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China best weapon!

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Hahaha! Yes! Do you know this image? It appearance in 2009 :rofl:


This photoshop of AC is so sloppy, i've seen far better photoshop of the Chinese carrier than this, lol.
Martian, 2049 for reunification is too pessimistic. Taiwan will accept one country two systems by 2031.
It's very stupid if Chinese think they can crush Vietnam with modern weapons and a large number of their soldier. In the VN war, US Army losed as you see and best weapon of Vietnamese is strength of will. I know an operation call "Junction City", in this operation, US Army used about 45000 soldiers with many aweasome weapons. Vietnam only has less than 10000 soldiers with AK, DKZ,... very rudimentary. But after the operation, the winner is Vietnam. USA losed and they know how to become the winner in a war with countries like VN but China? They only arrogant!
sounds like you are the commander of the UN troops; the most reliable thing is to be strong enough for defense, eigther US or Russia would first think about their own interests rather than yours, don't count on others. friend.

I can assure you that he is not. His country aren't even a part of the UNSC. :azn:
"(The Viet Cong) seem like ghosts. All the six spearheads of our forces have been attacked while we don't know exactly where their main force is. Even in Bau Hai Vung that is considered to be a safe area, we lost one brigade. It's so strange." (Van, p. 237)
This is what a south Vietnamese general said.
Major General Tran Do of PAVN later recalled that, in addition to being unable to find the Central Office, the United States Army "got soundly trounced, having up to about 1,000 tanks and armored vehicles destroyed.
Please keep your selfish amoral Christian values away from a more stable and civilized society. Tell the Native Americans what happen to them when they rescued those ingrate Pilgrims from starvation during the first Thanksgiving. Those reservation lands does NOT make up for the past because they still can't become a separate sovereign state recognized by UN.

When did he ever mention 'Christian values'? And what part of China are you from?
Martian, 2049 for reunification is too pessimistic. Taiwan will accept one country two systems by 2031.

I like to make conservative estimates. I sleep better at night. My predictions are almost always on target. For example, if I predict China's nominal GDP will overtake the U.S. by 2022 then it is almost a certainty. Of course, the better estimate is 2019 (from England's "The Economist").

Anyway, your point is well-taken. I agree with you that Taiwan will sign a Hong Kong-type peace agreement (to end the Chinese civil war) much sooner than most people believe. Your estimate of 2031 is reasonable. China overtakes the U.S. economically by 2019 and ramps up its military spending for ten years. By 2031, Taiwan agrees to the inevitable.
It's very stupid if Chinese think they can crush Vietnam with modern weapons and a large number of their soldier. In the VN war, US Army losed as you see and best weapon of Vietnamese is strength of will. I know an operation call "Junction City", in this operation, US Army used about 45000 soldiers with many aweasome weapons. Vietnam only has less than 10000 soldiers with AK, DKZ,... very rudimentary. But after the operation, the winner is Vietnam. USA losed and they know how to become the winner in a war with countries like VN but China? They only arrogant!

China will not repeat American mistakes.

War Plan For Total Victory (Felix Doctrine - named after originator)

As the South China Sea tension between Vietnam and China heats up, I predict the following response by China.

Step #1: After eliminating Vietnam's primitive air defenses, "Rolling Thunder" for three months. Destroy every Vietnamese military base, barracks, arms depot, airfield, maintenance facility, fuel depot, etc.

Also, destroy every bridge, airport, sea port, railway system, communication network, large warehouse facilities, electric power plant, water pumping station, civilian airfield, granary stores, manufacturing centers, and other valuable targets to paralyze Vietnamese Army.

The Vietnamese Army now lacks mobility, war supplies, food supplies, water, ability to communicate, ability to coordinate, etc. They are extremely vulnerable and demoralized.

Step #2: Advance into Vietnam with ground troops. Upon encountering any large concentrations of Vietnamese troops, eliminate with heavy howitzer barrages. Follow with tank and infantry attacks that are supported by attack jets and attack helicopters.

Step #3: Every PLA soldier is free to shoot if they believe they're in danger. Chinese Rule of Engagement: protect yourself. This is war.

Step #4: Argue about the Geneva conventions after total victory. Veto and ignore liberal complaints at the U.N. They're going to do that anyway. Simply point to the thousands of civilian collateral damage in Afghanistan and the tens of thousands (or more) of civilian collateral damage in Iraq due to NATO bombings. Their hands aren't clean and they're in no position to criticize.

Only a fool would advocate American-style Rules of Engagement. Under American rules, China will fare no better in Vietnam than the U.S. Army in Afghanistan and Iraq. That is a recipe for disaster and humiliation. Only deluded bleeding hearts think that building schools in an enemy country is a path to victory.

The strategy for victory is to rip the enemy country into shreds and let them pick up the pieces over the next 50 years. I guarantee that Vietnam will not be eager to pick a fight with China over the South China Sea ever again.
"(The Viet Cong) seem like ghosts. All the six spearheads of our forces have been attacked while we don't know exactly where their main force is. Even in Bau Hai Vung that is considered to be a safe area, we lost one brigade. It's so strange." (Van, p. 237)
This is what a south Vietnamese general said.
Major General Tran Do of PAVN later recalled that, in addition to being unable to find the Central Office, the United States Army "got soundly trounced, having up to about 1,000 tanks and armored vehicles destroyed.

In Junction City Operation, US Army used the most combative divisions such as "Big Red One" - Infantry Division 1, "Tropic Lighting" - ID 25,101st Airborne Division "SCREAMING EAGLE", ... and "the Viet Cong" only has young soldiers but... very strange!
I like to make conservative estimates. I sleep better at night. My predictions are almost always on target.

