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With similar student movement in Taiwan.Democracy makes people stupid.Like MLM.
I'm a moron or a parasite who wants America to decline as long as the TV says everything is OK and the US corporations and governments feed me, house me, wipe my butt, and tell me how to act and think.

All I could do is misquote others who disagree with me cuz I'm a dishonest idiot.

So why are you in the USA? Why don't you go back to Europe if you love socialism and bureaucracy so much? Is it because you doubt your ability to live in a society where you and others have freedom, but everyone must take responsibility for his actions, both good and bad?

I'm guessing you work for the excessively large government or work for a too-big-to-fail institution.

More Americans Say Country Headed in Wrong Direction
More Americans Say Country Headed in Wrong Direction
Monday, 30 September 2013

Last week’s poll from Bloomberg showed that 68 percent of Americans — two out of every three — say that the country is heading in the wrong direction. This is the most in two years and a substantial increase just since the first of the year. In addition, it appears that more Americans are blaming President Obama as the cause, as those holding an unfavorable view of the president now outnumber those with a favorable view for the first time since his election in 2008.

Since the first of the year, the number of Americans who think the country is headed in the right direction has fallen from 38 to 25 percent, while the number of those who think it’s headed in the wrong direction has jumped from 55 to 68 percent.

Bloomberg isn't alone. PollingReport.com published the results of more than a dozen other polls taken around the same time with similar outcomes. For instance, the CBS News/New York Times Poll conducted September 19-23 showed that 66 percent think the country is headed in the wrong direction — a jump from 57 percent — while just 29 percent think it’s headed in the right direction — a decline from 38 percent — since the first of the year. Similar results showed up in the polls of NBC News/Wall Street Journal; Gallup; ABC News/Washington Post; and Pew Research Center. Gallup showed three out of four (75 percent) “dissatisfied with the way things are going in the United States at this time,” while just 22 percent are “satisfied.”

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Cato uses five broad categories in its Economic Freedom of the World index, instead of Heritage’s four: the Size of Government, the Legal System and Property Rights, Sound Money, Freedom to Trade Internationally, and Regulation. The authors of the Cato study noted:

The cornerstones of economic freedom are personal choice, voluntary exchange, freedom to compete, and security of privately-owned property…

Virtually without exception, [our] studies have found that countries with institutions and policies more consistent with economic freedom have higher investments rates, more rapid economic growth, higher income levels, and a more rapid reduction in poverty rates.

Since the year 2000, the United States has been in free fall, according to Cato:

Throughout most of the period from 1980 to 2000, the United States ranked as the world’s third-freest economy, behind Hong Kong and Singapore….

By 2005, the US ranking had slipped to 8th. The slide has continued. The United States placed 16th in 2010 and 19th in 2011.

Although the United States lost ground in all five categories, the decline in the Legal System and Property Rights was precipitous:

In 2000, the 9.23 rating of the United States was the ninth highest in the world. But by 2011, [it] had slid to 6.93, placing the United States 38th worldwide … tied with Venezuela as the largest reduction among the [185] countries rated….

The increased use of eminent domain to transfer [private] property to powerful political interests, the ramifications of the wars on terrorism and drugs, and the violation of property rights of bondholders in the auto-bailout case have all weakened the tradition of strong adherence to the rule of law in the United States….

To a large degree, the United States has experienced a significant move away from [the] rule of law and toward a highly regulated, politicized state.

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Poll: Voters sour on Congress; country’s direction makes them wince
National news from McClatchy DC News | Washington DC

WASHINGTON — Most Americans view the country moving in the wrong direction and don’t see their financial futures getting better anytime soon, attitudes likely to make it harder for Democrats to do well this fall, according to a new McClatchy-Marist poll.

Sixty-one percent see the nation on the wrong track, down from 64 percent in August but still historically high.

A big reason for the anxiety: Only 30 percent expect their personal family finances to improve in the coming year, down from 35 percent in February. Fifty-four percent see their finances staying about the same.

People want their elected officials to make things better but don’t see much progress, so they give lawmakers low marks.

