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China captured 5 to 4 km of "indian territory" beyond Chinese claimed territory (Gulwam valley).

Epic fail.
Even Chinese Foreign Ministry has been forced to admit that Indian troops have entered Chinese territory and built military facilities inside China:

@Indus Pakistan @Baghial @Imran Khan @ARMalik

Where exactly in Chinese side of LAC, India crossed over, pitched tents and bring tanks.

Keep parroting Chinese perspective wont hide your utter humiliation.
You are forgetting the Qatl ki raat statement. And he did threaten Pakistani actually with missile strikes after this as was acknowledged by your government. De-escalation happened after Abhinandan was returned.

Anyway, that's completely off-topic.
De escalation happened when we told your friends that we knew what you were up to and you would get back 3x the missiles you fired at us.
You knew we weren't bluffing.
this is how diplomacy worked . do you think china will openly claim we captured indian area ??????? :lol::lol:
Do you think India will openly claim we captured Chinese area??????:lol::lol:

Keep parroting Chinese perspective wont hide your utter humiliation.
Keep parroting Indian media perspective, won't hide China's utter humiliation.
came on pdf today to see reaction to this but surprised little comment
Indians have basically buried their heads in the ground like an ostrich hoping if they can't see the problem it will go away.
i think china is putting pressure on india in order to divert focus of india from carrying any false flag terrorist attack and launching attack on pakistan and thus jeopardize the CPEC. it is a signal to india to back off and act sensibly. wasay one think is clear indians ki phat bari jaldi jati hay in front of china . saray naray thanday parh jatay hain. typical of indian mentality bully the weak and worship the strong.
Do you think India will openly claim we captured Chinese area:lol::lol:

Keep parroting Indian media perspective, won't hide China's utter humiliation.
you are trying your best to safe face but everyone know here china did not do unplanned things they have done you damage well now keep defending your mighty forces .if china was in danger you were facing real music today .

Indians have basically buried their heads in the ground like an ostrich hoping if they can't see the problem it will go away.
for them winning argument and advertisement is more important then winning on ground . modi just want to hide this loss and indian media will do the job with in hours .
Official Chinese military website says India crossed into Chinese territory and built defensive fortifications and obstacles against Chinese patrols

India is adopting Forward Policy 2.0 to gain more territory and avoid a major war with China.
i am trying my best to save chinas face but everyone know here India did not do unplanned things they have done China damage well I keep defending mighty china forces .if india was in danger china were facing real music today .
Post corrected

India is adopting Forward Policy 2.0 to gain more territory and avoid a major war with China.
No forward policy by us. Both sides trying to jostle over no mans land
i think china is putting pressure on india in order to divert focus of india from carrying any false flag terrorist attack and launching attack on pakistan and thus jeopardize the CPEC. it is a signal to india to back off and act sensibly. wasay one think is clear indians ki phat bari jaldi jati hay in front of china . saray naray thanday parh jatay hain. typical of indian mentality bully the weak and worship the strong.
yes it could be a signal to india for two front war . in fact they have diverted indians from false flag in last three days . india ko ab apni par gai hai north main .
Do you think India will openly claim we captured Chinese area:lol::lol:

Keep parroting Indian media perspective, won't hide China's utter humiliation.


What kind of Indian you are. You don't want to look into your own media, Govt, military stand and try to seek refuge in enemy's stand.
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images (38).jpeg

As u can see from historically correct maps of 1800 A.D when it was british india.

It is not on indian side. The border with china is much to the south all water bodies in ladakh fall under chinese territorial integrity. Sovernity. Its india who is occupying it illegally in ladakh.

Indians are trying to pick a fight with china. China is not alone even china alone can take care of india but we pakistaniz are also a party in kashmir ladakh region we will surely help china and nepal if india tries to create problems.
Post corrected

No forward policy by us. Both sides trying to jostle over no mans land

India believes that China does not dare to take risks in this moment because.
1. China is weakened by Covid-19
2. Hong Kong, Taiwan with support from the United States and the West is trying to challenge China and seek independence.
may be it was the result of pakistani ISI colonel posted to chinese military headquarter as was reported by indian analyst a couple of weeks ago. chaa gia hay colonel:pakistan::china:

India believes that China does not dare to take risks in this moment because.
1. China is weakened by Covid-19
2. Hong Kong, Taiwan with support from the United States and the West is trying to challenge China and seek independence.
china has come out of covid quite strongly. on the other hand its the india, pak and bangladesh where disease is spreading fast and destroying their already weak economies.
No because we are weaker than china . We cannot go into a fight which we are certain to lose . You really think we should escalate things with the chinese at this point in time ? Use arms and ammunitions ? Big No No simply cannot afford it .
Today is not the end of the world . We will have our chance sometime in the future , when we will be able to respond to china accordingly .

Typical Chanakya thinking you have there. :lol: Show aggression against the weak and piss your pants when you have fight against an equal or stronger opponent. :lol::lol:
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