Okay Nostradamus.

For example, if I predict China's nominal GDP will overtake the U.S. by 2022 then it is almost a certainty. Of course, the better estimate is 2019 (from England's "The Economist").

Interesting how you can see the future. You were the one that estimated the J-20 canards to be 3 feet long, if you screwed up that royally when you actually had photographs to make approximate guesses how are we supposed to take you serious about predicting future GDP estimates? Your predictions and estimation have be quite appauling. Have you ever heard the terms, 'basking in your own glory' or 'self righteous'?
China will not repeat American mistakes.

War Plan For Total Victory (Felix Doctrine - named after originator)

As the South China Sea tension between Vietnam and China heats up, I predict the following response by China.

Step #1: After eliminating Vietnam's primitive air defenses, "Rolling Thunder" for three months. Destroy every Vietnamese military base, barracks, arms depot, airfield, maintenance facility, fuel depot, etc.

Also, destroy every bridge, airport, sea port, railway system, communication network, large warehouse facilities, electric power plant, water pumping station, civilian airfield, granary stores, manufacturing centers, and other valuable targets to paralyze Vietnamese Army.

The Vietnamese Army now lacks mobility, war supplies, food supplies, water, ability to communicate, ability to coordinate, etc. They are extremely vulnerable and demoralized.

Step #2: Advance into Vietnam with ground troops. Upon encountering any large concentrations of Vietnamese troops, eliminate with heavy howitzer barrages. Follow with tank and infantry attacks that are supported by attack jets and attack helicopters.

Step #3: Every PLA soldier is free to shoot if they believe they're in danger. Chinese Rule of Engagement: protect yourself. This is war.

Step #4: Argue about the Geneva conventions after total victory. Veto and ignore liberal complaints at the U.N. They're going to do that anyway. Simply point to the thousands of civilian collateral damage in Afghanistan and the tens of thousands (or more) of civilian collateral damage in Iraq due to NATO bombings. Their hands aren't clean and they're in no position to criticize.

Only a fool would advocate American-style Rules of Engagement. Under American rules, China will fare no better in Vietnam than the U.S. Army in Afghanistan and Iraq. That is a recipe for disaster and humiliation. Only deluded bleeding hearts think that building schools in an enemy country is a path to victory.

The strategy for victory is to rip the enemy country into shreds and let them pick up the pieces over the next 50 years. I guarantee that Vietnam will not be eager to pick a fight with China over the South China Sea ever again.

Oh my god, my eyes do not deceive so i have to beleive :rofl:
Hey Yous, don't take more about history of Vietnam War.

we do not need show our Army power.

Let's the Chinese think they have a strong army and they could use military measures to do what they want.

not see the coffin, not tears.
Historically, China has never attacked Vietnam more than three times in a dynasty.
China will not repeat American mistakes.

War Plan For Total Victory (Felix Doctrine - named after originator)

As the South China Sea tension between Vietnam and China heats up, I predict the following response by China.

Step #1: After eliminating Vietnam's primitive air defenses, "Rolling Thunder" for three months. Destroy every Vietnamese military base, barracks, arms depot, airfield, maintenance facility, fuel depot, etc.

Also, destroy every bridge, airport, sea port, railway system, communication network, large warehouse facilities, electric power plant, water pumping station, civilian airfield, granary stores, manufacturing centers, and other valuable targets to paralyze Vietnamese Army.

The Vietnamese Army now lacks mobility, war supplies, food supplies, water, ability to communicate, ability to coordinate, etc. They are extremely vulnerable and demoralized.

Step #2: Advance into Vietnam with ground troops. Upon encountering any large concentrations of Vietnamese troops, eliminate with heavy howitzer barrages. Follow with tank and infantry attacks that are supported by attack jets and attack helicopters.

Step #3: Every PLA soldier is free to shoot if they believe they're in danger. Chinese Rule of Engagement: protect yourself. This is war.

Step #4: Argue about the Geneva conventions after total victory. Veto and ignore liberal complaints at the U.N. They're going to do that anyway. Simply point to the thousands of civilian collateral damage in Afghanistan and the tens of thousands (or more) of civilian collateral damage in Iraq due to NATO bombings. Their hands aren't clean and they're in no position to criticize.

Only a fool would advocate American-style Rules of Engagement. Under American rules, China will fare no better in Vietnam than the U.S. Army in Afghanistan and Iraq. That is a recipe for disaster and humiliation. Only deluded bleeding hearts think that building schools in an enemy country is a path to victory.

The strategy for victory is to rip the enemy country into shreds and let them pick up the pieces over the next 50 years. I guarantee that Vietnam will not be eager to pick a fight with China over the South China Sea ever again.

Yes, I know China has big Army but I think Vietnamese always bewares of China after 1979. Vietnam has many enermies because it's a communist country and even, in Communist Countries, they only has good relationship with DPR Korea, Cuba. China always want to invades them. Vietnamese has many wars with strong countries and may be they have experience. And China, are you sure your country has a really strong Army. I think they only strong on videos, galleries with Photoshop and on your mouth :smokin:!
@Vpeople, I think you have just did a stupid activity! Vietnamese people as I known never hurt or ignore their rival but your image make I think different!
Seriously though, we aren't going to go to war.

Most Chinese netizens in China also agree and believe a war with Vietnam is not in China's interests.

Instead we should save our strength for the final showdown with the US.
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