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China boasts breakthrough in nuclear technology



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普希金栽在了一个女人的身上算啥伟人? 说他是出色的文学家还差不多。


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三哥出钱 +1

看看那悲剧的“无偿增送退役航母事件”都让俄罗斯人骗了多少钱了?明显是印度官僚和俄罗斯人合伙贪钱的借口。 :lol:
很喜欢你的头像~~~ :smitten:







A small step for china , but will be a giant leap for superpower india.:smitten::smitten:

India had already mastered Fast breeder technology and an active development program of thermal breeder reactors.

While the list of number of countries succeeding is not large,but definitely China is not in the list.

we also have the capacity to use thorium cycle when China is asking in front of different countries for uranium cycle

Now u can defend ur inferiority with that China is not interested in FBR or Thorium but it was not that long since a Chinese made a comment here that acquiring tech and interest r two different sides of a coin and China can do it in every field before India does.

U people can shout all day with ur loud mouth about ur technological prowess and IQ statistics but all it need is a little courage to accept the truth which u lack.
Your typical Indian style chest-thumping is truly amazing.

i only assume that you are an israeli here ( that's a very big assume as country flags are are for free :lol:).

Then what you brag about? "Israel tech? " since when? :hitwall:

Most, if not ALL, major israel tech are in fact second or even first hand American tech and Russian tech (waves of Russian scientists immigrated to Israel after the collapse of USSR cliaming that they were Jews. Yet no one knows for sure how exactly so).

With more than $5 billion annual militay assistance from the US which mainly takes the form of millitary technologies of all kinds for decades, so called "Israel tech" is literally Amercian tech, oke?

China's seeking to get some of them was her efforts to get hold on some American tech to avoid the need of wasting time by reinventing the wheel.

"Israel tech"? :lol: :rofl: You are seriously funny !

With average IQ at merely low 90s, 92 to be precise, for Israel ( in light of Europe's 100 and China's 105) , your "tech" would be as good as Turkey's, if not marginly better, without overwhelmingly outright American assisance in all fields.

And all you can brag has been how to use American high tech F-16, oh sorry, Israeli high tech F-16 :-)rofl:), to indiscriminately bomb the h*** out of armless civilians of Palestine.


Ok,ok i always thought from were do u people rig this IQ figures on every drop of the hat,but after watching Israel's number it seems all ur IQ statistics is the taken from the 2002 controversial book "IQ and the Wealth of Nations" which states a similar figure and where China is placed in the top bracket.

According to it IQ of a nation is directly impacted by its per capita and GDP,but then to I was thinking if it is calculated on the basis of per capita and gdp then how come China is above U.S and U.K and almost Scandinavia is missing from the list,no mention of Luxemburg,and samoa and tango is above India,interesting.

One more fact mentioned by the bok is that Communist nation's r bound to have high IQ( as a gift from holy angel),irrespective of their GDP and per capita.

Well the book was mostly rejected by critics due to its score adjustments and data sets,I came to know now that the book have really many takers
India had already mastered Fast breeder technology and an active development program of thermal breeder reactors.

While the list of number of countries succeeding is not large,but definitely China is not in the list.

we also have the capacity to use thorium cycle when China is asking in front of different countries for uranium cycle

Now u can defend ur inferiority with that China is not interested in FBR or Thorium but it was not that long since a Chinese made a comment here that acquiring tech and interest r two different sides of a coin and China can do it in every field before India does.

U people can shout all day with ur loud mouth about ur technological prowess and IQ statistics but all it need is a little courage to accept the truth which u lack.


Used nuclear fuel is seen in a fuel storage pool inside the world's largest nuclear waste recycling facility in an undated handout file photo taken inside Areva's La Hague recycling facility in Normandy, France. (Photo: REUTERS/AREVA/Handout/Files)

China reports breakthrough in reprocessing technology - Monsters and Critics

"China reports breakthrough in reprocessing technology
Jan 3, 2011, 10:26 GMT

Beijing - Chinese scientists have achieved a breakthrough in nuclear fuel reprocessing technology, effectively increasing its nuclear fuel reserves by making their use 60 times more efficient, state media reported Monday.

The new technology for extracting uranium and plutonium from spent fuel rods, developed by the China National Nuclear Cooperation, would help stretch uranium reserves to 3,000 years, up from current estimates of 50 to 70 years, CCTV reported.

'We need to reprocess the spent fuel during the heating period to extract the recyclable part from burned material, as well as the newly generated part through a series of chemical processes,' CNNC chief engineer Wang Jian was quoted as saying. 'The next step is fuel assembly.'

The facility had been developed '100 per cent' by Chinese engineers after 24 years of research, the report stressed.

France, Britain, Russia and China have each developed their own closely guarded reprocessing technologies.

China has been concerned over fuel supplies for its nuclear power programme, which Beijing plans to expand to meet swiftly rising electricity demand.

The country is the world's largest energy consumer, consumer of coal and greenhouse gas emitter.

China is building 12 new reactors and 24 are in the planning stage. Both figures are more than in any other country.

According to the International Atomic Energy Agency, China produced 70,000 gigawatts of electricity from nuclear plants and Beijing wants to increase its nuclear energy capacity eightfold by 2020, when it plans to supply 6 per cent of its energy needs from nuclear power."

