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China Blames 54 Officials for Bullet Train Crash (design flaws)

Götterdämmerung;2445518 said:
Oops, another proof for my statement that you guys suffer cognitive dissonance. Thanks! :)

Oh, what a day it is? Now world need to get a certificate from a Chinese? Spare me and carry on thinking what ever you like.. Who cares what a troll thinks??
Götterdämmerung;2445525 said:
Spare you? It's you who keeps coming again to give me proofs of your cognitive dissonance.

You are getting boring so move your chini ar$e from here. As I said before, I care the least what an Idiot troll thinks..

---------- Post added at 06:31 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:30 PM ----------

I'm going to visit China next year on my way I'll visit India as well see Indian Trains vs Chinese Trains.

Nobody is comparing the trains here.. If you failed to notice the topic was to point out that the cause of accident was design flaws..
You are getting boring so move your chini ar$e from here. As I said before, I care the least what an Idiot troll thinks..

You sound frustrated and have to resort to personal insults. Running out of argument, ey? Well, it doesn't matter what you call me. My statement stands! :)
You are getting boring so move your chini ar$e from here. As I said before, I care the least what an Idiot troll thinks..

Don't bother about him ... it's quite possible that he's being paid 50 cents per post; hence he has an incentive for meaningless trolling.

As the saying goes, "When you fight with a pig you both get dirty - but the pig likes it."
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