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China Civil Aviation Industry, Technology, Infrastructure: News & Discussions

You're wrong. I don't hate China. I think what China wants is clear. My message to China is why the hell do you people steal intellectual property from hard working people and duplicated and make it yours? That's stealing. I simply pointing out the flaws about China quality. Is that a problem? I do have a problem with people who don't have an open mind to listen and correct itself.

"does it fly" is a legitimate question. Simply, Chinese goods were never of high quality and trust worthy.

have you been living under a rock all your live? every country steal, that how the world work and your favorite country the U.S is one of the best at it. only country and people that cant compete, bitch about it like a typical loser.

"China quality" = dont blame us when your a cheap a**. we build thing in all different quality but when you buy the cheapest one and expect the best quality, then your dumber then a thought.
have you been living under a rock all your live? every country steal, that how the world work and your favorite country the U.S is one of the best at it. only country and people that cant compete, bitch about it like a typical loser.

"China quality" = dont blame us when your a cheap a**. we build thing in all different quality but when you buy the cheapest one and expect the best quality, then your dumber then a thought.
US heavy buying of Chinese product is one of the reason for making China such a big economy power. Anyway, I dont think guy just come here to talk facts. In fact, we are right about him coming here just to bash China no matter China is right or wrong.
have you been living under a rock all your live? every country steal, that how the world work and your favorite country the U.S is one of the best at it. only country and people that cant compete, bitch about it like a typical loser.

"China quality" = dont blame us when your a cheap a**. we build thing in all different quality but when you buy the cheapest one and expect the best quality, then your dumber then a thought.

You are so hurting. It was a question, you can simply say yes or show a video that it does fly. With the F-35, even the Americans doubt that it would work but proven wrong. The person that live under a rock is YOU.

You're a hypocrite. Hiding your sorry a** in AU from the CCP. Loser.

You are absolutely wrong about China only stealing. China do have lots of R&D and many product are hardwork of their own development. If its so easy to steal and made one, countries like India or Iran will not even struggle to make their own domestic system. Appearance proves very little of the fact, the one make by Chinese is a copy of others. Many internal system are indigenous and using China own developed technology.
Example, many claimed China HSR is copy of Japan, Germany and Canada. But asked yourself this simple question, Why the average speed of China HSR is much higher those? If its merely a copy with no input with China own technology, how the hell China HSR can travel much faster than Japan, Europe? Or you gonna say, just add a few screw and grease and China one will travel faster than the original one?

Here, just for you.

Did China steal Japan’s high-speed train? - Fortune

Any Janapese people in here?
US heavy buying of Chinese product is one of the reason for making China such a big economy power. Anyway, I dont think guy just come here to talk facts. In fact, we are right about him coming here just to bash China no matter China is right or wrong.

when your life suck, some people will always try to find someone to blame or look down on to feel a little better.
Here, just for you.

Did China steal Japan’s high-speed train? - Fortune

Any Janapese people in here?

As proven correct, you have already have your mindset set. Even proven wrong, you will continue the China bashing. But I have enough bullets to challenge you.

Why are you avoiding my question of China HSR average speed is the fastest in the world, faster than Japan and Germany? Or you want to answer China add a few screw and grease and magically China HSR will go faster and equally stable than the originator? Becos you do know China innovate fast and added many of their indigenous technology that greatly improve the originator Japan and german technology, right?

Why Japan Kawasaki company stopped short of suing Chinese HSR? Becos they do know China new HSR do Incoporate many technology.
Your attitude is just like the article provided. Bitter over your losing edge and not able to innovate and compete with rising China and need to twist fact and write smearing to ease your ego? I hope you can continue to live in agony, continue watching the rise of China. It seems like a slow pain torment for you.
Haters always try bash China but China continue rise to top is going to make haters blow off top :lol:
You're wrong. I don't hate China. I think what China wants is clear. My message to China is why the hell do you people steal intellectual property from hard working people and duplicated and make it yours? That's stealing. I simply pointing out the flaws about China quality. Is that a problem? I do have a problem with people who don't have an open mind to listen and correct itself.

