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China Economy Forum

Apparently india is the ONLY country in asia with a current account DEFICIT!

remember india is still a net debtor, while china is the largest creditor nation.

india currently has STAGFLATION.

india economy is weak due to its poor fundamentals. in the last 5 years or so it has just started to invest in its infrastructure seriously. that has caused its world record electricity blackout in human history. over half of the nation's people were affected. factories, hospitals were shut down, patients in great perils. hundreds of millions are still having limited hours of electricity supply a day, limited time for shower, 60% of its population are still having free personal discharges in open air, thousands of kids dying daily while tons over tons of food grains get rotten or eaten by rodents, it is not getting much better now when it is still spending crazily for its military expansion and using that as a tactic to curry favour with the world's imperialists. it is just pitiful to have a government like that. the delusionals call themselves the biggest democracy - a really good model of negative examples to the world! what a joke!
not much difference!

im glad the only thing you have to say is about me and not about the topic. ill know better next time to not respond to your "knowledgeable" economic insight.

Oh and since im here, china IT sector takes a hit:

Microsoft has published evidence of an extraordinary conspiracy in which potent botnet malware was apparently installed and hidden on PCs during their manufacture in China.

In ‘Operation B70’ started in August 2011, Microsoft documents how its Digital Crimes Unit (DCU) bought 20 brand new laptops and desktop PCs from various cities in China, finding that four were infected with pre-installed backdoor malware, including one with a known rootkit called ‘Nitol’.

Tracing Nitol’s activity back to an extensive network of global command and control (C&C) servers, the team discovered that the malware that has infected PCs to build a larger bot, most probably used to launch DDoS attacks.

Once in situ, Nitol would spread beyond the PCs on which it had been pre-installed by copying itself to USB and other removable drives.

Disturbingly, other malware hosted on the main domain used as C&C by Nitol was capable of performing just about every nasty in the malware criminal’s armoury, including keylogging, controlling webcams, and changing search settings.

This hints at the disturbing possibility that the pre-installed malware tactic is almost certainly much more significant than previously realised.

That PCs are being pre-installed with malware during or soon after manufacture confirmed a long-held suspicion that had prompted Microsoft to investigate supply chain security, the firm said.

Microsoft discovers Chinese malware pre-installed on new PCs - Techworld.com

Say goodbye to Huawei having a chance again on winning any meaningful national infrastructure projects, like the one in Australia recently, you guys cried rivers on how the competition was rigged. Guess we know now, why they didn't "qualify".
I reckon, overhauls and inspections are being done everywhere where Chinese companies actually managed to score.
india economy is weak due to its poor fundamentals. in the last 5 years or so it has just started to invest in its infrastructure seriously. that has caused its world record electricity blackout in human history. over half of the nation's people were affected. factories, hospitals were shut down, patients in great perils. hundreds of millions are still having limited hours of electricity supply a day, limited time for shower, 60% of its population are still having free personal discharges in open air, thousands of kids dying daily while tons over tons of food grains get rotten or eaten by rodents, it is not getting much better now when it is still spending crazily for its military expansion and using that as a tactic to curry favour with the world's imperialists. it is just pitiful to have a government like that. the delusionals call themselves the biggest democracy - a really good model of negative examples to the world! what a joke!
Oh and since im here, china IT sector takes a hit:

Microsoft discovers Chinese malware pre-installed on new PCs - Techworld.com

Say goodbye to Huawei having a chance again on winning any meaningful national infrastructure projects, like the one in Australia recently, you guys cried rivers on how the competition was rigged. Guess we know now, why they didn't "qualify".
I reckon, overhauls and inspections are being done everywhere where Chinese companies actually managed to score.

Vast majority of the chips are purchased from overseas foundries located in usa japan s korea! it is unfounded to single out huawei as it is not a dominant pc manufacturer!

So your blame on huawei over some dubious installation on pc is ridiculous! your flags have changed not your mentality!

"海遊" 很多, "布榮"許在這"獎"!

this is what I perceive after reading the social-econ data for some time
im glad the only thing you have to say is about me and not about the topic. ill know better next time to not respond to your "knowledgeable" economic insight.

