Honestly I don't know what you want to prove or disapprove.
1. China launches the quantumn communication satellite in 2016;
2. lots of tests are conducted after that, incl. the ones co-done with Australia, where we put the quantum key receiving device in Australia to test the Mozi satellite's capability to do "cross-continent" task.
3. Now the Mozi satellite is proved to be working well, and the land-based quantumn network is also completed and tested, and even put to many real-world activities, e.g. banking,
4. After all the tests, building, real-world applications are done, we announce the completion of the world first and integrated quantum network. Tell us anything in appropriate here?
For the comment "Chinese have been working in collaboration with other countries and failed to mention this in the original post."
If you really read the article I shared, it won't be difficult to find the following:
View attachment 704678