"does it fly" is a legitimate question. Simply, Chinese goods were never of high quality and trust worthy.
Taking illegal drugs is never an answer to harsh reality, seek a councilor instead.
You are absolutely wrong about China only stealing. China do have lots of R&D and many product are hardwork of their own development. If its so easy to steal and made one, countries like India or Iran will not even struggle to make their own domestic system. Appearance proves very little of the fact, the one make by Chinese is a copy of others. Many internal system are indigenous and using China own developed technology.
Example, many claimed China HSR is copy of Japan, Germany and Canada. But asked yourself this simple question, Why the average speed of China HSR is much higher those? If its merely a copy with no input with China own technology, how the hell China HSR can travel much faster than Japan, Europe? Or you gonna say, just add a few screw and grease and China one will travel faster than the original one?

You are being logical.

You know they hate logic? Instead give them :pop: and they will perfectly grasp and become intellectually mature.

You are so hurting

Everything is hurting you as it seems.

You are somehow a Canadian but still lacking of basic grammar.

I hope you can continue to live in agony, continue watching the rise of China. It seems like a slow pain torment for you.

I second that.
C919 news update:

国产大飞机11月下线 C929发动机为国产

2015-10-23 07:01:42



根据预测,C919成功进入市场后将开启一个规模达万亿元的市场。根据目前的计划,C919将于明年三季度在上海首飞。但鉴于不确定性较高,延迟到2017年首飞也有可能。据悉,大飞机生产考虑的首要问题是安全性,没有十足的把握不能匆忙上马。图为C919客机1:1展示样机亮相。 [保存到相册]




Net translation of the headline
C919 rolling out of assembly line next month
C929 to be installed with domestic-made engines

Other info briefly:
Orders rec'd so far: 514
First flight: Q3, 2016

ps: I believe the engine is GE's CFM LEAP 1C for C919 and for C929, the engines will likely be WS-20 which will be produced in China!

GE's CFM LEAP 1C for C919

WS 20 for C929?

Last edited:
C919 news update:

国产大飞机11月下线 C929发动机为国产

2015-10-23 07:01:42



根据预测,C919成功进入市场后将开启一个规模达万亿元的市场。根据目前的计划,C919将于明年三季度在上海首飞。但鉴于不确定性较高,延迟到2017年首飞也有可能。据悉,大飞机生产考虑的首要问题是安全性,没有十足的把握不能匆忙上马。图为C919客机1:1展示样机亮相。 [保存到相册]




Net translation of the headline

C919 installed with domestic-made engines rolling out of assembly line next month

Other info briefly:
Orders rec'd so far: 514
First flight: 3Q, 2016

ps: I believe the engine is GE's CFM LEAP 1C and probably the engines are now produced in China!


C919 news update:

国产大飞机11月下线 C929发动机为国产

2015-10-23 07:01:42



根据预测,C919成功进入市场后将开启一个规模达万亿元的市场。根据目前的计划,C919将于明年三季度在上海首飞。但鉴于不确定性较高,延迟到2017年首飞也有可能。据悉,大飞机生产考虑的首要问题是安全性,没有十足的把握不能匆忙上马。图为C919客机1:1展示样机亮相。 [保存到相册]




Net translation of the headline

C919 installed with domestic-made engines rolling out of assembly line next month

Other info briefly:
Orders rec'd so far: 514
First flight: 3Q, 2016

ps: I believe the engine is GE's CFM LEAP 1C and probably the engines are now produced in China!



GE is getting its LEAP class engines produced in China??

