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China gives $16mn aid to Somalia

slap on the face on Muslim countries especially on uae who just building skyscrapers

the most easiest thing any one can do, is to start bashing the Arabs
the most easiest thing any one can do, is to start bashing the Arabs

Thing is, rich Arabs (in other words Gulf Arabs) are hypocrites (not all of them but a lot of them), on one hand they fund Armed Islamic movements in other Muslim countries (Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, Sudan, etc) and spread their version of Islam in these countries while on the other hand these same Gulf Arabs spend money on expensive European cars, buy prostitutes (Zina), drink, gamble, party, and do all of those haram things while at the same time consider other Muslims who are not Arabs as below themselves, in other words inferior just because your not Arab.
Thing is, rich Arabs (in other words Gulf Arabs) are hypocrites (not all of them but a lot of them), on one hand they fund Armed Islamic movements in other Muslim countries (Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, Sudan, etc) and spread their version of Islam in these countries while on the other hand these same Gulf Arabs spend money on expensive European cars, buy prostitutes (Zina), drink, gamble, party, and do all of those haram things while at the same time consider other Muslims who are not Arabs as below themselves, in other words inferior just because your not Arab.

for the last two months, I have seen Saudi(Arab) members here trying so hard to change this look at us
I guess there effort and time was for nothing big ZERO (0)
for the last two months, I have seen Saudi(Arab) members here trying so hard to change this look at us
I guess there effort and time was for nothing big ZERO (0)

Actually, I think the Saudi Arabian members on this forum have left a very positive impression. :tup: Mosamnia in particular.
for the last two months, I have seen Saudi(Arab) members here trying so hard to change this look at us
I guess there effort and time was for nothing big ZERO (0)

First of all, my friend, i haven't said anything wrong, nor did i intend to offend anyone, if i am wrong then i would like you to bring a counter argument to my statement.

1).Is it not true that Gulf Arabs fund Armed Islamic movements in Somalia, Sudan, Afghanistan, Pakistan and other Muslim countries?

2).Is it not true that rich gulf Arabs fund the spread of a strict interpretation of Islam in other Muslim countries?

3).Is it not true that Gulf Arabs curse westerners but at the same time they can't help but buy White European women off the illegal human trafficking/sex trade and indulge in prostitution (Zina) and then justify it??

4).Is it not true that Rich Gulf Arabs buy top of the line expensive European cars?

5).Is it not true that Gulf Arabs treat non-Arab Muslims as inferior's?

6).Is it not True that Gulf Arabs consider themselves better Muslims than other non Arab Muslims?

7).Is it not true that Gulf Arabs buy little Children from poor Muslims countries in Asia and straddle the poor children onto camels and watch them get run over in camel races as they fall off the camels and get stampeded?

Prove to me that all of this is lies!
Actually, I think the Saudi Arabian members on this forum have left a very positive impression. :tup: Mosamnia in particular.

Thanks glad to know someone notices

---------- Post added at 12:18 AM ---------- Previous post was at 12:18 AM ----------

Actually, I think the Saudi Arabian members on this forum have left a very positive impression. :tup: Mosamnia in particular.

Thanks glad to know someone notices
Prove to me that all of this is lies!

there is a hadith or a saying, I'm not sure.
it says " البينة على من ادعى "
it means " proof is provided by the claimant "

you are the one who is accusing, prove yours

but one last thing

7).Is it not true that Gulf Arabs buy little Children from poor Muslims countries in Asia and straddle the poor children onto camels and watch them get run over in camel races as they fall off the camels and get stampeded?

this one is extremely funny man, it amazes me how can a man's imagination lead him to this LOL
I noticed India likes to send equipment and food to countries then money like the western world.

I feel India donations are better suited as it will address the problem much quicker. Just what India donated to other countries like Japan etc.

---------- Post added at 07:37 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:36 PM ----------

Yes it does concern me that the fact China should be able to stand up more and help the poor around the world, as well as helping it self.

---------- Post added at 07:38 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:37 PM ----------

Trying to find Pakistan donations to Somalia, cant find any?

Has Pakistan done anything?

Pakistan has been helping Somalia since the 1990's before many other nations even though of Somali. Pakistan contributed one of the largest forces of UN Peacekeepers to Somalia. Pakistani UN Peacekeepers under the international UN Peace Mission made an effort to stabilize and bring peace to Somalia.

