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機器人餐廳, nice. :smitten:
a fresh way to be served, indeed !!!

could the robot run away from pilot black marking line ?
they just bring there, and customers take the dishes ?
how they avoid coming robots ? traffic jam or not ?

China fruits and vegetables can be "fresh" for months without decay.
And they share the same border with Russia, so they can serve the "fresh" things right away to Russia.

Vietnam fruit and vegetable has no such advantages. Without railway, it takes at least 40-45 days for sea way to Russia, and the route could be blocked in winter.
An interesting development specially this is what many expect in the 21st century.
Tons of Tons Chinese fruit flooding into Vietnam for cheap price thus destroy home grown fruits. The Chinese fruits contain poisonous toxic over the limit its allowed. Even when the fruits were banned in Vietnam, the Chinese merchants fake "made in Vietnam " to fool the Vietnamese custom and border.

China sends toxic fruit to Vietnam, ignores request for probe
China sends toxic fruit to Vietnam, ignores request for probe

Unfortunate for Russian have to use fruits from China.
Well it could be a BIG order for Pakistani farmers and goods trade with Russia !!!
I thought Vietnam should be the one to do that, since China can't even feed itself according to our PDF Viet members. :coffee:

And i thought they were Russians best buddies

VN should help their best buddy, by exporting pho

Vietnam is trying to balance support from the US and Russia at the same time.

India tried that in 1962, and when war came, they asked both the US and Russia for help. What happened? Neither one came. :P

That's what you get for trying to get support from both US and Russia at the same time, neither one will come.
Does China not export any fruits and vegetables already to anyone?

China is the main source of import of agricultural products for both Japan and South Korea。

As a matter of fact,China accounts for 2/3 of Japanese agricultural imports。
Kunshan has to be one of the richest,if not the richest,county-level city in China。

At 293 billion yuan,its 2013 GDP gives a per head figure of nearly 30000 USD。:D
Kunshan has to be one of the richest,if not the richest,county-level city in China。

At 293 billion yuan,its 2013 GDP gives a per head figure of nearly 30000 USD。:D

Wow that is nice, that is almost more than us!

Though I can't wait till the day that the whole of China has that kind of GDP per capita. :smitten:Then even a comparison between China's GDP and America's GDP will become pointless, because our economy will have grown so large that we will be far away from anyone else.
Someone import "made in Vietnam" fresh fruit and vegetables into Vietnam from another country, and the Vietnamese custom is fool?
Wah, the Vietnamese custom must have very high IQ.

Does China not export any fruits and vegetables already to anyone?
I believe Japan and S.Korea import quite a sizeable amount.
Both has a high demand and can pay a higher price because of proximity compare to other suppliers.
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I don't want a laser scanning my damn eye,let's wait & let the technology mature a little bit more

In the ad,they say some lasers are gonna scan my eye,don't you think it is a bit dangerous
Who said anything about laser??? You are "scanned" by your phone every time you take a photo. The phone simply takes in the pixels of the image. In this case the phone takes 4 images of the eyes at different locations in order to "track" the eye movements, no difference than taking photos. Pretty novel idea if you ask me.

Nice holographic technology but if multiple phone cameras continually track your eye the whole day, it will drain the battery very fast

What's consuming the bulk of the energy is lighting up the screen and projecting the holographic image. The cameras themselves barley consume any energy at all. But then again, this is no difference than playing a 3D game on your phone. You better be close to a charger
None of these techs invented by Chinese. I have seen Holo and eye tracking tech demonstrated before. I just want to see real product make for consumers.
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