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China Hong Kong SAR: News and Images

Supa Powans have inferior complex and white worship, in line with their colonial master about everything.

Back to topic, this so-called march attracted the least participants compared to previous ones, number decreased dramatically. They are now the biggest loser, next chief executive will be elected by old rules. We will see more pro-Beijing camp legislators win in the next local election. (Now pro-Beijing legislators account for slightly less than two thirds.)
they need to get rid of the two most hate anti China clown in HK legislator. One is 長毛 and the one is 光頭佬. There's also another condescending clown there but I forgot his name.
they need to get rid of the two most hate anti China clown in HK legislator. One is 長毛 and the one is 光頭佬. There's also another condescending clown there but I forgot his name.


So many 光頭佬, which one?



The average temperature is over 30 degrees this week alone, I would like to see how many are able to keep up their so-called convictions before abandoning them for the comfort of their air-conditioned homes. :rofl:

From what I have been reading the same rally annually on July 1 in HK, the people on the streets are a mixture of many diversified interest groups such as:
The maids are fighting for increase in minimum pay
The gay and lesbian groups are asking for legalising their marriages
The handicaps are protesting for lack of social protection'
The minorities are voicing out for more government assistance

And the turnout this year is the lowest since HK returned to China @ less than 20K people on the streets


Ancient Chinese Art of Paper Folding

So many 光頭佬, which one?



From what I have been reading the same rally annually on July 1 in HK, the people on the streets are a mixture of many diversified interest groups such as:
The maids are fighting for increase in minimum pay
The gay and lesbian groups are asking for legalising their marriages
The handicaps are protesting for lack of social protection'
The minorities are voicing out for more government assistance

And the turnout this year is the lowest since HK returned to China @ less than 20K people on the streets


Ancient Chinese Art of Paper Folding

Yup. that is one of many reasons why I always say immigration is bad. The minorities always ask for a handout because they are unable to function and compete in Chinese society. Most will end up being leeches to society and criminals.
China's vintage positions over the clowns:

1. The elected CE, and I believe in the appointment of many important positions in the government too have to be approved by China
2. Only the legal authorities in China have the right to change or to interprete the Basic Law
3. "1 country 2 systems" is to end 32 years later
4. Majority companies that are trading on HKSE are Chinese companies with their principal business activities conducting on the Mainland
5. China holds the supply of water, staple food and partial electricity supply to HK
6. China holds diplomacy and defense roles for HK
7. Mainland is the principal source of graduate students and faculty for HK universities
8, China has the say to designate HK as one of the offshore RMB markets
9. HK stock and financial market and tourism.retail busineses are dependent on China
China's vintage positions over the clowns:

1. The elected CE, and I believe in the appointment of many important positions in the government too have to be approved by China
2. Only the legal authorities in China have the right to change or to interprete the Basic Law
3. "1 country 2 systems" is to end 32 years later
4. Majority companies that are trading on HKSE are Chinese companies with their principal business activities conducting on the Mainland
5. China holds the supply of water, staple food and partial electricity supply to HK
6. China holds diplomacy and defense roles for HK
7. Mainland is the principal source of graduate students and faculty for HK universities
8, China has the say to designate HK as one of the offshore RMB markets
9. HK stock and financial market and tourism.retail busineses are dependent on China

But to these clowns it doesn't mater. As long as there is democrazy who the **** need water and food?
But to these clowns it doesn't mater. As long as there is democrazy who the **** need water and food?

what they are doing is to sabotage the HK administration and to derail its proper execution of government plans and policies in the name of democracy
If the people of HK are smart they should know who are causing the troubles
China gives them opportunities to work and to accumulate wealth
The clowns are ruining them

Who wants HK to fail?
Definitely NOT China, then who?


Ancient Chinese Art of Paper Folding
PLA holds military drill in Hong Kong
July 4, 2015


The People's Liberation Army (PLA) Hong Kong Garrison started a live-fire exercise in Hong Kong suburb on Saturday.[Photo: Chinanews]

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) Hong Kong Garrison started a live-fire exercise in Hong Kong suburb on Saturday, the first of its kind since 1997 that local residents have been invited to observe. @Chinese-Dragon :)

At the Tsing Shan shooting range in the New Territories, soldiers with armored vehicles, anti-tank rockets and gunships from army, navy and air force of the garrison carried out a simulation of downtown Hong Kong defending.

Over 500 people from all walks of life observed the "Hong Kong Defender-2015C" exercise, which was part of the garrison's plan during this summer following two exercises in May and June.

Three arms of the PLA, army, navy and air force, have garrisoned the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region since the former British colony was handed over to China in 1997.
PLA holds military drill in HK, locals invited to observe

07-04-2015 13:31 BJT

The People’s Liberation Army Hong Kong Garrison has held a military drill on Saturday. It's the first time that such an exercise has been open to the public.

A live ammunition exercise of the People’s Liberation Army in Hong Kong.

The scenario – a group of terrorists escape to the mountainous Castle Peak area. And the army and the air force try and eliminate them.

Six helicopters carry out a coordinated patrol. They fire once the terrorists appear.

Machine gun fire and missiles hit the targets precisely.

It’s a successful operation.


The People’s Liberation Army Hong Kong Garrison has held a military drill on Saturday. It's the first time that such an exercise has been open to the public.

This exercise is the largest ever live firing exercise the PLA has held in Hong Kong. The number of participants and the equipment used are unprecedented. The army used several advanced weapons in the drill. Besides the well-equipped helicopters, there were armored cars, mortars and anti-tank weapons as well.

"This exercise carries the mission of defending Hong Kong and fighting external invasion. The air force and the ground force coordinate to complete the operation. We focus on the attack. This drill is just like an actual combat," said Li Weiya, deputy commander of PLA HK Garrison.

Since the handover in 1997, the central government has stationed a garrison of the PLA in Hong Kong to manage its defense affairs.


The People’s Liberation Army Hong Kong Garrison has held a military drill on Saturday. It's the first time that such an exercise has been open to the public.

The troops conduct regular military exercises. But this is the first time that the drill was open to the public.

Observers say this was to let Hong Kong residents know more about the army and assure them of its ability to safeguard the region’s security.


The People’s Liberation Army Hong Kong Garrison has held a military drill on Saturday. It's the first time that such an exercise has been open to the public.
These illustrations show how different Hong Kong thinks it is from mainland China

Annalisa Merelli
July 01, 2015

It’s no secret that people from Hong Kong see themselves as separate from the people of mainland China, even though the independently-administered city is meant to be absorbed fully by China in 2047. Last year’s so-called “Umbrella Movement” made that clear in the eyes of the rest of the world as well.

Hong Kongers, who sometimes refer to themselves as Hongkies, are proud of the differences between their lifestyles and habits and those of the mainland Chinese, and visiting mainlanders are often held up in Hong Kong for displaying what are considered poor manners.

Hong Kong design studio Local Studio has decided to sum up some of the differences between Mainland China and Hong Kong in a series of illustrations which, according to the website Shanghaiist, has gone viral. Titled “Hong Kong is not China”, and reminiscent of the the popular Paris vs New York tumblr(now a book), the illustrations juxtapose iconic elements of the two cultures to highlight the differences.

Some of the images are straightforward and factual, and while critical of the lack of freedom of speech in China, it is hard to argue that they don’t depict the reality of government and media in China and Hong Kong.







Other illustrations, however, attack Chinese products and habits—reflecting a series of stereotypes that do little to dispel Hong Kongers’ reputation on the mainland as snobbish.


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