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Nation's issues perplex most Americans, poll finds
Nation's issues perplex most Americans, poll finds | TribLIVE
Sunday, Sept. 28, 2014

WASHINGTON — Confused by President Obama's health care law? How about the debate over government surveillance? The way the Federal Reserve affects interest rates?

You're far from alone.

Most people in the United States say the country's issues are getting harder to fathom.

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Karla Lynn of Lavaca, Ark., blames politicians who she says would rather snipe at each other than explain the nation's problems in straightforward terms.

“They'll spin everything,” said Lynn, 61, a retired product developer. “You've got to wade through so much muck to try to find the truth.”

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Poll: Nearly one in four in America would favor secession
Poll: Nearly one in four in America would favor secession - LA Times
September 19, 2014

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According to a Reuters/Ipsos poll released Friday, 23.9% of Americans polled from Aug. 23 through Sept. 16 said they strongly supported or tended to support the idea of their state breaking away from the country. About 53% of the 8,952 respondents strongly opposed or tended to oppose secession, slightly less than the percentage that kept Scotland in the United Kingdom.

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Support for secession cuts across many lines, the poll found, but the West and Southwest, where the vision of rugged individualism still draws praise, seemed more inclined to back separation than the staid New England area. Younger and poorer folks were more likely to want to run for the exit.

Politically, conservatives and Republicans seem to like the idea of leaving more than Democrats. Among people who said they identified with the tea party, supporters of secession were actually in the majority, with 53%.

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...and yet you suck off of America's bounty, live under America's protection, enjoy America's freedoms, and you have the chutzpah to call ME a "parasite"! :rofl: Well, I don't know what you think you are trying to convince me of but those American flags under your screen name tells me everything I need to know; i.e., whiny little hypocrite not man enough to put his money where his mouth is and get out of the country he so despises. No, he will continue to live there and enjoy it's freedom and bounty and like a snivelling coward, then back-bite and trash talk about it. Buddy, you have absolutely ZERO credibility with me. :tdown:

I'm guessing are a Jewish parasite living the US. :tdown:

You have NEGATIVE credibility with me.

You love how the Democrat Party liberals send lots of welfare to Jews and Israel, because they foolishly believe they know what's best for everyone, such as how Jews and blacks deserve more reparations than everyone and from everyone.

Of course, they still neglect Native Americans, because the Democrat Party knows the injustices against Native Americans are incredibly difficult to fix, because Jews too often worship themselves at the expense of everyone else, and blacks are too ignorant to fully understand Native American sufferings.

You love how the Republican Party Christians send lots of welfare to Jews and Israel, because their Christian religion was based on the Old Testament or Judaism's Torah. Superstitious beliefs prevent Christians from rejecting Jewish parasites.

Poll: Jews dislike Christians, but Christians love Jews
Poll: Americans Like Jews Most, Muslims Least | loonwatch.com

You claim you enjoy freedom and justice, but only when it benefits you. The moment freedom and justice works against you, you whine about anti-Semitism, racism, Nazism, oppression by gentiles, injustice by gentiles, terrorism by gentiles especially the Palestinians who are merely resisting Jewish invasions, etc. :cuckoo:

Here's an interesting story about an American Jewish parasite, Maurice “Hank” Greenberg, and his parasitic buddies who make lots and lots of money working in America's corrupt finance sector. They are currently suing the US government, because the US government gave their corporation a too big to fail bailout. :omghaha:

Let me repeat that: the Jewish bloodsucker called Maurice “Hank” Greenberg and his ilk are suing the US government, because the US government protected them against bankruptcy or major downsizing, and because the US government helped them live a life of privileges and luxuries. :crazy:

Maurice “Hank” Greenberg and his ilk claimed the US government's too big to fail bailout was not good enough for them. They deserve more, more, and more. You know, a wealthy parasite needs and deserves lots of fresh blood from the oppressive gentiles. :rofl:

There's a Polish saying that a Jew will stab you in the back and scream out in agony. There are many good Jews out there, but Maurice “Hank” Greenberg is clearly a dirty Jew, and his buddies are trash. Unfortunately, the Democrat Party liberals and Republican Party Christians lack the moral backbone and intelligence to deliver justice to these parasites. This is one example out of many for why Democracy's majority of idiots is a bad idea.