C919 news update:

国产大飞机11月下线 C929发动机为国产

2015-10-23 07:01:42



根据预测,C919成功进入市场后将开启一个规模达万亿元的市场。根据目前的计划,C919将于明年三季度在上海首飞。但鉴于不确定性较高,延迟到2017年首飞也有可能。据悉,大飞机生产考虑的首要问题是安全性,没有十足的把握不能匆忙上马。图为C919客机1:1展示样机亮相。 [保存到相册]




Net translation of the headline

C919 installed with domestic-made engines rolling out of assembly line next month

Other info briefly:
Orders rec'd so far: 514
First flight: 3Q, 2016

ps: I believe the engine is GE's CFM LEAP 1C and probably the engines are now produced in China!


I used google translate, and it clearly seems to suggest that it will be C929, that will use domestic engines, a successor to C 919 of today. It also fits in what I already know.
China Finishing Tests on WS-20, Touted as the Country’s Most Powerful Aircraft Engine
Manny Salvacion | Feb 21, 2015 09:31 AM EST

  • china-is-now-designing-its-own-aircraft-engines-to-replace-foreign-made-engines-for-its-aircraft.jpg
China is now designing its own aircraft engines to replace foreign-made engines for its aircraft. (Photo : Reuters)

China is conducting final tests prior to the launching and use of WS-20, considered to be country's most powerful aircraft engine.

The WS-20 is considered to be more powerful and efficient than the Russian-made D-30KP. It has a power thrust of 14 tons, better the Russian engine which has only 10.5 tons. The powerful thrust of the turbofan engine is similar to the CFM-56 engines used in most Airbus and Boeing 737s.

Since 2014, tests on the WS-20 engine have been conducted on Il-76 test aircraft, and before the year ends, the aerial testing would have been finished.

China first conceived the development of new aircraft engines in a bid to replace foreign-made engines for its fighter planes, which rely on the D-30KP turbofan to provide power to bigger aircrafts like the Y-20 heavy transport plane and the H-6K bombers.

The design of the powerful aircraft engine core was said to be derived from the WS-10A turbo fan engine used in combat aircraft such as the Shenyang J-11B and the J-16 strike fighters.

With the use of the WS-20 on Y-20 heavy aircraft, the plane's payload can now be increased from the prototype's 50 tons to 66 tons. In addition to this, the new engine will definitely boost the performance of China's aircraft, making them more efficient and reliable.

Equipped with this powerful engine, Chinese aircraft such as Y-20 can transport heavy battle tanks or missile launchers in any place in the Asian continent.

The WS-20 can also be used in other aviation aircraft such as the C919 jetliners, which are used for airborne warning and anti-submarine campaigns.

Read more: China Finishing Tests on WS-20, Touted as the Country’s Most Powerful Aircraft Engine : Tech : Yibada

ps @Bussard Ramjet :

Content with typo-error above has been edited

2014: China conducts first flight test of its WS-20 turbofan engine.


WS-20 turbofan high-bypass engine on the left.



WS 20 installed on a Y-20 test flight



WS-20 high-bypass engine is made for transport aircraft like Y-20 or commercial jetliners
China Finishing Tests on WS-20, Touted as the Country’s Most Powerful Aircraft Engine
Manny Salvacion | Feb 21, 2015 09:31 AM EST

  • china-is-now-designing-its-own-aircraft-engines-to-replace-foreign-made-engines-for-its-aircraft.jpg
China is now designing its own aircraft engines to replace foreign-made engines for its aircraft. (Photo : Reuters)

China is conducting final tests prior to the launching and use of WS-20, considered to be country's most powerful aircraft engine.

The WS-20 is considered to be more powerful and efficient than the Russian-made D-30KP. It has a power thrust of 14 tons, better the Russian engine which has only 10.5 tons. The powerful thrust of the turbofan engine is similar to the CFM-56 engines used in most Airbus and Boeing 737s.

Since 2014, tests on the WS-20 engine have been conducted on Il-76 test aircraft, and before the year ends, the aerial testing would have been finished.

China first conceived the development of new aircraft engines in a bid to replace foreign-made engines for its fighter planes, which rely on the D-30KP turbofan to provide power to bigger aircrafts like the Y-20 heavy transport plane and the H-6K bombers.

