts, raise capital, or whatever the VLC decided (or had decided for it, in the case of bankruptcy). We could come out of such a thing better off, actually.

As far as agreeing or disagreeing, I think I said that 30-40% of Americans have a particular view on how government should be formed. That 2/3rds agree with your view on how things should be is doubtful. There is not a 2/3rds majority view. Saying the system is going in the wrong direction does not mean you agree on which direction it should be going (bigger/smaller). If you mean 2/3rds of people are unhappy, yes. But they are unhappy for different reasons. The small government folks are unhappy because the government isn't small enough for them. The big government folks are unhappy because it isn't big enough. By my calculation, thats 60-80% of the population unhappy (politically, at least). But, no more than half of those unhappy people are unhappy for the same reason your unhappy, unless you are schizophrenic and want the government to be both larger and smaller.

Realistically, people have more complex views. Some are unhappy about civil liberties, some about taxes, etc, etc. That everyone's unhappiness lines up with yours, that is, that they agree with you, is extremely unlikely. That some people agree with you is certain. If you were a majority, you'd have elections won already. But, whether your conservative or liberal, people keep voting against you in sufficient numbers that you don't get what you want (completely).
With the proper (in the negative sense) use of social media and indoctrination/radicalization, the teenagers can somehow be turned into obsessive maniacs going extreme for things they have little (but dreamy) idea about.

Take a look at the case of the ISIS. Similar stuff, on a larger and bloodier scale.

Yes, but I wouldn't put these HK kids in the same league. The Tianamen students were more tough than these gangsta wannabes. All they can do is block old people from entering their work place. I"ve yet to see them intimidate an uncle that has eaten overnight congee. They be bitch slapped.
Yes, but I wouldn't put these HK kids in the same league. The Tianamen students were more tough than these gangsta wannabes. All they can do is block old people from entering their work place. I"ve yet to see them intimidate an uncle that has eaten overnight congee. They be bitch slapped.

Indeed. I did not mean that HK youth would go that extreme but just wanted to point out the strength of social media to misguide youngsters (even those Western educated and have nothing to do with the Middle East in any way -- cultural, religious, ethnic, historical).

Thus the proper management and supervison of social media is important.
Thank you for your correction , I apologize for using the word "core colonies". I hope I didn't offend anyone.

You aren't offensive and you've always conducted yourself with decorum. We may not agree on everything but don't apologize when you've done nothing wrong my friend. :cheers:

smar tguys the japs

why should they take teh UDTA TEER backsides on this one

Maybe not refer to them as japs. Just a suggestion.

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