Note: Thank you to "ao333" for the newslink.

Please read the former posts before you make unsubstantiated claims. We are discussing the reprocessing MASTERY of the "closed" nuclear fuel cycle, not mere crude reprocessing/extraction. North Korea can perform crude reprocessing/extraction. MASTERY is about controlling all of the steps in the entire cycle, including efficiency and safety.
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^^The news is already posted

And by the way I have no problem with Chinese success,I consider it the growth of Asian age,but if some Chinese r hell bent on making it look like some zero sum game,then I am all out ready for it.
^^The news is already posted

And by the way I have no problem with Chinese success,I consider it the growth of Asian age,but if some Chinese r hell bent on making it look like some zero sum game,then I am all out ready for it.

Fair enough. They poke you and you poke back. I'm out of this grudge match.
Please read the former posts before you make unsubstantiated claims. We are discussing the reprocessing MASTERY of the "closed" nuclear fuel cycle, not mere crude reprocessing/extraction. North Korea can perform crude reprocessing/extraction. MASTERY is about controlling all of the steps in the entire cycle, efficiency, and safety.

China 'in nuclear power advance

China has developed its own technologies that will enable it to reprocess spent nuclear fuel, state television has reported.

The country has launched an ambitious programme to build a number of new nuclear power stations.

This latest breakthrough could provide fuel for those plants for years to come.

Chinese scientists have apparently been working on this technology for 24 years.

State television says they have now perfected a procedure that will allow them to reprocess spent nuclear fuel.

It is a complex and costly procedure but the recycled material can be used again to fuel nuclear power stations.

China is not the first country to develop its own reprocessing facilities. France, Britain and India are just three countries that already have their own operations.

But this breakthrough will have major implications in China.

The country is building a number of new nuclear power plants in an effort to diversify its energy sources.

At the moment it mostly relies on coal. This latest development could help its nuclear power programme.

State television says the country currently has enough known uranium for at most 70 years.

It claims this new process could mean that supply will now last for 3,000 years.

Thanks J-50 for the link

So if some of u can make unsubstantial claim and have a bit of mudslinging it is applicable to everyone,and by the use some sources which deliberately do not avoid India.
Thanks J-50 for the link

So if some of u can make unsubstantial claim and have a bit of mudslinging it is applicable to everyone,and by the use some sources which deliberately do not avoid India.

I've already explained that it's a typo by the BBC.

Wait a second and I'll post the link to India's limited reprocessing abilities by the end of 1998. It also explains that India would have run out of nuclear fuel by around 2010 without importation of international nuclear fuel. This problem only exists if India has not mastered the "closed" nuclear fuel cycle.


"IV.B. Assessment of Plutonium Production and Use: Beginning till 1998 (p. 38)
Given the limited reprocessing capabilities of India, it is assumed that most of the
spent fuel is in storage for future use. Assuming 6 kilograms of weapons-grade
plutonium was used for Pokhran-I tests, 24 kilograms of weapons-grade plutonium was
used for Pokhran-II tests, and 50 kilograms for FBTR core, India would have had
enough weapons-grade plutonium in 1998 (center bottom in Figure 3) for at least 44
implosion devices (assuming 6 kilograms of weapons-grade plutonium required for a
weapon)." (p. 42)

"The total amount of UO2 consumed until 2006 is determined through the sum of
quantities in the right-hand-side of Tables XIII and XIV plus 40 tons each for the fresh
core loading of the 12 plants. The total amount of UO2 produced is 5410 tons (Table XII)
and the total amount of UO2 consumed is 4330 tons. In addition the production reactors
(CIRUS and DHRUVA), consumed 609 tons of UO2 by the end of 2006. Thus, the total
UO2 reserve available at the end of 2006 was 471 tons. Assuming no additional mining
activity is added, the reserves and production for the power reactors can last for only a
few more years.
Table XV shows the fuel consumption for 2007 and 2008 from present
operating plants and newer additions. All the NPPs in India are presently operating at
60% or lower capacity factor. The same is assumed for all the power plants under
construction that may line up at the projected dates." (p. 52)
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India had already mastered Fast breeder technology and an active development program of thermal breeder reactors.

While the list of number of countries succeeding is not large,but definitely China is not in the list.

we also have the capacity to use thorium cycle when China is asking in front of different countries for uranium cycle

Now u can defend ur inferiority with that China is not interested in FBR or Thorium but it was not that long since a Chinese made a comment here that acquiring tech and interest r two different sides of a coin and China can do it in every field before India does.

U people can shout all day with ur loud mouth about ur technological prowess and IQ statistics but all it need is a little courage to accept the truth which u lack.

Alex the little(indian) boy please dont intefere us men (china and russia)talking. please have a decency to know you are not in our league.
I've already explained that it's a typo by the BBC.

Fine, wait a second and I'll post the link to India's limited reprocessing abilities by the end of 1998. It also explains that India would have run out of nuclear fuel by 2010 without importation of international nuclear fuel. This problem only exists if India has not mastered the "closed" nuclear fuel cycle.

I will definitely wait for it,but not something 12 yrs old,u can bring some new ones

And by the way Indian uranium reserves r not even sufficient to run even single of its plants,we r bound to export uranium
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