The design of the powerful aircraft engine core was said to be derived from the WS-10A turbo fan engine used in combat aircraft such as the Shenyang J-11B and the J-16 strike fighters.

With the use of the WS-20 on Y-20 heavy aircraft, the plane's payload can now be increased from the prototype's 50 tons to 66 tons. In addition to this, the new engine will definitely boost the performance of China's aircraft, making them more efficient and reliable.

Equipped with this powerful engine, Chinese aircraft such as Y-20 can transport heavy battle tanks or missile launchers in any place in the Asian continent.

The WS-20 can also be used in other aviation aircraft such as the C919 jetliners, which are used for airborne warning and anti-submarine campaigns.

Read more: China Finishing Tests on WS-20, Touted as the Country’s Most Powerful Aircraft Engine : Tech : Yibada

ps @Bussard Ramjet :

Content with typo-error above has been edited

2014: China conducts first flight test of its WS-20 turbofan engine.


WS-20 turbofan high-bypass engine on the left.



WS 20 installed on a Y-20 test flight



WS-20 high-bypass engine is made for transport aircraft like Y-20 or commercial jetliners

I thought ACAE CJ-1000A - Wikiwand this was the engine for civil aircrafts.

Also, what about your article mentioning that C 929 will use an indigenous engine?
China's C919, C929 to take on Boeing, Airbus
By Guo Yiming
October 23, 2015


A prototype of China’s homegrown passenger jet C919 makes a debut on Nov. 15, 2010. [Photo/Chinanews.com]

China's homegrown passenger jet C919 will roll off the production line on Nov. 2 and be put into operation on the third quarter of next year, and its wider "successor" C929 has entered the vital stage of research and development, according to Wang Jian, president of AVIC Electromechanical Systems Co., Ltd. at the Aero Electromechanics China 2015 held in Nanjing, capital of Jiangsu Province on Oct. 22.

The C919, built by state-owned enterprise Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC), is a single-aisle commercial liner designed to compete with the Boeing 737 and the Airbus A320. As the second homegrown passenger jet, after the Y-10, the jet has been favored by 21 clients worldwide and COMAC has received orders for a total of 514 jets.

Experts predict that the 156-seater single-aisle commercial liner will have a deep influence on China's big plane manufacturing and even high-end manufacturing industry as a whole. The total sales volume is expected to reach 2,000 after the jet hits the market.

In addition, research and development of the long-range, wide-body airliner C929 has now entered the critical stage with most of its technology breakthroughs credited to organizations based in Nanjing. Much larger than its predecessor, the C919, the 300-seater plane will adopt a homegrown engine and aims to replace the Boeing 777, aka the Jumbo Jet.

Wang said the C919 will make its maiden flight in Shanghai during the third quarter of next year, but may be delayed until 2017 due to safety concerns.
China's C919, C929 to take on Boeing, Airbus
By Guo Yiming
October 23, 2015


A prototype of China’s homegrown passenger jet C919 makes a debut on Nov. 15, 2010. [Photo/Chinanews.com]

China's homegrown passenger jet C919 will roll off the production line on Nov. 2 and be put into operation on the third quarter of next year, and its wider "successor" C929 has entered the vital stage of research and development, according to Wang Jian, president of AVIC Electromechanical Systems Co., Ltd. at the Aero Electromechanics China 2015 held in Nanjing, capital of Jiangsu Province on Oct. 22.

The C919, built by state-owned enterprise Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China (COMAC), is a single-aisle commercial liner designed to compete with the Boeing 737 and the Airbus A320. As the second homegrown passenger jet, after the Y-10, the jet has been favored by 21 clients worldwide and COMAC has received orders for a total of 514 jets.

Experts predict that the 156-seater single-aisle commercial liner will have a deep influence on China's big plane manufacturing and even high-end manufacturing industry as a whole. The total sales volume is expected to reach 2,000 after the jet hits the market.

