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China Economy Forum

From boom to bust? Well, it sure looks like it. China is heading downhill, never mind all the bluster that emanates from Chinese statisticians to the contrary. Is what were seeing the beginning of the great fall of the Han Dynasty? And the article below doesn't include the disaster facing the Chinese and that is, an aging population when there would be no 'hands on deck' to churn out stuff in about 30 years time. But that's for another thread.

China's number crunching is too perfect for its own good. WikiLeaks drew attention to them with publication of a message that, in 2007, Vice Premier Li Keqiang told U.S. officials that China's GDP figures are "man-made" and "for reference only". Equally important, Beijing's tools for boosting the economy may set back medium-term essential reforms.

In spite of staunch claims by China's top statisticians that their numbers have been checked to see that they do add up, there are several points of inconsistency. Electricity consumption is flat; new housing starts continue to collapse; retail sales figures do not point in a clear direction; and the GDP deflator implied from the difference between nominal and real rates of GDP growth suggests that China is on track toward deflation.

All of these factors lead economists to suggest that China's growth may be more like 7 to 7.3 percent. "Before the story of 'China as the forthcoming greatest economic power', many held the impression that Chinese companies either were not well run, or were run by crooks who cooked the books and produced inferior products to rip people off. Meanwhile, corruption was rampant ...

"These are the problems of China's past. But if they sound familiar to you, that's because they are what increasing numbers of people are talking about now. China is still full of businessmen who make crap products that are dangerous for human consumption. Corruption is as serious as it was, if not more so. You still have to bribe officials to achieve your goals, and government officials cannot have a successful career without being corrupt ...

As professor Michael Pettis of Peking University has pointed out, rebalancing the economy will probably involve a fall in the GDP growth rate. He believes that ordinary Chinese will not care if growth falls to 5 percent or even to 3 percent, as long as wages go up, household income rises and they get a bigger share of the pie.

China failing economic vision test | The Japan Times Online
whatever make you indians happy ...

Indians should be finding articles about how to learn best strategies to improve their economy from economic powers like China,US, etc ... but what a waste of productivity focusing so much on others and don't realizing about their own mess, Imo

I hope all Asians countries become economic powers so our coming generations can live the life of peace, happiness and opportunity
The world is heading for another big recession, IMO we're already in one.

Which country will have severe unrest due to this? Europe is already getting it... America soon enough, China too.

Hopefully none of these incompetent governments will start a war to distract their populations from the real problems.

Fiscal cliff is a big worry for the US, but if we can get past that we'll be puttering along as are economy is at least slightly better than stable... unfortunately I don't think congress will be able to get past that, nor will they accept the automatic cuts :undecided:
They'll kick the can down the road and legislate away the pain of the fiscal cliff, truly spineless when it comes to the economy.

That's not to say there aren't reasons to do so, but still spineless.
whatever make you indians happy ...

Indians should be finding articles about how to learn best strategies to improve their economy from economic powers like China,US, etc ... but what a waste of productivity focusing so much on others and don't realizing about their own mess, Imo

I hope all Asians countries become economic powers so our coming generations can live the life of peace, happiness and opportunity
It doesn't make us too happy! Why? Because we have a trade relationship with China amounting to $60 billion at present slated to reach $100 billion by 2015! Probably $200 billion by 2020! Compare this with Sino-Pak trade which is just $14 billion! :P
As the theory of China 'collapsing' has been entertaining idiots for at least 3 dacades, how many more dacades they will continue?

One of the reasons the Japanese leadership play a hardball against China is that Japanese politicians subscribe to "China's impending economic and political collapse" theory, thus no need to negotiate with the CCP people who would be gone in 5 years anyway.
It doesn't make us too happy! Why? Because we have a trade relationship with China amounting to $60 billion at present slated to reach $100 billion by 2015! Probably $200 billion by 2020! Compare this with Sino-Pak trade which is just $14 billion! :P

yes check your size and then compare with us, even with this amount we are doing much better dealing with them than you and 2020 2030 2040 this and that, please I don't stick with certain forecast results, table turns within days
yes check your size and then compare with us, even with this amount we are doing much better dealing with them than you and 2020 2030 2040 this and that, please I don't stick with certain forecast results, table turns within days

Yes, India and Pakistan cannot be compared.

