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China Dispute Threatens Philippine Industries

But its the truth i don't need your approval so the world would know unlike you who needs approval from someone and this one person who thinks he's country is above everyone this a forum sir freedom here unlike in your country does not need your or anyone else approval so deal with it! And this coming for a nation who fakes everything! majority of us are sick of Nuke threats your Army threats and your stupid opium addicted made up claims! any dare call mine a pathetic post? sir you and your country are all hot air then threatening everything Jesus! learn some humility and while your at it learn to live in peace with your neighbors learn to respect others.

As i said all what china is doing is just more threats like we are so dependent on them only sir we have other markets we don't need china sure it would hurt us but we will live just like any other day.

Its filipino sir again so what? its democracy my country is young we only been independent for 130 years we need time to grow why is your country perfect ? u have a lot but you have poor too if you are really American ? Which i doubt

Pathetic post number 2 LOL man your argyuement really retard but you got thick skin i give you that:rofl:how the heck is our faked goods killed your industries? :rofl:have you got a faked goods industries before we killed it off?
Pathetic post number 2 LOL man your argyuement really retard but you got thick skin i give you that:rofl:how the heck is our faked goods killed your industries? :rofl:have you got a faked goods industries before we killed it off?

I see you think its funny making people feel bad or killing something that would help their country better makes amused? Wow just wow i would say something worse but i made a promise not to.

This just prove me right that you and your country is up to no good at all but lucky for us our economy has been picking up people are spending money on our own Industries seeing the china threat has manifested itself harassing us with economic and military threats is the only let down here but am confident we can over come it if don't believe me that's not my problem if making fun of us besides from your idiotic threats and claims and rants makes you feel better fine i rest my case.
The Philippines is an important friend of China, but unfortunately, your regime is not.

I believe that Filipinos are not represented by your regime. That is too bad that your regime is not allowing us to directly communicate with the Filipino people.

One day, we will be friends directly with the Filipino people.
china is a coward now for real....we dare you fire a single bullet at first to harm our "freedom world" and open your eyes wide to see what you will receive in return.
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