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China : Bloody riots due to the government in favor of big corporation, without care about People

Vietnamese have spare energy to concern over China internal affairs now, hehe, "thank" you for your attention.

Such protest will be more, tell you, I am happy for these, I don't think you understand these.
It is just to build an incineration plant, those fcking NGO want again to turn the people against its government.

Just keep doing that, next time you will be all kicked out from China.
It is just to build an incineration plant, those fcking NGO want again to turn the people against its government.

Just keep doing that, next time you will be all kicked out from China.
No they won't, that is the Achilles heel of CPC. They are creating their own demise.
i dont know why china keep hiding all of normal activity inside. do you fear? of everything. compare to this Vietnam is more open than you.
you could monitor the net, no need to ban facebook, google, ********, youtube..
I know you even dont want this province know what happen in that province, that way doesnt stand in this era.
you could restrict the info but dont lie to your people. to the world.
let make your people believe in justice and fairness
China should be wary of Foreign NGO's from the West. These people pay local public to riot and destroy property.
ok they could do that anytime for sure. but they dont do that
LOL for instance?

By falling behind China at every existing human development index although we started off roughly from a similar ground (although China was behind and war torn).

You are a living proof how democracy is made into a slave cult where the few feed on the many, keeping them in perpetual poverty and misery.

We dislike your democracy.
China is a free country。

People can and are entitiled/empowered to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests。

I just hope the police take a leaf out of their US counterparts' book and be firm when,only when,people step over the line of law。:enjoy:

I am also currently a member of a 500-strong protest group seeking government intervention in reducing noise pollution generated by two nearby construction sites day and night。:hitwall::devil::D
By falling behind China at every existing human development index although we started off roughly from a similar ground (although China was behind and war torn).

You are a living proof how democracy is made into a slave cult where the few feed on the many, keeping them in perpetual poverty and misery.

We dislike your democracy.
remember the prefix for democracy is demo as in demon (妖精) or demonstration (示威), something no nation want.

China is a free country。

People can and are entitiled/empowered to safeguard their legitimate rights and interests。

I just hope the police take a leaf out of their US counterparts' book and be firm when,only when,people step over the line of law。:enjoy:

I am also currently a member of a 500-strong protest group seeking government intervention in reducing noise pollution generated by two nearby construction sites day and night。:hitwall::devil::D
That is legitimate, but you should see HK. They protest because Feng Shui is bad in this part of the ity and government is not doing anything about it! or protesting against protestors protesting against other protestors! or protesting because mainland Chinese with money are buying up all the LV bags at the LV store! Those are not legitimate protests.
i dont know why china keep hiding all of normal activity inside. do you fear? of everything. compare to this Vietnam is more open than you.
you could monitor the net, no need to ban facebook, google, ********, youtube..
I know you even dont want this province know what happen in that province, that way doesnt stand in this era.
you could restrict the info but dont lie to your people. to the world.
let make your people believe in justice and fairness
Don't be that hypocritic, while you seeing the news from China with colour glass, how can you make comment withoug bias on the news about China?
For you, you do believe the analysis and conclusion from western, not believe that from China, you think it is fake, and hide the "truth", don't be here post how better you are than China, no bad news from Viet means you are better than us?

From you previous many comments, find many vietnamese like you are too naive, you really sure that you goverment are better than China in anti-corrution and other? you government don't monitor the net? you know little.
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remember the prefix for democracy is demo as in demon (妖精) or demonstration (示威), something no nation want.

I know what you are driving at but just in case anybody else starts making a connection between demo and demon....

Democracy is from the Greek "demos" meaning "common people" and "kratos" meaning "strength".

Demon is "daimon" in Greek meaning "lesser god, spirit"
Its true thats poor Chinese dont care what happen abt China oil Rig, what they care are salary, human rights, democracy Govt., the living cost.

Good, we just sit, watch and see Chinese killing each other just for living and surviving. Tienanmen incident will happen again bcz of its incompetent and corrupted Govt.

Who cares abt the oil rig :pop:
China always benefit the high ranking officials, the super rich corporation which is background of the relatives of high ranking officials ... with super big account in Switzeland ...

For poor people, low ranking policemen, Uyghurs .. they let them free to kill each others.

Where's the security for poor people ?
Where's the security for minority ?
Where's the school for child of the suicidal man by an explosion last year ?
Where's the fresh area for poor people ? nowhere ? must spare room for scraps from rich corporation killing the environment.

there's only security for the Oil Rig ... there's no security for average people ...
while Oil Rig could start a war, and son of the people could be killed for rich men bottomless demand
Its true thats poor Chinese dont care what happen abt China oil Rig, what they care are salary, human rights, democracy Govt., the living cost.

Good, we just sit, watch and see Chinese killing each other just for living and surviving. Tienanmen incident will happen again bcz of its incompetent and corrupted Govt.

Who cares abt the oil rig :pop:

That corrupt government delivered, over the past three decades, the largest development project ever seen in human history, pulling, literally, hundreds of millions out of poverty and building an amazing nation with an infrastructure, logistics and manufacturing base that is second to none.

So much for corruption.

India would die for such a corrupt government.
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