But doubt whether Pakistan would be of much value to China after 2030.
yes check your size and then compare with us, even with this amount we are doing much better dealing with them than you and 2020 2030 2040 this and that, please I don't stick with certain forecast results, table turns within days

oh dear , pakistani's always look cute when they play ''size'' card.:smitten:

yes check your size and then compare with us, even with this amount we are doing much better dealing with them than you and 2020 2030 2040 this and that, please I don't stick with certain forecast results, table turns within days

oh dear , pakistani's always look cute when they play ''size'' card.:smitten:
If Chinese economy is failing but what can we say about the Indian econmy which is 10 times worst than the Chinese economy. China's growth according to western specialist, is around 7% while for India it is 5% that is no growth at all for a developing country. The situation is worst for India. Moreover if China's economy is failing, it would be felt all around the world and you will be the one to feel it. It would be bad news for everyone in the world, not only for Chinese as the Eurozone has already crashed while the US is still licking on its financial crisis. So no need for you to be happy, due to globalization if Chinese economy fails the world also will fail. Just as all Indians, the defeacaters and scatlanders, you are really a stupid and mentally ill to be happy for something which indirectly would be bad for you, your family and children. If the Chinese economy is failing, it is not because of the failure of its Government but because export is declining due to falling demand in Europe and US due itself to the financial crisis caused by the European and US Government. While if the Indian economy is failing, it is due to the incompetency of its corrupt Government. That is the reality, my stupid friend, use your commonsense and do not post crappy and shitty thread just for trolling. Stop defeacate on PDF, keept it clean and do it in the Indian streets.
If Chinese economy is failing but what can we say about the Indian econmy which is 10 times worst than the Chinese economy. China's growth according to western specialist, is around 7% while for India it is 5% that is no growth at all for a developing country. The situation is worst for India. Moreover if China's economy is failing, it would be felt all around the world and you will be the one to feel it. It would be bad news for everyone in the world, not only for Chinese as the Eurozone has already crashed while the US is still licking on its financial crisis. So no need for you to be happy, due to globalization if Chinese economy fails the world also will fail. Just as all Indians, the defeacaters and scatlanders, you are really a stupid and mentally ill to be happy for something which indirectly would be bad for you, your family and children. If the Chinese economy is failing, it is not because of the failure of its Government but because export is declining due to falling demand in Europe and US due itself to the financial crisis caused by the European and US Government. While if the Indian economy is failing, it is due to the incompetency of its corrupt Government. That is the reality, my stupid friend, use your commonsense and do not post crappy and shitty thread just for trolling. Stop defeacate on PDF, keept it clean and do it in the Indian streets.

pakistan has become a use and throw product, first US used it and dumbed and now china is using it without realising that china is sucking them up, if pakistani's don't realise it they will become so weak that they will never be able to stand on their own feet....even in this forum pakistani's are being used to defend china from indian trollers...
If Chinese economy is failing but what can we say about the Indian econmy which is 10 times worst than the Chinese economy.
Don't talk through your hat and spew nonsensical baloney! Indian economy is 10 times worse than China's? You must be from Mars!

And I thought we were discussing China's economic downhill journey, NOT INDIA'S? :hitwall:
It doesn't make us too happy! Why? Because we have a trade relationship with China amounting to $60 billion at present slated to reach $100 billion by 2015! Probably $200 billion by 2020! Compare this with Sino-Pak trade which is just $14 billion! :P

In 2020 we will ask China.....Choose one... India or Pakistan.....$200 billion or around $30 billion .............................We will see what China chooses:devil::rofl::smokin:
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