Oh and since im here, china IT sector takes a hit:
Microsoft discovers Chinese malware pre-installed on new PCs - Techworld.com

Say goodbye to Huawei having a chance again on winning any meaningful national infrastructure projects, like the one in Australia recently, you guys cried rivers on how the competition was rigged. Guess we know now, why they didn't "qualify".
I reckon, overhauls and inspections are being done everywhere where Chinese companies actually managed to score.

what a surprise? the world are having billions of emails and phone conversation hacked or tapped by Microsoft, Google and Apple, and those old names such as IBM, Cisco, etc. It's a international protocol.
Real Estate Developers in China Flee in Face of Policy Tightening

Stringent property controls enacted by the regime to slow the growth of real estate prices are causing developers to flee in China, while others are committing suicide as they find themselves unable to pay off debts. A debt crisis in the real estate industry would have massive repercussions for the Chinese economy.

The property control policies have been implemented over the last 18 months. Estimates say that one-third of real estate developers in Beijing simply left town without paying the enormous debts they had accumulated.
Real estate prices have been at the heart of China’s growth trajectory over the last decade in particular, and the measures a year and a half ago were an attempt by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) to slowly deflate the real estate bubble, rather than have it burst. Last November was the “winter” for the industry, according to Nie Meisheng, president of the China Real Estate Chamber of Commerce.

“Quite a few real estate owners disappeared. Some chose to commit suicide because they could not afford to repay the huge amount of debt,” a person who works in the real estate industry in Beijing recently told The Epoch Times. He asked to remain anonymous because of the political sensitivity of the topic.

Developers borrowed large sums when monetary conditions were lax. As soon as banks tightened their lending standards, the real estate market turned and developers could not complete projects due to lack of funding and rising costs. Because many developments could not be sold to end customers at break-even, developers also had no way to pay back the loans.
“Whether it’s a major developer or smaller ones, the heavy pressure of loan interest is insurmountable; one-third of real estate developers in Beijing abscond,” the industry participant said.
Developers need to generate a certain amount of cash flow to meet interest payments; failure to sell or rent properties means they have no money.
The situation elsewhere in China is not much better. Three real estate developers in Hefei, Anhui Province, went missing, the Southern Weekend reported last November.

Empty Properties
The real estate bubble resulted in other problems, too. The biggest being the vacancy rate, according to Nie Meisheng, who spoke about the topic at a real estate forum in Hainan Province earlier this year.
A survey by China’s State Grid Corporation in 2010 found that electricity meters in 65 million urban apartments and houses registered zero usage; that figure was about 30 percent of the market by dollar value.
Although some have challenged the data in the survey, a 100-day investigation by Beijing police in March indicated that there were 3.8 million vacant houses in the city. At an estimate of three people per house, these empty properties could hold over 11 million people, according to Beijing News.

Two-Thirds Collapse

Gan Li, the director of the Survey and Research Center for China Household Finance and a professor of economics at Texas A&M University, warned that Chinese household financing was stretched and at risk of forming a bubble, in an interview with Southern Metropolis Daily on Sept. 3.
“One-third of the developers meet the needs of all people in terms of capacity now. So two-thirds of the developers will collapse.”
China’s Economic Stimulus Unsustainable, Economists Say


Economist Wu Jinglian said at an international conference that the Chinese regime’s current economic growth stimulus plans are not sustainable, and will create dire consequences if deployed.
Wu Jinglian, now 82, is a respected economist, research fellow, and the deputy director of the Academic Committee with the State Council’s Developmental Research Center. He is famous for being outspoken and is called “the economist with the strongest conscience,” by Chinese media.

Wu said that during his recent visits to different areas in China, he noticed that many local governments were anxious to achieve rapid growth, according to a report by China Business Times, at the International Finance Forum (IFF) 2012 conference on Sept. 17. However, so far the only solution used is still large-scale investment stimulus measures.

Wu pointed out that based on current yet incomplete data, local governments have submitted investment projects totaling over 17 trillion yuan (US$2.7 trillion) this year, but sourcing the money is a big problem.
He gave a few examples of investment stimulus packages that have gone wrong.
One is the high-speed rail system. According to Wu, building high-speed railways in densely populated areas is beneficial even if the project loses money. But China’s high-speed rail system is a nationwide project using state assets, which has created a lot of problems, including two trillion yuan in debt (US$316 billion).

