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China curbs Ramadan fasting

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Ḥashshāshīn;3256301 said:
How can they ban people from not eating? :laugh:

They can't. It is physically impossible to know who is eating and who is not eating.

So they didn't. Check my post above. :wave:
So bascially you can't be a practising Muslim and a Government Employee or part of the of the Chinese Government at the same time. Correct me if am wrong.

Am sure if Madarin speakers like yourself cared you would have dug out the websites to prove it eitherways. As I said media all over the world is reporting it, it can't be a hoax.

This is not about Government official and employees. You can believe what you want. This is about once you are in CCP, you cannot have other religions. It is like a guy who claim that he is a Hindu and Muslim at the same time. Of course communism is not like Hindu but you get my point.
Ḥashshāshīn;3256317 said:
Even if it's just the officials, how are they going to enforce this? Will they force the officials and students to eat? stupid law.

I agree, it is pretty stupid. And no I don't think there have been any cases of forced eating, nor would it make any sense to do so.
Ḥashshāshīn;3256317 said:
Even if it's just the officials, how are they going to enforce this? Will they force the officials and students to eat? stupid law.

It is not a law, more like CCP party allegiance type of thing. Still if you don't want to eat, no one will force you. But at least on surface, a CCP member has to be loyal to one "religion" only. You cannot be a CCP member and following Jesus at the same time. Karl Marx or Jesus, one Jewish only. :)

The news is just sensationalism.
Are all the Civil officials in Xinjiang CPC members?
The South China Morning Post (aka SCMP or 'the Post'), together with its Sunday edition, the Sunday Morning Post, is the first English-language Hong Kong newspaper[citation needed], published by the SCMP Group with a circulation of 104,000.

Reginald Chua, deputy managing editor of The Wall Street Journal and former editor of The Wall Street Journal's Asia edition, was appointed editor-in-chief on 2 July 2009, replacing CK Lau. Chua was joined by David Lague, formerly of the International Herald Tribune and The Wall Street Journal, as managing editor.[1] Chua has since stepped down, replaced by former Deputy Editor Cliff Buddle.

South China Morning Post - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

They should register for working as foreign agents.

I remember Al Jazzera folks were banned from NY Stock market back in the days along with a few JDAM dropped in its hotel. The awesome power of JDAMs !!!

That is actually Rupert Murdochs newspaper. Wonder when this old fart will croak.
No, but there're advantages to be a CPC member. Faster promotion I assume.

So as the ban is applicable to all the civil officials(retired too), it's not essentially a ban for the CPC members only as you guys trying to make it look like.
So as the ban is applicable to all the civil officials(retired too), it's not essentially a ban for the CPC members only as you guys trying to make it look like.

The news is not accurate at all, it tries to confuse people by mixing "officials" and "CPC officials". And again, how to enforce this on a "retired" offcial? In China, offcials who are in charge of Muslim affairs are muslims themselves, it will be ridiculous to ban them from "not eating", you will see an uproar by now already if that's the case.
The news is not accurate at all, it tries to confuse people by mixing "officials" and "CPC officials". And again, how to enforce this on a "retired" offcial?

Well many reliable international sources are reporting the same thing and they have put that part under quote, so I'd rather believe them over a poster on an internet forum unless of course if you can direct me to the govt website to prove your point.
Folks dont get it :lol: During Ramadan management suddenly becomes very concerned for the "health" and "well-being" of their employees in Muslim majority areas. Free Mid-day meals start to magically appear. If someone refuses to partake and he/she is a known Muslim--they get into trouble.

This is especially true in schools. Children are absolutely forbidden to fast during Ramadan or receive religious instructions in any institute. The same ban is not applicable to say--Christians or Buddhists.

I dont know if "re-education" centres exist for Muslims but you get the picture.
Can these bharti troller clowns explain to me how fasting can be banned?

How is the ban enforced?

Funny news.

If you will close you eye, it does not means that there is no sunrise and still night exist....Here you sounds funny.
One I am not your son and two your post was nothing more then uneventful sarcasm. Lastly just because I have only been registered for about a couple of months doesn't mean I haven't been following this forum boy.

Well if you're really following this forum then you're not following it properly sonny.
Did you miss these??


For the second link, just read the 3rd post's "contribution." I'm sure you'll laugh when you compare it with the current thread.

Some people are calling Israel and France ghosts, kafirs and what not. But I don't see those "contributions" in this thread.

So again, you are new here sonny. You'll take some time before you find out the double standards of some people here. Till then you can enjoy.
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