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China demands India not to attend the Nobel Peace Prize ceremony

i mean obama got nobel peace prize but gandhi didnt get what a shame

Exactly! How ridiculous is that...

Obama got a Nobel peace prize for escalating the Afghanistan war, yet Gandhi didn't get one for essentially pioneering the modern form of non-violent revolution!

Not to mention the fact that Yasser Arafat got one, in fact even Al Gore got one for making a movie. :rolleyes:
i don't think india will going to shatters it's ties with china over Liu Xiaobo..

Nobel Peace Prize is always a political gamebit , what's the significance left in this prize once it was denid to Gandhi ....

Just look at how easily Britain was able to block Gandhi's nomination three times, if this doesn't show a clear Western bias in the prize, I really don't know what does.
We would ready accept criticism and political movements if they genuinely came from within China, but in the case of this guy, he's being paid loads of money by the US and he thinks Chinese culture is worthless and should be abandoned for western values.

and yeah wikipedia... if you think pdf is a political arena, it's nothing compared to what happens there.

well i m not sure about what this guy is about and what will India do but one thing i m sure of is that If west is just doing this to humiliate China on a big international platform then India should take a stand and instead of blindly going ahead with the west, should infact support China on this.

The reason is , when in future India also goes onto become a major power and west starts getting bothered they could very well do this to India . just imagine arundhati roy getting something like this:disagree:

we should support each other
I dont understand y india should abstain from the award function
china has never taken india's concerns into account like the visa issue for instance.
then y should india listen to such a silly matter of just a person among the lot to be presented the award is against china's wish.
pls explain
A singer traveling to the Asian games was the first to receive a stamped visa. The thread is here somewhere.

She was rumoured to be a given stamped visa. But a regular one was pasted on her Passport was what I heard.

And if that is not going to be revoked --- I dont see any sense in India boycotting regardless of whoever is scheduled to visit.
well i m not sure about what this guy is about and what will India do but one thing i m sure of is that If west is just doing this to humiliate China on a big international platform then India should take a stand and instead of blindly going ahead with the west, should infact support China on this.

The reason is , when in future India also goes onto become a major power and west starts getting bothered they could very well do this to India . just imagine arundhati roy getting something like this:disagree:

we should support each other

Roy and Liu would be a pretty good comparison.
I dont understand y india should abstain from the award function
china has never taken india's concerns into account like the visa issue for instance.
then y should india listen to such a silly matter of just a person among the lot to be presented the award is against china's wish.
pls explain

It's India's choice... like I said we can't force anyone.

It probably will help with Wen Jiabao's visit to India though, if it is politics that you're concerned about. You can discuss any stamping/stapling issues there.
Like I said the Indian government will do what it like, it is largely a symbolic thing.
well i m not sure about what this guy is about and what will India do but one thing i m sure of is that If west is just doing this to humiliate China on a big international platform then India should take a stand and instead of blindly going ahead with the west, should infact support China on this.

The reason is , when in future India also goes onto become a major power and west starts getting bothered they could very well do this to India . just imagine arundhati roy getting something like this:disagree:

we should support each other

Nobel Peace Prize is another way of west to pat their own back and to humiate other by interfereing others internal matters, ....
If India decides not to go in a show of solidarity with China, it should make sure it gets assurances from the Chinese regarding the stapled visa issue. China of late, has been more assertive than usual vis-a-vis India. Its Kashmir and Arunachal comments and the stapled visa issue have clearly not gone down well with India;s interests. And India should make every use of the opportunity to make the Chinese make an assurance. Quid-pro-Quo.

In the past we have have bowed to Chinese demands only to find a not-so-grateful Chinese response when it came to our concerns. India severely restricted Tibetan protests during the Olympic torch march. If India desired it could have allowed thousands of Tibetans to crowd the route of the march but it didn't and good sense prevailed. If we go an extra mile, lets make sure the Chinese at least go an extra yard.
I think India should Not Visit.... Well Why would an Anti Chinese Person get a Nobel peace Prize anyway, Typical Western Ideas are Ruining the Diplomacy of the Entire Sub continent....

India and China if Need a Closer relationship One Must not Bully each other and Especially when a High Level meeting with the Chinese premier is Arranged in the coming few Months, India must take it in a Diplomatic manner and Make sure its Presence is not felt in the premises ...
If India decides not to go in a show of solidarity with China, it should make sure it gets assurances from the Chinese regarding the stapled visa issue. China of late, has been more assertive than usual vis-a-vis India. Its Kashmir and Arunachal comments and the stapled visa issue have clearly not gone down well with India;s interests. And India should make every use of the opportunity to make the Chinese make an assurance. Quid-pro-Quo.

Fair enough, there should be some kind of quid-pro-quo. I'm sure they will negotiate it.
the point i was making was why should china be concerned about an award which has lost all its credibility
CAN u even imagine that OBAMA the man heading major wars was given NOBEL "PeAcE pRiZe"
i wouldnt be concerned about arundhati roy getting nobel coz wen obama is getting one roy surely deserves one (for supporting the killing of so many innocent people) .
Fair enough, there should be some kind of quid-pro-quo. I'm sure they will negotiate it.

Exactly. No harm in a little behind-the-scenes agreement. I am sure India will face similar situations in the future. The likes of Arundhati Roy and Teesta Setalvad are bound to be awarded at some international forum. If the two biggest countries in Asia can gang up (not in a negative sense) we can watch each other's backs.
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