Another example is a province that reported a 14 to 15 percent increase in GDP in consecutive years, each with increased investment amounts. Last year, the investment rate there was 89 percent of the GDP. However, the investment rate for the first half of this year is already 120 percent of the local GDP.
Wu said that anyone with the slightest knowledge of economics or history should know that this method of investment is not sustainable. He also said that it will lead to serious consequences and create dangerous problems.
He Qinglian, a prominent economist who lives in the United States, agrees. In an article published in August, she commented that China’s stimulus package in 2008 caused more inflation, widening the gap between rich and poor, sending real estate prices skyrocketing, and distorting the economic structure. If the regime resorts to the same measures again, China will face an even bigger economic crisis.

Although many respected economists have voiced similar concerns, the Chinese regime has still opted to implement new stimulus plans.
At the World Economic Forum in Tianjin on Sept. 8, Chinese premier Wen Jiabao said that the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) had a budget surplus of one trillion yuan (US$158 billion) at the end of July, and will not hesitate to use it in fine-tuning to promote stable economic growth.

However, Hu Seimeng, a freelance analyst holds that the CCP is going down a dead end by using economic growth to maintain stability and its ruling legitimacy, and the result will be the opposite of what it wants, as he wrote in his blog.
To solve economic problems in China, large-scale structural adjustment is needed, Gan Li, dean of the Research Institute of Economics and Management at Southwestern University of Finance and Economics, told New Tang Dynasty Television.
“The one trillion yuan should be spent on pensions, medical insurance, and unemployment benefits,” Li said, adding that, “If the government invests more in the basic needs of the people, the society will be stable and problems will go away.”
In an interview with Caijing magazine published on Sept. 3, Wu Jinglian said that because the CCP and state-owned enterprises have strengthened control over the economy in recent years, social and economic conflict in China is reaching a peak.
Wu also said that the root causes of the multitude of ugly social phenomena in China’s society are not implementing economic reform properly and thoroughly, failing to implement political reform, and the excessive interference of administrative power with civilians’ normal economic activities.

“Therefore, the most important agenda right now is to put reform on the table again, and to solidly push for economic and political reform,” Wu said.
How will political reform fix a real estate problem? What I see is that your brain is totally out of place.
Chinese economic data has been weakening in recent months and many private companies are struggling just to keep their doors open. While many are quick to pin the slowing domestic economy on financial woes in the US or sovereign debt problems in Europe, China's flagging growth picture can also be traced to several factors within its own boarders.

First of all, rising minimum wages across the country have pushed up labor costs and pinched the earnings of manufacturers. Second, corporate tax burdens continue to grow larger every year. Third, the majority of business polices and regulations in China are geared toward helping State-owned companies rather than the private sector. Fourth, domestic consumption still accounts for a relatively small proportion of China's economy and as soon as external demand fades the country will feel a major slowdown.

Local conditions put breaks on growth - Globaltimes.cn
China’s Food Prices Shooting Up
Common people in a quandary over low wages

Despite a gloomy economy, China’s food prices are on the rise and causing stress among the common people—whose wages are remaining the same.

For August, the consumer price index (CPI), which measures the average change over time in prices paid by urban consumers for a basket of goods and services, rose 6.2 percent month on month, or 79 percent annualized. The primary attributor—exorbitant food prices—increased by 13.4 percent, according to China’s National Bureau of Statistics (NBS).

The cause of 30 percent of the food price spike is transportation costs, according to a report by China Economic Net, a Chinese state-run economic daily. The report also noted the nationwide natural disasters in China as another reason for the rising prices.
Liu Wenhua, Director of Consumer Price for NBS, opined that the main cause is the price adjustment of major public utilities such as water, electricity, gas, and transportation, Voice of America reported.

Members of China’s working class are barely able to put food on the table as their meager wages cannot stand up to the pressures of rising food costs.
Local citizens from major cities in China told an Epoch Times reporter how their lives have been affected by the high cost of food.

Beijing resident Ms. Wu said prices are rising quickly, but stagnant wages cannot keep up. Many people cannot afford to eat meat. “The price is so high. Common people can barely survive. All prices are doubled, but our wages do not rise,” she said.
“We common people can only grumble about the rising prices,” said Ms. Wei in Shanghai.

Compared to her wages, Ms. Ning in Tianjin City felt “the prices are rising as fast as a rocket.
all as good as "epoch times" reports! haha that cheerleading troll is scared to quote the source!

i have always quoted the source of epoch times everywhere I've started a thread , just did not bother with it on a reply post here. . For it is the only honest truth we get. The subject matter is true , just because you like your brainwashing state fed media does not mean others would follow suit
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