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China deploys fighter jets to patrol new air defence zone

I just read up on that Chinesewand guy, what an utter idiot, and he lost his life for it too.

Funny the CCP made the bot chinese believe hes some sorta hero, whereas he was just an under qualified idiot.

If I remember the incident correctly, PLAAF was trying to blame the crash to the US crew for not able to manuver out of the way of the Chinese jet, and then blame the US pilot for irregular flying causing the crash

So it's the EP3 crashed into the faster J-8, not the faster j-8 crashed into the EP3

This theory got laugh at quit often by international aviation industries. Lol
atleast they didn't crash on some Pakistani aircraft and triggering a diplomatic crisis like yours.

Wrong. Learn to read your news sources properly. The diplomatic crisis was caused by the Americans flying into our airspace. Not because our pilot flew and crashed its plane into theirs.

and our migs crashed due to faulty parts,unlike your who crash a totally fine jet.

Fine, you guys have noob engineers who cannot repair or maintain totally fine jets then. Endagnering the lives of your pilots as well as civilians.

making proud???you're proud for the death of that pilot???shame on you. :tsk:

Taking the moral high ground now? It was you who called the dead pilot a noob, so the shame is on you.:disagree:
That is a strange comparison, you are making an excuse for the incompetent crew for blowing up the sub. Do you actually know what even happened, what caused the explosion? If you claim it's an accident, then drivers having a car crashes can also called accidents.
Who said the Chinese pilot crashed into the American plane? It might as well that plane accidently hit the Chinese fighter plane.
My point is you don't know what happened up in the air and inside the sub, so calling the pilot a noob is baseless.
Plus you said many Chinese subs got blown up, care to show us news articles here and not just making stories up????

70 die in China submarine accident | Mail Online

China Nuclear Sub Accident? | The Diplomat

there are other reports where its suggested that 2 more Subs got write off,one of which is a Type 92.I'm not going to bring other powers who have far far more accidents in Sub than India.

Taking the moral high ground now? It was you who called the dead pilot a noob, so the shame is on you.

Noob means someone who is novice.unless know what a word means,one should search dictionary...
Wrong. Learn to read your news sources properly. The diplomatic crisis was caused by the Americans flying into our airspace. Not because our pilot flew and crashed its plane into theirs.

Diplomatic Crisis was created due to the fact that crashing of aircraft forced american plane to land in China,which made an unauthorized emergency landing with the condition any aircraft could've crashed way before it..neither it was a Chinese territory(110 Km from mainland,one should read UNCLOS).it was EEZ,International airspace.nobody intercepts a craft in International Airspace or Water.if you think that you had the right,then next time,not a single chinese ship can pass without the threat of intercept as international water is full of choke points.

don't be a fool and interpret a treaty as your own will.but again,its not your fault,cause your govt is acting as imbecile.

but later,China retracted and spying missions from various countries went unhindered until 2011...

China eases spy plane surveillance | World news | The Guardian
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When China demanded filed flight plans REGARDLESS of intent, so yes, China is treating that international airspace as territorial airspace. Do you know the context of the word 'as' here? It mean equal to.

Do you want to see your government's rules again?

Announcement of the Aircraft Identification Rules for the East China Sea Air Defense Identification Zone of the P.R.C.

So it is YOU who should shut YOUR mouth. You got the entire aviation community -- pilots, attorneys, military, civilians -- on the alert but we should listen to a bunch of Internet rank amateurs -- you guys -- who probably never touched an aircraft on what this mean to them and who makes a living flying?
I'm getting tired of your sickening for lying and manipulation in order to put a bad image on China.

We never demand. We insist on others to cooperate or face defensive measure which is the international norm dealing with countries not cooperating on an ADIZ. Everyone knows the ADIZ has no international legal basis and it is purely up to individual states to establish the zone. The zone requires foreign states courtesy, responsibility, and cooperation to safeguarding security matter and maintaining flight order. As we have said in our briefing and clarification section, an ADIZ is not a a "fly-no zone" or China's airspace. We reserve the right to monitor and depending on threat perception, we will react.

Col. Yang Yujun, a defense ministry spokesman, told a monthly news conference that the ADIZ wasn't a no-fly zone or an extension of China's airspace. He said it was "incorrect" to suggest China could shoot down planes in the zone.

Time for you to shut your mouth!
getting rid of you seditious chinese from our country is patriotic not racist. do you agree US should continue to help protect Taiwan from the chinese? do you agree that US should continue to fly in the free zone and ignore the chinese demands on self made adiz?