In addition, research and development of the long-range, wide-body airliner C929 has now entered the critical stage with most of its technology breakthroughs credited to organizations based in Nanjing. Much larger than its predecessor, the C919, the 300-seater plane will adopt a homegrown engine and aims to replace the Boeing 777, aka the Jumbo Jet.

Wang said the C919 will make its maiden flight in Shanghai during the third quarter of next year, but may be delayed until 2017 due to safety concerns.

Great answer to the Chinese report even though web translation is people's best friend

Here is another report:

Comac C919 Nears Roll Out
Jun 15, 2015
Bradley Perrett | ShowNews

Industry officials with good insight into the C919 program think that achieving a 2018 first delivery will be challenging.

Maybe in three months, Comac will show the first C919 narrowbody airliner to the world. Like any manufacturer, the state organization will seek as much publicity as it can from the roll-out – though, unlike others, its main target audience will be government leaders whose backing is needed to sustain the program.

Continued funding is not really in doubt, however. Having come so far, Comac will almost certainly get the C919 into service. What is in doubt is when it will happen.

A year ago, when Comac last stated a target for first delivery of the 158-seat airliner, the date was set as 2018, but by October the state organization was declining to confirm that key detail of the schedule. Industry officials with good insight into the program now think that putting the C919 into service in 2018 will be challenging.

The exact timing is hard to predict, say some. It will depend on progress in building the six flight-test aircraft and then the results of testing. They suggest that 2019 is most likely, while 2020 is possible. “Only when we see the sixth aircraft in the air will we have a good idea of when the first delivery will be,” says one official.

Another points out that that flight-testing itself could reveal problems. “It could take two years, or maybe three or more” from the time the first aircraft flies next year, says one source, noting that Comac’s first aircraft, the ARJ21 regional jet, needed more than six. Another industry official fully expects a first C919 delivery in 2020. It was due in 2016 when the Chinese government launched the program in 2008.

The first flight test aircraft is being assembled at Comac’s new Shanghai factory. In April the structure had progressed well, but reportedly very little equipment had been installed. By August this aircraft should be ready for rolling out, though two industry officials expect the ceremony to be conducted in September. Around the end of the year it is due to be ready for taxi tests, propelled by CFM Leap 1 engines. Though Comac has said it is doing its best to fly the aircraft this year, it clearly will be unable to do so – a date well into 2016 is likely.

The main assemblies of the wing and fuselage for the first C919 were delivered to Comac’s Pudong site in 2014. Deliveries of smaller items have continued this year. The tailcone arrived in February. Unusually, its maker, Aerospace Haying (Zhenjiang) Special Materials Co., belongs not to Avic but to China Aerospace Science and Industry Corp., a manufacturer of weapons and solid-propellant space launchers. The fin, made mainly of composite, arrived in February from Avic’s Shenyang works in the same month, followed in April by the forward and aft cargo doors from the group’s Hongdu Aviation at Nanchang.

In January Huaxia Financial Leasing signed a letter of intent for 20 C919s. Though not an order, the deal is included in Comac’s tally of 450 orders, which actually means orders and options. Use of such loose definitions mean that Comac’s order book is not at all comparable with the contract records of Western manufacturers. Like almost all C919 customers, Huaxia Financial Leasing is Chinese. The exception is Gecas, which is owned by CFM partner General Electric.

The ARJ21 was certified in December. Its first operator, Comac subsidiary Chengdu Airlines, should put it into service this year, from which point the carrier help the manufacturer gain experience in supporting a commercial aircraft.

Comac C919 Nears Roll Out | Paris Air Show 2015 content from Aviation Week
China-designed passenger plane C919 to roll off assembly line on Nov. 2
Xinhua Finance 2015-10-23 17:02 BEIJING


China's domestically-designed passenger plane the C919 is scheduled to roll off the assembly line on November 2, said Wu Guanghui, vice president of the state-owned Commercial Aircraft Corporation of China and chief designer of the aircraft. The C919 is designed for short-haul commercial use.
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