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China hackers enter Navy computers, plant bug to extract sensitive data

there is no surprise at all. China has the ability and we should learn from that. even pentagon is not safe from this Chinese. no doubt this is common in world even Americans do the same from Chinese.
there is no surprise at all. China has the ability and we should learn from that. even pentagon is not safe from this Chinese. no doubt this is common in world even Americans do the same from Chinese.

not really. actually system in Pentagon, NSA headquarter, CIA headquarter are only hacked when they themselves want it to. They honey trap the chinese hackers, there may be hacks with little low credible info getting leaked but 90% are misinformation or wrong data which are fed to the hackers by US.

Chinese are successful in gathering information through human intelligence like propulsion and stealth of B2 with the help of Russian human intel.
even china made chips have backdoor in built ! we should have fab facility or should source chips from non Chinese companies . US is doing the same now.
Chinese navy looks obsessed with their inferior nuke subs,thats y they r stealing our data..
@topic: This is a complete fault of some personal from our side, it has to be investigated and the culprit should be punished.. because no one is allowed to take pendrive in navy computer rooms, and he did it so he/she should be punished for that.
And for chinese, they will do this hacking stuff coz they don't have other way to get new tech and intelligence. Everytime when US,Russia and India accused them they denied it..
How come? Doesn't India has a huge IT sector? Why doesn't Indian government use their expertise to safeguard their national secrets?
How come? Doesn't India has a huge IT sector? Why doesn't Indian government use their expertise to safeguard their national secrets?

Indian army long back recognized the power of cyber warfare. They have what is called Cyber Emergency Response Team(CERT). But Indian government itself has more recently understood the threat and has been taking a wholesome approach to the cyber threat.

PM-led National Security Council discusses cyber security - India - DNA
ever heard of FLAME virus? google it and be surprised! :)
Disagree with you there. We are not like the chinese, we respect ourselves and others. Rather than fight fire with fire, we should use water and defend ourselves from the hackers.

YOu are so stupid and completely lack any insight. Plz keep your BS opinions and points to yourself. Defending against hackers, does what exactly? Nothing! We should have been enegaged in building a cyber army 15 yrs ago. I know folks that suggested such solutions to the govt but such input was not taken at the time. Fuking idiots we have running India.
YOu are so stupid and completely lack any insight. Plz keep your BS opinions and points to yourself. Defending against hackers, does what exactly? Nothing! We should have been enegaged in building a cyber army 15 yrs ago. I know folks that suggested such solutions to the govt but such input was not taken at the time. Fuking idiots we have running India.
personal attack mate!,,,,pretty sure there was something in the forum rules against that. cheap thrills much?
personally i feel this reeks of a counterintel op. OOtherwise it doesnt make sense releasing it to the media. What begs notice is why the chinese we trying to steal tech concerned with our ssbn. It is a fact, that china's rise as a military hardware manufacturer, has been on the basis of stolen designs and technology. The nation lacks innovation of any kind whatsoever. If anything, this backs our assumption that chinese nuke subs really are generations behind current levels. Much like their diesel electrics, as confirmed by us navy reports.

China's Noisy Subs Get Busier -- And Easier to Track | Danger Room | Wired.com
All our Indian defence cheifs are sleeping,they will wake up after everything is completed,and they will never get a idea of using bright minds in the country and give them what they deserve....

This is INDIA....
actually it is pretty much Chinese job..every country do this kind of hacking/stealing of data but rarely get caught.only chinese hackers are the exception..quality problem i guess..

when you walk approaching to the gaming table, you must be aware what you are doing. there are gaming rules, as long as you dont flip the table off, nobody care of you. if you lose, walk away.

the game is open to every adult, you should focus on how to play, dont always watch people and guess who will beat you. show you talent, you can win if you are a man! Internet is a fair game.
personally i feel this reeks of a counterintel op. OOtherwise it doesnt make sense releasing it to the media. What begs notice is why the chinese we trying to steal tech concerned with our ssbn. It is a fact, that china's rise as a military hardware manufacturer, has been on the basis of stolen designs and technology. The nation lacks innovation of any kind whatsoever. If anything, this backs our assumption that chinese nuke subs really are generations behind current levels. Much like their diesel electrics, as confirmed by us navy reports.

China's Noisy Subs Get Busier -- An
d Easier to Track | Danger Room | Wired.com

Actually, any country would want to know what kind of weapons platforms another friendly or foe nation has. It allows them to build countermeasures and understand how to track. The possibilities rnge from picking up minute info that may be quite valuable to them like the design of the sub propellers to future battle plan scenarios, so they can counter it.
It is a fact, that china's rise as a military hardware manufacturer, has been on the basis of stolen designs and technology.

There are a lot of concepts out there sometimes you dont need to re-invent the wheels. Steal some concepts from others is a jump start solution. Copying is also an state of art. If you are not too doom, you should copy and steal the stealthy F-22 designs(at lease some) and make your own fighters, so far, only China has 2 copies similar, the world has 3 copies similar include F35.

Copying is an state of art. If Chinese copy the Indian military failure projects, that will make many people dieing by laughing. what else China can copy from India? to make good thing bad?

actually most countries top secrets are not store in a computer connected to internet. F-22, J-20 have their own network, only handful of people can upload and download info from the system, stealing is mission impossible. then are Indian odd? to publish valuable Navy info on internet? and they dont have good protection?
Copying is an state of art. If Chinese copy the Indian military failure projects, that will make many people dieing by laughing. what else China can copy from India? to make good thing bad?

that made me lol... ;)
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