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China Economy Forum

@Truth Finder
another good thread from you.i know that India is very rich and developed,so in your opinion,in the real world how many times is India's GDP of China's?
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@Truth Finder
another good thread from you.i know that India is very rich and developed,so in your opinion,in the real world how many times is India's GDP of China's?

Don't take truthfinder seriously is my advice, treat most of his posts as a joke is the best way
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I have no doubt the Chinese have two sets of books, or may be three or more. Let just say there are two for now.

One set for for government internal use, for setting economic policy.

The other set is for Casino customers, i.e. commodity futures buyers, stock market players, currency traders, option betters, etc. You bet at your own risk. The house (China) always wins.

As for China, does it matter what the number are? The reality on the ground is for everybody to see. You decide yourself.
Personal attack, post reported.
It is worthless to argue with uneducated guy like you. Get a life, kid.
I am scared.:fie:

Don't take truthfinder seriously is my advice, treat most of his posts as a joke is the best way
Truth is very hard to digest. :moil:
Simple fudging by china as follows:
CPC instructions all the numbers are the yuan equivalent. but put $ symbol in front.
Why do Indians always feel so bitter and jealous when Chinese economy is getting bigger and bigger....? because they have less toilets...imo
Fitch says China credit bubble unprecedented in modern world history

The agency said the scale of credit was so extreme that the country would find it very hard to grow its way out of the excesses as in past episodes, implying tougher times ahead.



I think we have discussed this report which related to Fitch's downgrading of China's economic outlook

It was a repeated posting from you

The answer was if Fitch was so worried as spelt out in the article why they did not downgrade China more!

the totalling of China's GDP is not a simple adding up of GDP of each individual province
Get some education!
what an ignorant cheerleader!
AVIC attending the 50th Paris Air Show
2013-06-18 15:24 Author:Prince Source:CANNEWS

AVIC attending the 50th Paris Air Show


Xiaolong fighter wing mounted anti-ship missiles, guided pods, medium range air to air missiles, combat air missiles and other weapons


L15 trainer, visible under the wing mounted 1000 kg laser-guided bombs and fuel tanks


MA 700 turboprop passenger airplane


Yun 12F Universal / regional turboprop aircraft


AC-312 utility helicopters


Yilong multirole UAV


Y-8 mid sized cargo transport plane

pix courtesy:guancha

CANNEWS - On June 17, 2013, the 50th International Paris Air Show was held at the Le Bourget Airport near Paris.

The site of the air show saw no shortage of Chinese elements, among which AVIC brought many models in the main exhibition hall such as FC-1 “Fighter China 1” (JF-17 Thunder) single and double seat fighters each, L-15 "Falcon" advanced training plane, pterosaurs multipurpose UAV, Y-8C transport plane, Y-12F general/ regional turboprop aircraft, MA60 and MA700 turboprop aircrafts, AC312 4-ton helicopter, and civil avionics cockpit. In particular, the five-star flag fluttering above the AVIC VIP room is more attractive.(Prince)

AVIC seeks more co-op at Paris Air Show
2013-06-18 08:07XinhuaWeb Editor: qindexing
AVIC seeks more co-op at Paris Air Show - Headlines, features, photo and videos from ecns.cn|china|news|chinanews|ecns|cns


People visit the 50th International Paris Air Show at the Le Bourget airport in Paris, France, June 17, 2013. The Paris Air Show runs from June 17 to 23.[Photo / Xinhua]

With the theme "Merging into global aviation industry chain," the Aviation Industry Corporation of China (AVIC) will stage an outstanding show at 2013 Paris Air Show between June 17 and 23 in Paris, and expand its strategic cooperation with international partners.

During the Paris show, AVIC will highlight its key exports and development in cutting-edge technologies, and feature achievements gained by China's aviation sector in terms of technological innovations as well as the globalization drive, said the company.

With a booth of up to 267 square meters, AVIC categorizes its exhibits at this year's show in three fields: military aviation, civil aviation and airborne devices, displaying fighter jets, training aircraft, unmanned aerial vehicle, transport aircraft, regional airliner, civil helicopters, general aviation products and avionics.