AIG Bailout by U.S. Was ‘Extortion,’ Greenberg Lawyer Says
AIG Bailout by U.S. Was ‘Extortion,’ Greenberg Lawyer Says - Bloomberg

The U.S. extorted American International Group Inc. (AIG) shareholders when it extended a $182 billion taxpayer bailout at the height of the 2008 financial crisis, a lawyer for Maurice “Hank” Greenberg said.

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The case is Starr International Co. v. U.S., 11-cv-00779, U.S. Court of Federal Claims (Washington).


Lawmakers outraged after AIG announces potential suit against US over bailout
Lawmakers outraged after AIG announces potential suit against US over bailout | Fox News
January 09, 2013

As American International Group Inc. weighs whether to join a lawsuit against the government that spent $182 billion to save it from collapse, U.S. lawmakers have a message for the insurance behemoth: “Don’t even think about it.”

In a letter to AIG Chairman Robert Miller, U.S. Reps. Peter Welch, D-Vt., and Michael Capuano, D-Mass., characterized the insurer as the “poster child” for Wall Street greed, fiscal mismanagement and executive bonuses.

“Now, AIG apparently seeks to become the poster company for corporate ingratitude and chutzpah,” the letter read. “Taxpayers are still furious that they rescued a company whose own conduct brought it down. Don’t rub salt in the wounds with yet another reckless decision that is on par with the reckless decision that led to the bailout in the first place.”

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If AIG decides to join the complaint, which seeks $25 billion in damages, it would pit the company against the government that rescued it in 2008 from collapsing under the weight of huge losses on mortgage-backed securities and other toxic assets.

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AIG shareholders sue government claiming their $182 bn bailout wasn’t favorable enough
AIG shareholders sue government claiming their $182 bn bailout wasn’t favorable enough — RT USA
September 24, 2014

Maurice Greenberg, former head of the American International Group (AIG), recruited prominent Wall Street players to contribute several million dollars to a lawsuit that alleges the US government bailout of AIG in 2008 was unfair to company shareholders.

Greenberg, who still owns a large stake in AIG, filed the suit on behalf of his fellow shareholders. They will argue when the trial begins in Washington next week that though AIG needed the $182 billion rescue to avoid bankruptcy amid an unprecedented financial crisis, the government’s actions were unduly harsh.

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In a new chapter for so-called litigation financing - a burgeoning cause for hedge funds and specialty firms - Greenberg reportedly targeted investors that have a beef with the government. Kenneth Langone, former director of the New York Stock Exchange, and Christopher Flowers, a private equity executive, are two of the three investors. The third’s identity was not available, the Times reported.

Greenberg also pitched the idea to hedge-fund figure Steven A. Cohen and Peter G. Peterson, founder of private equity firm the Blackstone Group, the Times said.

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The lawsuit, which seeks more than $40 billion from the US government, challenges the manner in which AIG was rescued. In a unique move among other Wall Street bailouts, the government took an eventual 92 percent stake in AIG, diluting the value of the company, shareholders argue; attached a steep 14-percent interest rate on rescue funds; and allowed AIG’s trading partners to make off with billions of dollars. AIG shareholders argue that the moves violated their Fifth Amendment rights, in that their private property was taken for “public use, without just compensation.”

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Greenberg, who resigned as AIG chief in 2005 amid accounting investigations, also says the Federal Reserve lacked legal authority to take a stake in insurer.

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"Neither the Constitution nor the Federal Reserve Act required American taxpayers to rescue AIG and cushion the fall of its shareholders, much less to do so on terms even more favorable to Starr,” the government said in court filings, referring to Starr International, a company owned by Greenberg that was the largest AIG investor at the time of the bailout.