By calling all Chinese as seditious, would that get you accepted into storm front. To those guys, you should be gone as well. You are not white in their eyes. Stop trying to be accepted by racist group and be proud of your Indian heritage.
Also, we don't hate Indians here in America. Except the groups you try to associate yourself with.
By calling all Chinese as seditious, would that get you accepted into storm front. To those guys, you should be gone as well. You are not white in their eyes. Stop trying to be accepted by racist group and be proud of your Indian heritage.
Also, we don't hate Indians here in America. Except the groups you try to associate yourself with.

I noticed you avoided answering the questions I had for you, i.e.do you agree US should continue to help protect Taiwan from the chinese? do you agree that US should continue to fly in the free zone and ignore the chinese demands on self made adiz?

showing that you indeed are one among those seditious chinese I spoke off- and one that slipped into this country... go home you don't belong here:lol: . Your allegiance is to a country that is steals from us, cyber attacks etc... go home mainlander
I noticed you avoided answering the questions I had for you, i.e.do you agree US should continue to help protect Taiwan from the chinese? do you agree that US should continue to fly in the free zone and ignore the chinese demands on self made adiz?

showing that you indeed are one among those seditious chinese I spoke off- and one that slipped into this country... go home you don't belong here:lol: . Your allegiance is to country that is steals from us, cyber attacks etc... go home mainlander

Your racist attacks are not unnoticed by anyone. Get ready for another long banned period. You can go to storm front and ask to join them again and again and bleach your skin to look more white. Everyone else will just feel sorry for you.

No need to deflect any attention to me. America is my country and India is yours. You can go back and be the founding member of India's Storm front
Your racist attacks are not unnoticed by anyone. Get ready for another long banned period. You can go to storm front and ask to join them again and again and bleach your skin to look more white. Everyone else will just feel sorry for you.

No need to deflect any attention to me. America is my country and India is yours. You can go back and be the founding member of India's Storm front

still not answering the question I see... You are a seditious chinese here and you avoidance over multiple times only proves it now.:lol: .
Wrong. Learn to read your news sources properly. The diplomatic crisis was caused by the Americans flying into our airspace. Not because our pilot flew and crashed its plane into their.:disagree:

Without the crash, the EP-3 will not be force landed in China

The two plane was crashed 70 mile (54 nmi) outside Chinese coast a full 42 nautical mile BEFORE entering Chinese airspace

There were speculation that Chinese airforce were intent to bring down that intel gathering plane, hence the collision, or why do you suppose why CCP government care why the crash happened in the first place, and try to pin it (the fault) to the American?

That's because, without the crash, there will not be an illegal force landing in China, the EP3 was not in Chinese Airspace when the collision occurred, that mean without the crash, there would not be a crisis
I'm getting tired of your sickening for lying and manipulation in order to put a bad image on China.
And we are tired of your lying and manipulation to portray China as victim.

We never demand. We insist on others to cooperate or face defensive measure which is the international norm dealing with countries not cooperating on an ADIZ.
Not demand but insist? What is the difference here? None.

Everyone knows the ADIZ has no international legal basis and it is purely up to individual states to establish the zone. The zone requires foreign states courtesy, responsibility, and cooperation to safeguarding security matter and maintaining flight order. As we have said in our briefing and clarification section, an ADIZ is not a a "fly-no zone" or China's airspace. We reserve the right to monitor and depending on threat perception, we will react.

Col. Yang Yujun, a defense ministry spokesman, told a monthly news conference that the ADIZ wasn't a no-fly zone or an extension of China's airspace. He said it was "incorrect" to suggest China could shoot down planes in the zone.

Time for you to shut your mouth!
No. It is time for YOU to shut YOUR mouth. You are not presenting anything new here and even worse, you denied your own government what it gave the world.
Operational requirements for aircraft operations associated with an ADIZ are as follows:

d and e below, an IFR or DVFR flight plan must be filed with an appropriate aeronautical facility as follows:

(a) Generally, for all operations that enter an ADIZ.

(b) For operations that will enter or exit the U.S. and which will operate into, within or across the Contiguous U.S. ADIZ regardless of true airspeed.

(c) The flight plan must be filed before departure except for operations associated with the Alaskan ADIZ when the airport of departure has no facility for filing a flight plan, in which case the flight plan may be filed immediately after takeoff or when within range of the aeronautical facility.

2. Two-way Radio. For the majority of operations associated with an ADIZ, an operating two-way radio is required. See 14 CFR Section 99.1 for exceptions.

c1 through c3, pilots operating within a Land-Based ADIZ must report landing or leaving the Land-Based ADIZ if flying too low for radar coverage.

