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China Economy Forum

China's 2014 E-commerce Trading Volume Tops 13 Trillion Yuan
2015-04-12 10:10:43 CRIENGLISH.com Web Editor: Min


[Photo: ifeng.com]

New stats show China's e-commerce trading volume topped 13 trillion yuan, or some 2 trillion U.S. dollars in 2014, up almost 30 percent from the previous year.

With a year-on-year increase of half a percent, the online retail transaction mark hit almost 2.8 trillion yuan, or some 450 billion U.S. dollars last year.

The numbers were unveiled at an e-commerce expo on Saturday in Yiwu city, Zhejiang Province.

Nie Linhai is an official with China's Ministry of Commerce who attended the expo.

"E-commerce has made new breakthroughs in its application to various sectors, giving rise to a new situation characterized by mass participation in starting new businesses and in innovation. It has become a new engine of economic growth in the country."

Regarding the new problems which cropped up during the rapid development of E-commerce, Nie says the ministry is taking action to keep things in line.

"We published a program of action at the beginning of the year and have recently mapped out and will publish in the near future a program of action for the application of Internet plus distribution."

He says the program will mainly cover policies, regulations and standards, which will help improve the environment for E-commerce.

He added the authority will be tough in dealing with copyright infringements and the sale of counterfeit products so as to maintain a good market order.

The e-commerce expo was opened on Saturday and is scheduled to last for three days.

It was attended by more than a thousand e-commerce enterprises from 10 countries.
called Soto betawi, they using coconut milk but not with curry spices, they using ginger, lemongrass, lengkuas (galangal), onion, garlic, salam leaves, coriander, cumin, nutmeg, hazelnut, pepper, lime as the spices recipe.

I can't say I've had the pleasure of trying authentic Soto Betawi, but I'll have to put this in my list of things to try. There are a couple of Indonesian restaurants close to where I live, I'll have to visit next time.

Thanks Ma'am!

I have tried some Chinese food outside China, in Australia and Southeast Asia. Since they are mostly run by local Chinese, the food there is generally good.
Do they serve pork, fish or chicken in Chinese restaurant in India? Chinese Vegetarian restaurant is very expensive and food there looks and tastes like meet, but no meet at all!

There's a really good restaurant in Chicago that serves veggie Chinese food. The owner did a great job in cooking, presentation is also wonderful . The only problem was she kept on talking so I couldn't enjoy my food as much lol.

I think I was only able to eat half of my orange "chicken" dish; btw the chicken was made of PVP or pure vegetable protein.
Chinese Food P0rn :devil:.

香辣虾 Spicy Shrimp (Sichuan)


锅包肉 Sweet & Sour Pork (Northeast China version)


白切鸡 White Cut Chicken (Cantonese)
Chinese Food P0rn :devil:.

香辣虾 Spicy Shrimp (Sichuan)


锅包肉 Sweet & Sour Pork (Northeast China version)


白切鸡 White Cut Chicken (Cantonese)

You know I'm still in the classroom. My students are on break. You are torturing me!!!

Wo e le.....








Chinese group wins $600m Egypt rail contract
CAIRO, 7 hours, 23 minutes ago

China Railway Construction Corporation (CRCC), the second largest state-owned construction enterprise in China, said one of its subsidiaries has been awarded $600-million contract to upgrade the Egyptian national railway.

The CRCC has been the builder of more than half of China's rail links since 1949.

The rehabilitation and renewal project contract awarded to CRCC unit China Civil Engineering Construction Corporation by Egyptian National Railways is a major boost to the Chinese firm's regional portfolio.

The deal value represents approximately 0.63 per cent of the company’s operating revenue for 2014 under the PRC (People's Republic of China) accounting standards.-Reuters

Chinese group wins $600m Egypt rail contract
Manado cuisine.... (North Sulawesi)



Indonesia pancake (Surabi), Bandung, West Java...


Surabi in Surakarta, Central Java (Small Surabi),..


Some of the dishes you showed in the Manado cuisines look very similar to some cuisines in Mindanao. ;)

the dish on the lower left. Is that babi panggang??? ;) ;)
Some of the dishes you showed in the Manado cuisines look very similar to some cuisines in Mindanao. ;)

the dish on the lower left. Is that babi panggang??? ;) ;)

Manado is also famous for their women beauty :partay:

The Raid wife is a Manado girl :chilli:

Manado is also famous for their women beauty :partay:

The Raid wife is a Manado girl :chilli:


Very beautiful , lagi lagi ! :D

Seriously, Indonesian people are very beautiful, the same kind of beauty as those i've seen in Philippines ! :smitten:
Sadly, she has become fat after pregnant :cry:

Awww, its okay, bai @Indos ! We have to appreciate women whatever size. So long as she has a beautiful inner beauty :)

Beautiful !

bro @Indos ,

i want to try some traditional food from yogyakarta; i hear their cuisines are highly renowned in Indonesia.





http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-0t0k4prsQng/TeKHCr60V2I/AAAAAAAAABQ/4oZNbpAoaks/s1600/sate-madura-Azad Kashmir.jpg

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