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China could have military edge by 2010


May 19, 2006
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China could have military edge by 2010


China's rapid beefing up of its military might should give it the edge over Taiwan for the first time by 2010, Jane's Defense Weekly said Tuesday.
China announced last month a 17.8-percent rise in military spending to US$45 billion for this year -- a boost aimed at making its forces capable of a quick, decisive invasion of Taiwan while deterring US intervention, the authoritative magazine said.

"China is working hard to transform its Vietnam War-era defense establishment into a credible regional military power with a new generation of indigenous equipment, designed to thwart more advanced adversaries," said Jane's.

The People's Liberation Army (PLA) is now shifting into a high gear, through continuing to import Russian weapons, improving training and increasing its professionalism, it added.

"The centerpiece of this offensive capability is the PLA's potent missile force with the modernization drive likely to allow the PLA to gain the upper hand in the military balance against Taiwan for the first time by the end of this decade," the magazine said.

Tensions between Taiwan and China have escalated in recent years. China considers Taiwan part of its territory and has repeatedly threatened to invade the island should it declare formal independence.

China's air force, navy and strategic missile forces head the queue in equipment funding priorities, while the once-dominant ground forces lag well behind, Jane's said.

While Chinese defense chiefs worry about the United States deepening its security ties with regional allies, the PLA is strengthening its links with Russia through arms sales and military exercises, said Jane's.

"Chinese acquisitions of Russian arms have also continued, with the next significant deal in the pipeline the Chinese acquisition of Sukhoi Su-33 multi-role fighter aircraft: a carrier version of the Su-27 fighter," it said.

"The two sides are reportedly in advanced negotiations over the deal and there is speculation that the PLA Naval Air Force is considering establishing a combat air wing to be deployed on a future aircraft carrier.

"The two countries are holding a second bilateral military exercise in Russia in July, in which China will reportedly send its F-10 fighter aircraft to participate for the first time."

Jane's added that the PLA Air Force was modernizing its "aging" frontline arsenal as new generations of combat, surveillance and airborne early warning and command aircraft roll off the production lines from China's revitalized aviation industry.

Yes, I've moved it to Chinese Military Watch section.
This report dosen't say anything new.

China's military strength could be either powerful or terrible, all depends on Jane's own interest.

165 countries in the world,including USA and India, have established diplomatic relations with China and obey the One China policy. are they afraid of China or something else? besides, the only issue is against China's recapture of Taiwan by arms. that's why they have held reservations yet said nothing much when China issued the Anti-secession Law.

actually I dont think Chinese govt is devoted in military solutions,while economic binding seems more effectual and cost less, which only works when the military balance inclines to the mainland.
China defeated india in 1965 (when india was below poverty level). I doubt china would think of war against india today. China's military power growing but india's military growing twice the pace of china. China have quantity while india believe in quality. I even doubt china would attack taiwan for simple reason, usa and japan supporting taiwan. China wont put him self under trouble by attacking taiwan. :cheers:
I must tell you no matter how big country and military power any country is it wont fight war against any small or big country in todays life. Reason is simple, it wont gain anything. All they will see is economy going below because of the war. Check USA. Its in mess. Oil price crossed over 100dollars barrel + 800 usa soldier killed in iraq. War dont help any country. :cheers:
As far as question of india scaring china its like dream. India is rulled by China. Shocking??? Yep it is. Our congress made goverment with Communist part (the party which is believed to obey chineese communist party). Even Nuclear deal between india-usa is on hold because of this communist india party. They will rull india till 2009. Than for sure BJP will win election (china take BJP as agressive party). In 2003 BJP declared our enemy is not pak but china. After that china said India-sino bhai bhai (brothers). I will vote for BJP. I pray n hope this present indian communist party go as soon as possible. :cheers:
China defeated india in 1965 (when india was below poverty level). I doubt china would think of war against india today. China's military power growing but india's military growing twice the pace of china. China have quantity while india believe in quality. I even doubt china would attack taiwan for simple reason, usa and japan supporting taiwan. China wont put him self under trouble by attacking taiwan. :cheers:

Your posts have a lot of unsubstantiated facts.
U can explain it how. Only one mistake done by me and thats its not 1965 but 1962 (saturn's year). 8 number aint good for india. We faught 3 wars when 8 number played its roll. One lost and two won. Am into astrology alot. Infact its planets who play roll whome to make winner and whome to make looser. Right now planets aint right above Dafur, Iraq, iran, myanmar and malefic planets coming over pakistan. Just remember Saturn, Mars, Uranus and Venus when meets its allways War, bloodshade and voilance. Specially king planet SATURN. :cheers:
Indian buying 126 combat jetfighters, buying 36 new war ships, building New version of barak missile with israel, building its own aircraft carrier, one more aircraft carrier from russia is going under delay till 2012. Although talks are going on. India launching moon orbitor next year april, india making 5th generation jetfighter (mighty PAK-FA) with russia, new version of brahmos and agni work going under. And so on. Lots more india making. Now its ur turn. M listening. By the way happy diwali if you are indian :cheers:
Indian buying 126 combat jetfighters, buying 36 new war ships, building New version of barak missile with israel, building its own aircraft carrier, one more aircraft carrier from russia is going under delay till 2012. Although talks are going on. India launching moon orbitor next year april, india making 5th generation jetfighter (mighty PAK-FA) with russia, new version of brahmos and agni work going under. And so on. Lots more india making. Now its ur turn. M listening. By the way happy diwali if you are indian :cheers:

4 times our defebce budget, now thats reported figures.
Devendra, dont let patriotism cloud your senses. China is spending much more than us on defence, and that gap will increase. Chinese military equipment's quality is increasing too, what with purchase of SU-30MKKs and the Sovremenny Class destroyers form Russia, along with strides in indegenous defence products.

Never underestimate the opposition or overestimate yourself. thats a recipe for disaster
Just su-30MKK's??? Compare su-30MKK vs our india's Su-30MKI. Even russia impressed with india's latest bird su-30MKI. If china buying su-30Mkk than india buying and building more su-30MKI. To be honest china got qauntity while india got Quality. China's air force got plenty of jet fighter's but they cant match india's Jet fighters. Let me know what china buying or building. And also let me know which country selling china latest military hardware? Russia? Nyahehehehe. Russia aint fool i guess. Or is it usa who selling? Hehe. India getting military hardware from russia, israel, usa, france. And that too latest weapons. What india lacks is infrastructure. Our military is equal to usa, russia, china and other big countries. I dont think any country got gutts to challenge mighty power house india. Cheers. Some more cold drink :cheers:
Hey did u know india's latest version su-30MKI can refuel in air? And two days ago it went under latest test of firing ASTRA. U can check whats latest astra. By the way am waiting for latest Brahmos missile (going under development) it would b +8MAC + long range. Imagine that. Invisible nyahehehe. And am also waiting for AGNI-VI. Range unkoun. Some say 5000 and some say 12000. I doubt 12000. May b after agni-4, agni-5 might b 12000. M excited about moon mission though and also mars mission. Mars mission would b late. Around 2015 but moon mission in next year april. Pour some more cold drink. Cheers :cheers:
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