The company will present to visitors up to 10 models of aircraft and aviation products, including models of the FC-1 Fierce Dragon fighter jet, the L-15 Falcon advanced trainer aircraft, the Wing Loong multipurpose UAV, the Y-8C and Y-12F airlifters, the MA-60 and MA-700 regional airliners, the AC312 helicopter, and avionic systems of civil aircraft.

In addition, AVIC executives will hold nearly 20 signing ceremonies and business meetings during the air show, making full use of the platform to enhance its dialogue and exchanges with partners, promoting strategic cooperation between AVIC and partners, accelerating the development of important projects, and implementing its strategy that aims to build AVIC an active and strong player in the global aviation industry.

Created in 1909, the Paris Air Show is the world largest, most reputed and oldest aviation exhibition. The 2013 Paris Air Show opens Monday at Le Bourget, near Paris, in celebration to its 50th anniversary.

The biennial event attracts 2,113 leading players of the global aviation industry from 45 countries and 150 aircraft will be displayed on the show.

The competition for wide-body jet orders between two giant aircraft manufacture rivals, American Boeing and France's Airbus, will highlight the upcoming Paris Air Show.

Apart from AVIC, 11 Chinese companies participate this year's Paris Air Show, such as Commercial Aircraft Cooperation of China (COMAC), China Great Wall Industry Cooperation, to demonstrate the latest results of China's aviation industry in technological innovation and enhance the overall integration into the world aviation industry chain.
新闻中心-中国网 news.china.com.cn  时间: 2013-06-24  发表评论>>












  尽管如此,苏-35并非苏-27系列的终极型号,它在一定成都上担任着技术验证机的角色,其所用的许多技术在验证成熟之后,将用于T-50 PAK FA第五代战斗机上。





Paris Air Show more potential customers to consult purchase 2-seater fighter Xiaolong FC-1 / J-17 Thunder
News - China Network news.china.com.cn time: 2013-06-24

In this year's Paris Air Show, the biggest regret when regarded as the absence of the U.S. Air Force. Since March this year, automatic deficit reduction mechanism starts, the U.S. Department of Defense budget cuts forced by the pressure, was forced to cancel a number of activities in non-combat missions, including to give up at the Paris Air Show. Of course, the United States absent limelight has been suppressed for a long time, Russia can be described in terms of great news, and sits at the local European manufacturers are happy to see.

Undoubtedly, the first flying abroad Russian Sukhoi Su-35 fighter aircraft ("Flanker" E) has become the star of the Paris Air Show deserved. This is following a Russian Su-27 fighter in the 1999 Paris Air Show crashed, the Russian military aircraft first appeared in the Paris sky. Airshow day before the opening, with two omnidirectional vectored thrust Saturn 117S engines provided a powerful driving force, Su-35 fighters in its warm-up style flight performances to the public display of its excellent high-speed and low-speed maneuverability maneuverability.

Su-35 is so hard to show, took the opportunity to show the world that Russia still has a complete development system and the development of advanced fighter aircraft capabilities, find overseas buyers as soon as possible is the main goal.

Of course, the motor performance of the overall performance of the Su-35 is just tip of the iceberg, it also has an excellent large load, a large range combat capability. Su-35 has now officially entered the Russian Air Force, the operational range of over 3,600 km (mounted fuel tank can reach nearly 5,000 kilometers), has 12 hardpoints, combat load capacity of 8000 kg.

In the Su-35 fighter, the integration of Russia's current most advanced avionics systems. The aircraft currently equipped 提赫米洛夫 Research Institute of Irbis-E passive phased array radar, the radar can simultaneously track with 30 goals for the detection, and one of eight priority target attacking. In addition, the machine is also equipped with OLS-35 infrared search and track system, and the Khibiny-M electronic warfare systems. Excellent avionics and radar fire control system, coupled with a powerful air to air weapons systems, including the R-77, R-73 air to air missiles, etc., even if the West's most advanced fighter Su-35 will also feel fear.

Nevertheless, the Su-35 Su-27 series is not the ultimate model, it acted in a certain Chengdu role of technology demonstrator, many of the techniques they use in the verification mature, will be used for T-50 PAK FA fifth-generation fighter on.