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Oh OK, now I get it. You are just a snivelling little anti-Semitic Nazi. That explains everything but of course, your lazy hypocrisy in hating the country that you sap off of it's bounty, enjoy it's freedom, and count on real men other than yourself, to keep safe and defend for you. You are just a ungenerous brat still living in mother America's basement because you are too lazy to actually put your money where your mouth is and like most unemployed neo-Nazi thugs, you resort to cheap anti-Semitic slurs when get called on it.

Like I said, buddy, all I need to know about you is said in those flags underneath your screen-name. Your just an intellectually lazy hypocrite, sucking off America's largess and freedom while you pretend to be a real man. Get a life.
Just let the Americans keep doing what your posted.

I live here, so I dislike the decline in quality of life.

According to various polls, the majority of Americans believe America moving in the wrong direction. Only a minority believe America is moving the correct direction. I'm guessing the minority are people who profit a lot from America's obese government and too big to fail corporations.
uk-us team will continue inciting people and force you to use uniformed forces against protesters, this will go on.
never use police-military because that is what they want to see

US Watches Hong Kong Protests, Weighs Approach

rather, use civilians to fight civilians
bring in truck loads of people from mainland

if they want democracy, give them
nominate victor gao, give him a nationalist party ticket to fight election
but ensure his win
use civilians from mainland to give him win
or use ballot box manipulation

or do something else
Oh OK, now I get it. You are just a snivelling little anti-Semitic Nazi. That explains everything but of course, your lazy hypocrisy in hating the country that you sap off of it's bounty, enjoy it's freedom, and count on real men other than yourself, to keep safe and defend for you. You are just a ungenerous brat still living in mother America's basement because you are too lazy to actually put your money where your mouth is and like most unemployed neo-Nazi thugs, you resort to cheap anti-Semitic slurs when get called on it.

Like I said, buddy, all I need to know about you is said in those flags underneath your screen-name. Your just an intellectually lazy hypocrite, sucking off America's largess and freedom while you pretend to be a real man. Get a life.

Oh I see, you are parasitic Jew. You slander and rip off gentiles while claiming to be the victim.

You boast about how you love America only when America wastes its wealth on welfare for Jewish parasites like Maurice “Hank” Greenberg. You are an ungrateful bloodsucker who thinks everyone owes you everything, because your superstitious religion and arrogant culture says so. Then you whine nonstop about anti-Semitism, racism, Nazis, terrorism, unfair gentiles, etc.

You love how America is targeted by Muslims all over the world, because America sends lots of welfare to Israel, thus, Israel commits genocide and land theft on Palestine (which is mostly Muslim). Then Israel and the Jewish diaspora insist it's anti-terrorism, humane, and God loves Jews the most.

Israeli Politician Netanyahu said 9/11 terror attacks on America are good for Israel
Report: Netanyahu says 9/11 terror attacks good for Israel Israel News | Haaretz

You troll message boards and slander people who disagree with your Jewish superstitions. Let me guess, you work for Israel's Internet propaganda team? Maybe you work for the obese US government or one of its too big to fail corporations? Those are rhetorical questions. An honest answer from a Jewish parasite is totally unexpected.

Michael Scheuer - Israel Is Spying On The U.S., Stealing Technology & Bribing Congress.

I'd Dump the Israelis Tomorrow --Ex-CIA Michael Scheuer Tells Congress
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...and yet you suck off of America's bounty, live under America's protection, enjoy America's freedoms, and you have the chutzpah to call ME a "parasite"! :rofl: Well, I don't know what you think you are trying to convince me of but those American flags under your screen name tells me everything I need to know; i.e., whiny little hypocrite not man enough to put his money where his mouth is and get out of the country he so despises. No, he will continue to live there and enjoy it's freedom and bounty and like a snivelling coward, then back-bite and trash talk about it. Buddy, you have absolutely ZERO credibility with me. :tdown:

I thought criticism was one of the hallmarks of free speech, so cherished by true Americans? But not to people like Desertfalcon. "You dare criticize America? That means you hate America and you should leave! Everything is fine! Lalalalala. I can't hear you! Lalalalala. Leave America!" Makes sense. :coffee:

So, why are you still in the US? Are you a criminal and thus unable to emigrate? Most Asian countries have positions for native English tutors, so there is no "i don't have a job" excuse, even if you are completely unskilled.

