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China blocked Interpol Red Notice against Naik

For you definitely he may be Caliph, no doubt about that, we know how much support is there in your country for such people

my country don't elect Mullah's as their PM, you bigot sanghi does.
Thank God this time it was not ISI.

Give the delusional trolls sometime. Eventually they'll come up with some ridiculous story of how ISI is involved. Example: RAW agent: Hey guys is that a pigeon? ISI... ISI!!

Better than your Talibani terrorist, If you cannot find difference between preacher and terrorist than your royally scr**

No one can tell the difference between your face & your butt. :devil:

8. Creating Political turmoil in Pakistan

Partially successful :p:

After CPEC is complete we'll return the favor ten fold.

Can you tell me one country other than your own that has said India supports terrorism? At least do your research before making retarded statements.

Are you talking about the West? Why would they call you terrorist they have already labeled you as their slaves.
India's To Do List

1. isolate Pakistan FAIL
2. cold start doctrine FAIL
3. ICC 2017 Champion FAIL
4. stop CPEC FAIL
5. NSG membership FAIL
6. Red Notice FAIL
7. (whatever comes next goes here) FAIL :omghaha:

Indeed ICC 2017 is a very big loss as a nation for our country :lol::lol:
Your country is run defacto by Mullah and Army, why you need to elect PM

atleast you cant blame us people for the Mullah military nexus (if it exist), we always elected likes of bhuttos, Sharifs etc.. while you sanghi elected terrorists like modi, yogi, swami, advani, atal bihari etc..
"According to the CAR report, the terror group mostly uses Nokia 105 mobile phone for remote detonation. Apart from Turkey and India, companies from the US, Brazil, Romania, Russia, the Netherlands, China, Switzerland, Austria and Czech Republic were also reported to be involved, it said. The study noted that governments and firms need to do more to track the flow of cables, chemicals and other equipment."

only India and Afghanistan, Afghanistan because they are lucky enough not to border with India or they would have known what terrorism is all about. The realities are for everyone to see, haw many US officials have stated India is doing terrorism in Pakistan but US officially wont say it. Ever wonder why Modi's Isolation Pakistan did not get any support from any country except few vague comments from western officials when they were on weapon selling visits to India, that is because they know the truth and they actually support Pakistan to go against South Asian bully. I know all this is very hard to digest for an Indian who watch Indian quality informative media.
yeah there's no point arguing with you at all. You obviously won't change your opinions. FYI I don't even watch Indian media. Why would I If I have lived all my life in Australia??
No one can tell the difference between your face & your butt. :devil:

Please stay away from my butt, on other though stay away from me :rofl::rofl:

atleast you cant blame us people for the Mullah military nexus (if it exist), we always elected likes of bhuttos, Sharifs etc.. while you sanghi elected terrorists like modi, yogi, swami, advani, atal bihari etc..
As i said elections are important, if your politicians holds any power

If you could search more, you may get more Pakistan related information.
May all Zakir Naiks, Hafiz Saeeds, Azhar Masoods of this world live peacefully in Pakistan and keep on guiding the country to a glorious future :pakistan:
may China keep slapping india in the face time after time on a world stage be it security council membership, be it NSG membership, be it hafiz Saeeds or Zakir Naiks.
Time after time China flexes its muscle a billions plus indians cant do anything about it.

may China keep slapping india in the face time after time on a world stage be it security council membership, be it NSG membership, be it hafiz Saeeds or Zakir Naiks.
Time after time China flexes its muscle a billions plus indians cant do anything about it.

May China be there for a long-long time to keep helping you in every possible way one can think off. May you never feel the need of being independently fight your own wars. :pakistan::china::pakistan:
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