(b) Pilots unable to comply with all requirements must remain clear of Land-Based ADIZ. Pilots entering a Land-Based ADIZ without authorization or who fail to follow all requirements risk interception by military fighter aircraft.

FIG 5-6-1).

1. Approach Phase.As standard procedure, intercepted aircraft are approached from behind. Typically, interceptor aircraft will be employed in pairs, however, it is not uncommon for a single aircraft to perform the intercept operation. Safe separation between interceptors and intercepted aircraft is the responsibility of the intercepting aircraft and will be maintained at all times.

2. Identification Phase.Interceptor aircraft will initiate a controlled closure toward the aircraft of interest, holding at a distance no closer than deemed necessary to establish positive identification and to gather the necessary information. The interceptor may also fly past the intercepted aircraft while gathering data at a distance considered safe based on aircraft performance characteristics.

3. Post Intercept Phase.An interceptor may attempt to establish communications via standard ICAO signals. In time-critical situations where the interceptor is seeking an immediate response from the intercepted aircraft or if the intercepted aircraft remains non-compliant to instruction, the interceptor pilot may initiate a divert maneuver. In this maneuver, the interceptor flies across the intercepted aircraft's flight path (minimum 500 feet separation and commencing from slightly below the intercepted aircraft altitude) in the general direction the intercepted aircraft is expected to turn. The interceptor will rock its wings (daytime) or flash external lights/select afterburners (night) while crossing the intercepted aircraft's flight path. The interceptor will roll out in the direction the intercepted aircraft is expected to turn before returning to verify the aircraft of interest is complying. The intercepted aircraft is expected to execute an immediate turn to the direction of the intercepting aircraft. If the aircraft of interest does not comply, the interceptor may conduct a second climbing turn across the intercepted aircraft's flight path (minimum 500 feet separation and commencing from slightly below the intercepted aircraft altitude) while expending flares as a warning signal to the intercepted aircraft to comply immediately and to turn in the direction indicated and to leave the area. The interceptor is responsible to maintain safe separation during these and all intercept maneuvers. Flight safety is paramount.

NOTE-1. NORAD interceptors will take every precaution to preclude the possibility of the intercepted aircraft experiencing jet wash/wake turbulence; however, there is a potential that this condition could be encountered.

2. During Night/IMC, the intercept will be from below flight path.

FIG 5-6-1
Intercept Procedures
Noob means someone who is novice.unless know what a word means,one should search dictionary...

I know the word of course. Doesn't the word fit those HAL engineers who failed to protect your pilots and civilians? If our pilot was a noob, then so are your engineers.
I know the word of course. Doesn't the word fit those HAL engineers who failed to protect your pilots and civilians? If our pilot was a noob, then so are your engineers.

I know another word.do you know what Chut!y@ is???HAL integrates aircraft.they don't protect pilots or civilians.the reason of Mig's crash isn't engineer's fault.its the shoddy parts which are brought as main part makers closed the line.seriously,I'm getting fraustrated with couple of chinese.can we please go back to the topic than your useless comment???
Diplomatic Crisis was created due to the fact that crashing of aircraft forced american plane to land in China,which made an unauthorized emergency landing with the condition any aircraft could've crashed way before it..neither it was a Chinese territory(110 Km from mainland,one should read UNCLOS).it was EEZ,International airspace.nobody intercepts a craft in International Airspace or Water.if you think that you had the right,then next time,not a single chinese ship can pass without the threat of intercept as international water is full of choke points.

don't be a fool and interpret a treaty as your own will.but again,its not your fault,cause your govt is acting as imbecile.

but later,China retracted and spying missions from various countries went unhindered until 2011...

China eases spy plane surveillance | World news | The Guardian

It flew its spy plane just off china's coast, therefore China has every right to investigate this by sending out its fighter planes.

If the US spy plane was not there then the whole thing would have been avoided to begin with.
Hence China needs a buffer zone ADIZ to stop cases like thi from happening. We have to be sure of the intention of incoming crafts.

I know another word.do you know what Chut!y@ is???HAL integrates aircraft.they don't protect pilots or civilians.the reason of Mig's crash isn't engineer's fault.its the shoddy parts which are brought as main part makers closed the line.seriously,I'm getting fraustrated with couple of chinese.can we please go back to the topic than your useless comment???

No I don't know your language. Why frustrated? you should not have brought the issue up on the pilot. Your engineers are supposed to make sure your "totally fine" aircrafts are in tip top conditions and safe enough for your pilots to fly in. They are the ones responsible for all those safety checks, conditioning of aircrafts or repairs if need be. They have obviously failed hence the crash rate of your country's Migs.
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