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China denies preparing war over South China Sea shoal

We Filipinos are learning from the Vietnamese. We will not surrender our territorial integrity and sovereignity to any foreign invader without a fight and not without inflicting collateral damage.

Lessons from Vietnam | Inquirer Opinion
Good! Not only does China get take control of Scarborough Shoal, we also get to spank Pinoys the same way we spanked Viets. Enjoy your spanking :)

Ask any Indian guys how they would feel if an enemy attack Pakistan as a warning to India.
Or ask a Pakistan guy how they feel if an enemy attack India as a warning to Pakistan.

Both would laugh their behinds off. You need to study the history between China and Taiwan before you make another statement about these two.
Heheh, if China ignore that warning , then we will take Itu-aba when China is busy in China-Fil conflict. When bigest island in Spratly fall into our hand, then China's troop there soon will be expelled all.

China can attack Phil to take Scarbourogh, so we can attack Taiwan to take Itu-aba too. Tiny Taiwan should forget US or UN's help bcz they don't help Fil too:coffee:
Heheh, if China ignore that warning , then we will take Itu-aba when China is busy in China-Fil conflict. When bigest island in Spratly fall into our hand, then China's troop there soon will be expelled all.

China can attack Phil to take Scarbourogh, so we can attack Taiwan to take Itu-aba too. Tiny Taiwan should forget US or UN's help bcz they don't help Fil too:coffee:

Taiwan would be able to easily beat back the Vietcong swimming across the ocean.
Taiwan would be able to easily beat back the Vietcong swimming across the ocean.
Hehe, we even can beat your US master, keep China warship at her bay with our missile, so your poor Navy is just easy meat to beat.

We even have Shaddock missile with the range of 550 km, that can destroy a Carrier in single shoot too, dude.

If China attack Phil, then your days in Itu-aba are numbers:coffee:
Good! Not only does China get take control of Scarborough Shoal, we also get to spank Pinoys the same way we spanked Viets. Enjoy your spanking :)


Your "powerful" army did not have anything else to be proud of, apart from repeating again and again the crimes you have used warships to attack small transport ships of Vietnam and Vietnamese construction-soldiers, who were building floating houses on reefs?
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