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China building new Type 052D guided missile destroyer

Yes and those "ATTACK" helicopters can used in a defensive battle, as in to attack advancing armor.

And the helicopter carrier? How is that defensive?

The helicopter carrier's job is to transport attack helicopters to other countries, no? Therefore, the Japanese have offensive equipment in their military. This contradicts the baloney political spin that Tomahawks were withheld from Japan because they're offensive.

Why don't you go ahead and try to claim Tomahawk missiles are "defensive" because they attack advancing armies? Anybody can play a stupid word game. That doesn't change the fact that the Japanese build helicopter carriers and possess ATTACK helicopters for force projection capability.

In fact, why stop there? Let's claim thermonuclear weapons are "defensive" because they stop attackers. Let's face it, the Japanese stock their military with plenty of offensive and defensive weapons.

The fact remains it was the U.S. government that refused to sell Tomahawks to the Japanese, which resulted in inferior Japanese Aegis destroyers with crippled military capability. The newbie's lame excuse in making an offensive/defensive distinction is total baloney.
And the helicopter carrier? How is that defensive?

You do know that Japan is made of islands right? Without helicopter carriers how else will Japan transport soldiers, supplies, and equipment?

The helicopter carrier's job is to transport attack helicopters to other countries, no?

In Japan's case to other islands and Japan's helicopter carriers is equipped with transport/cargo helicopters. So from a logistical stand point it makes all the sense in the world to have helicopter carriers, unless you're suggesting that Japanese soldiers use rubber dinghies or swim.

Therefore, the Japanese have offensive equipment in their military.

I didn’t know utility helicopters were offensive.

Why don't you go ahead and try to claim Tomahawk missiles are "defensive" because they attack advancing armies?

I will. Tomahawk’s can be used in a defensive battle, or should the Japanese only be allowed swords to defend themselves.
^ The Katana is the most beautiful 'offensive' weapon ever conceived by man.
You do know Japan has airplanes and civilian ships for transport, right?

What is a helicopter carrier for? To transport attack helicopters and park them off North Korea. That's called an offensive weapon.

Anyway, I get annoyed at these stupid word games of yours and the other trolls.

You guys can keep playing word games. I'll stick to discussing substantive military issues.


Four reasons Japanese Aegis is inferior to American Aegis

To recap, Japanese Aegis is inferior to American Aegis for four reasons:

1. Japanese Aegis lack Tomahawk cruise missiles. Japanese Aegis cannot attack enemy land targets.

2. Japanese Aegis need proposed upgrades to meet American Aegis standards.

3. Global Security informed you that parts of the American Aegis system was not installed on the Japanese Aegis ships.

4. The United States has a long track record of downgrading exported military equipment that encompasses navigation pod (a trivial accessory), targeting pod, M1 Abrams, F-35, and F-22.

There. Those are my four best reasons that Japanese Aegis is inferior to American Aegis.
You do know that Japan is made of islands right? Without helicopter carriers how else will Japan transport soldiers, supplies, and equipment?

In Japan's case to other islands and Japan's helicopter carriers is equipped with transport/cargo helicopters. So from a logistical stand point it makes all the sense in the world to have helicopter carriers, unless you're suggesting that Japanese soldiers use rubber dinghies or swim.

I didn’t know utility helicopters were offensive.

I will. Tomahawk’s can be used in a defensive battle, or should the Japanese only be allowed swords to defend themselves.

Not too get off topic too much, but Japanese military capability is way beyond defensive means.

Their Newest "Helicopter Destroyer" as they call them, The 22DDH is going to have a loaded displacement of 27000 tons, and they acquired F-35s very liked to be fitted to those ships. They will have 1 light carrier and 8 destroyers in each of their 4 "escort group",and if the US deliver the F-35s to them before 2020, they will also be the first country in Asia to have fifth gen capability, their Navy will be 2nd only to the USN.

Sure they can use all these defensively, but let me ask you, is the US missile defense a defensive weapon?
I would go as far to say nuclear ICBMs can be used defensively. In fact all nuclear powers besides Russia and USA maintains a minimum deterrence. does that mean Japan and Germany can now be nuclear armed?

Japan has a history of launching preemptive strikes and invasions, It used USSR and North Korea for 30 years as a reason for their military build up, now they are saying China is the threat now.
In addition to cooperating with the United States on development of technologies for the SM-3 Block IIA missile, Japan is modifying all six of its Aegis destroyers with an approximate equivalent of the 3.6.1 version Aegis BMD system.

Sorta ambigious , huh ?
Do you want to be an idiot too?

An Apache helicopter is an ATTACK helicopter.

Put those Apache attack helicopters on a Japanese helicopter carrier (see citation below) and it's a nasty offensive weapon.
Right...Then by your simplistic reasoning, let us call the individual soldier an 'attack' weapon and put him on a par with a nuclear tipped ICBM. :lol:
Indians are bunch of idiots or kind of retarded. They are lacking of information and facts, but they shamelessly keep on repeating to challenge hard facts with their so called information but full of illusions/misconceptions. I have not seen such brazen, cheeky humans living in the world. Unbelievable!

I agree with you
There is no harm in being a little jealous, but not at that point. because there is the morbid obsession
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