Why don't you actually debate his points? How can Americans change these negative trends and work towards a culture and society embodied by "The Greatest Generation"? Americans are some of the friendliest and most generous people in the world but the government has long since ceased to work for the good of the majority, instead keeping the populace sedated and distracted with irrelevant arguments over things like "legalizing marijuana, gay marriage, Obamacare, etc."

Check out this article - America is an oligarchy, not a democracy or republic, university study finds - Washington Times

Rather than attack InfraMan with the rather puerile and tired cliche of "get out if you criticize America", why aren't you more outraged over the fact that the ability of the average American to influence government decisions is practically nil? Your vote no longer means anything. You have the "freedom" to protest (until the militarized police have had enough and decide to conduct mass arrests) and bitch and moan but not the freedom to actually change anything. I'd be mad about that. But that's just me.
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So what are the objective(s) of these people? To make Hong Kong an independent city state? We all know that is unrealistic.

HongKong is a city "made by UK", people here were familiar with democracy western-style, so now they are feeling uncomfortable by the hand increasingly tightening of Beijing...
I want to see if you can defeat and show them, how childishly simplistic they are.
The answer is in history. The medias wrote it because they wanna get more readers or they wanna confuse other country's politics with the slogan of “democracy”
Among Indians, the hate for the legacy of British rule runs deep, by 1947 they left nothing in India's economy irrespective how much general Brits try to whitewash it. But it quite baffling to see Honkongers admiring British rule, may be because of the huge economy Brits left for them.

Why do you think China didn't take HK and Macau by force like how India took Goa ? Because China scared of Portugal and UK ? Of course not. It was because leave HK the way it is servers China's interest best, China was isolated from the world back then, HK to China was akin to Switzerland to Germany in WWII, it was a gate necessary to access the outside world.
HongKong is a city "made by UK", people here were familiar with democracy western-style, so now they are feeling uncomfortable by the hand increasingly tightening of Beijing...

Wrong on both counts. Hong Kong was governed by the UK who took a hands-off approach at best. HK Chinese built the city themselves from their hard work and they've also benefited from a location conducive to Asian and international finance. People in Hong Kong are not familiar with "democracy western-style" as they've never been allowed to vote for their leader in 150 years of British rule. Their leaders have always been appointed from above.

Do you even know what's going on in Hong Kong or is their some instinctive need for Viets to butt-in to China related threads, regardless of how ignorant you guys end up appearing?
Wrong on both counts. Hong Kong was governed by the UK who took a hands-off approach at best. HK Chinese built the city themselves from their hard work and they've also benefited from a location conducive to Asian and international finance. People in Hong Kong are not familiar with "democracy western-style" as they've never been allowed to vote for their leader in 150 years of British rule. Their leaders have always been appointed from above.

Do you even know what's going on in Hong Kong or is their some instinctive need for Viets to butt-in to China related threads, regardless of how ignorant you guys end up appearing?

So tell me, what they want to?


So what are the objective(s) of these people? To make Hong Kong an independent city state? We all know that is unrealistic.


To create some instability and concern for china. To keep china's attention local instead of Vietnam, phillipines, japan, Taiwan, india etc etc etc.
Why do you think China didn't take HK and Macau by force like how India took Goa ? Because China scared of Portugal and UK ? Of course not. It was because leave HK the way it is servers China's interest best, China was isolated from the world back then, HK to China was akin to Switzerland to Germany in WWII, it was a gate necessary to access the outside world.

I still see Portuguese bragging about China carrying on Portuguese language for another 50 years.(since you guys dislike foreign languages). Goa was last remnant of European colonialism in India, I am glad we kicked out Portuguese to run our country in our own way instead of waiting for another 50 years for one country two systems or any other European manipulation.

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