In addition to the Su-35 fighter planes, Russian Ka-52 helicopter gunships exhibitors future military helicopter market is strong competitor. According to the Russian defense export company (Rosoboronexport) revealed that they are on the card 52 helicopters and several CIS countries export negotiations, expected soon will receive purchase orders. CIS is a traditional Russian weapons procurement customers, due to historical and geographical reasons, they are quite trust the Russian weapons, -52 for the card so advanced weapons systems also have practical needs.
Thanks VK-2500 engine high thrust to weight ratio, Ka-52 high temperature environment at high altitude still has excellent handling characteristics, which enable them to meet more customers in addition to outside the CIS member needs, including from Asia, Latin America customers. Russian defense export company said Kamov company can according to customer demand, for helicopters from Russia or European integration, and customer self-produced airborne systems.

The air show flight performance of the Ka-52 helicopter, on the installation of the French Sagem (Sagem) company developed target detection / tracking system. At present, the Ka-52 has completed all performance tests began in the Russian Air Force, has been three aviation regiment equipped with the helicopter.

As a frequent visitor to the exhibition for six consecutive sessions, the aircraft industry at this air show to launch a variety of main foreign military models, including the "Fierce Dragon" fighter single-seat, two-seater, and the L15 advanced trainer and the "pterodactyl" multipurpose unmanned aerial vehicles, in order to be more confident attitude to participate in world arms market competition.

In the aircraft industry introduced a variety of military models, the "Fierce Dragon" two-seater most attention. China and Pakistan have jointly developed a third-generation fighter combat effectiveness of integrated light fighter, "Fierce Dragon" single-seat has quantities of equipment and the formation of Pakistan Air Force combat, in addition to several potential customers for the purchase of the aircraft is being consulted, in this time to launch two-seater can be the right time. "Fierce Dragon" two-seater pilot training one can take on the task, on the other hand will allow aircraft to perform a variety of combat missions as possible, including the implementation of ground opposite the attack, another two-seater aircraft on the battlefield can act as airborne command aircraft role.

google translation
China cheered for adding two world heritage sites
English.news.cn 2013-06-24 20:31:54
China cheered for adding two world heritage sites - Xinhua | English.news.cn






Red River Hani Terrace Rice Fields,Yunnan






天山 新疆 Tian Shan Xinjiang

PHNOM PENH, June 24 (Xinhua) -- Cambodian Deputy Prime Minister and Chairman of the 37th session of the UNESCO's World Heritage Committee Sok An hailed China on Monday for having two new properties inscribed on the World Heritage List.

The plenary session of the World Heritage Committee decided to inscribe China's Xinjiang Tianshan natural property and Cultural Landscape of Honghe Hani Rice Terraces on the World Heritage List on Friday and Saturday respectively.

Sok An lauded China for paying particular attention to protect and preserve heritage sites.

"Through my different visits, I notice that the Chinese government has given high consideration to preserve both world heritage and national heritage sites,"he told a press conference.

He underlined that China is the 2nd largest owner of world heritage sites with 45 on the World Heritage List, next only to Italy that has 49 on the List.

"But in terms of preservation, I highly appreciate China's efforts in preserving those sites," he said. "I feel that the Chinese Government uses culture and heritage as a means to build up the country."

"The inscriptions truly reflect another model role of China in protecting and preserving its exceptional natural beauty and cultural value," Ek Tha, a spokesman for the 37th session of the World Heritage Committee, told Xinhua.

The 37th session of the World Heritage Committee ended its consideration of adding new sites to the World Heritage List on Sunday.

The session had inscribed 17 other natural and cultural sites around the globe on the prestigious list, bringing the total number of the World Heritage sites to 981, according to a UNESCO' s press statement.

The 21-member committee also added six World Heritage sites in Syria to the List of World Heritage in Danger due to the country's civil war that caused heavy damage to the sites.

In addition, it placed the World Heritage site of East Rennell in Solomon Islands on the List of World Heritage in Danger due to logging that is affecting the ecosystem of the site, while the World Heritage site of Bam and its Cultural Landscape in Iran, struck by a major earthquake, were removed from the List of World Heritage in Danger.

According to Sok An, Qatar will host the 38th session of the World Heritage Committee next year.
the totalling of China's GDP is not a simple adding up of GDP of each individual province
Get some education!
what an ignorant cheerleader!
Please enlighten me on this subject.:rofl:
Please tell me what is the definition of average.:laughcry:
Average of 10+10+10= 8:cheesy:
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