Be it weapon sales or not, the crisis of war has dropped to puny possibility
and a sign of peaceful reunification, promoted by econimic ties that are getting unprecedentedly close, has come into perspective since KMT got power in Taiwan.
Mayingjiu, president in Taiwan said yesterday: the territory of the public of China comprises the People's Republic of China. according to the traditional doctrine of RC, the territory consists of the mainland China, Mongolia, and claims more than PRC does,e.g. a Pamir area in Afghanistan and land pieces in Russia,Burma,India and even Pakistan.
see below.
the RC claim is at best symbolic coz PRC has resolved most of the land dispute around, and for PRC the only worry is on the island of Taiwan, though independence infusers already lost power in there.
China doesn't really worry about those weapons to Taiwan, but politically China can not wave aside the US arm sales out of the unshakeable doctrine of sovereignty. although the defence in Taiwan is basically armed by US, it'll be a joke or bankruptcy if Taiwan seeks arm race with the mainland. the real balance across strait is weighted by US and China, and the US arm sales to Taiwan turn out to be a political ploy against China.
Now watch those key points as below:
1.In Taiwan the $6.4bln military budget used to be $20bln when projected in 2001, which was cut down under pressure from the "blue" party due to the recent recession.
2.Taiwanese has been complaining that the US arm sales to Taiwan are the most high-priced deals in the world, while other arms dealer countries feel more repressed by China from selling weapons to Taiwan.
3.On Sep.28th, Chinese PM said in NewYork that China would like to help retrieve the US economy.
4. Oct.3rd, the US capitol hill past a rescuing bill of 850bln, but where is the money?
5. China's foreign exchange reserves has reached 1.8trillion and is still running a growth of 40bln/month,according to a report in April this year.
1 trillion of the total FER has been invested on US enterprises, leaving 800+ bln available.
6. the same day for the rescue bill, the Bush administratoin declared the 6.4bln arm sales to Taiwan.
7. Oct. 5th, China negated the presumed 200bln purchasing plan of US national debt as reported by Hongkong media, and,as usual, protested against the US arm sales to Taiwan.
8. Oct.8th, Judge Ricardo M. Urbina of the US
District Court directed to set free the ETIM terrorist from Guantanamo jail. adding to the show,the White house opposes the order and says that the setting free would misguide those prisoners of their "Righteous".