Pakistani troops risked their lives for international peace many times.

Recently I'm not sure of what Pakistan has contributes to Somalia and quite frankly Pakistan isn't required to help Somalia and perhaps isn't a position to so much there at the moment.
slap on the face on Muslim countries especially on uae who just building skyscrapers[/QUOTE

Saudi donates $50 million to famine-hit Somalia: WFP - LHRTimes.com

Brother i sense you are a good hearted person who is trying hard to portray a healthy image of Saudi Arabia. As in all cultures there are good and bad. We shouldnt generalize and i appreciate that. Its just that we all know your nation could do so much more. It takes a huge ship a long time to turn round and Saudi is a large ship turning round.
Many in Somalia who lived during the 1990's upheaval in Somalia particularly Mogadishu remember Pakistan's role in being one of the few countries to directly intervene and help bring an end to the violence there.

So don't ask what has Pakistan contributed to Somalia, as if Pakistan has done nothing all this time.
there is a hadith or a saying, I'm not sure.
it says " البينة على من ادعى "
it means " proof is provided by the claimant "

your the one who is accusing prove yours

but one last thing

this one is extremely funny man, it amazes me how can a man's imagination lead him to this LOL

Soon they will say the evil rich Arabs buy poor asains and set them in gladiator matches......really when I read what he wrote I was like wtf do we look like in us head I will be surprised if we didnt have horns and fires coming out of our eyes.
there is a hadith or a saying, I'm not sure.
it says " البينة على من ادعى "
it means " proof is provided by the claimant "

your the one who is accusing prove yours

Ok, i will give you proof.

but one last thing

this one is extremely funny man, it amazes me how can a man's imagination lead him to this LOL

Ok, here read this:

In 2005, the United Arab Emirates finally caved to international pressure to ban children, many of whom were slaves, from being jockeys in camel races. However, Anti-Slavery International claims that as recently as last month, children were seen competing in dangerous races in Abu Dhabi. Despite claims that children have been replaced by robots in the sport, the practice of using enslaved and exploited kids to drive camels for sport continues in UAE.

The use of children as camel jockeys goes back years in countries around the Persian Gulf, including the UAE. Camel racing is a popular sport in this region, and for years racing companies would traffic children from India, Bangladesh, Pakistan, and Northern Africa to ride and whip the camels into the winners circle. The treatment of these children was appalling. To make them as light as possible for racing, many children were intentionally starved and stunted in their growth; some subsided on as little as a couple biscuits a day. They were forced to work 18 hour days for little or no pay. Some of the children were sexually abused in the camps near the racetracks where they lived. Children as young as four have been used as camel jockeys.

And more proof:

As many as 5,000 children, some as young as two, have been kidnapped or bought from their parents in the Indian sub-continent and Africa as part of a quest by camel trainers to gain the edge over their racing rivals.

Last week, as the racing season drew to a close with two high-profile races attended by the Emirates’ elite, the sheikhs promised to end a shameful modern-day slave trade that is proving an embarrassment for their small, oil-rich federation.

Speaking haltingly in his native Urdu, Shakheel described the wretchedness of life in an ousbah, a simple desert settlement where the boys live as prisoners with the camels and their trainers.

---------- Post added at 02:35 AM ---------- Previous post was at 02:34 AM ----------

Soon they will say the evil rich Arabs buy poor asains and set them in gladiator matches......really when I read what he wrote I was like wtf do we look like in us head I will be surprised if we didnt have horns and fires coming out of our eyes.

If you think what i said is made up "lies" then i suggest your prove me wrong with reputable sources otherwise stop the useless ranting.
Many in Somalia who lived during the 1990's upheaval in Somalia particularly Mogadishu remember Pakistan's role in being one of the few countries to directly intervene and help bring an end to the violence there.

So don't ask what has Pakistan contributed to Somalia, as if Pakistan has done nothing all this time.

In fact during the Balkans war in the mid to late 1990's it was Pakistan and Iran that put the effort in trying to save the Bosnian Muslims from being wiped out at the hands of the Serbs. Where were the Arabs? The only thing the Arabs did was go into Bosnia and bring back a few Serbian women as "war booty". Sex with European prostitutes (Zina), tall buildings, oil, and expensive European cars is all these Gulf Arabs know.
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