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China Begins to Lose Edge as World's Factory Floor

Anonymous user is pretty spot on with what he said. A manufacturing logistics is nothing like operating an online store. Just the amount of red tape involved with bringing in and sending out materials to different locations and is on a whole new level. Parts have to continually feed into the supply chain. It gets even more trickier when products deteriorate or have to be kept in controlled conditions. Forget about actual production.

Again, the "cheap" products is actually something that's supposed to happen and is built into a system that encourages the consumption and discarding of products at a fast rate. This is the new reality. That's why there is planned obsolescence. That's why when some other country takes over Chinese production, their products, I guarantee, will be just as shoddy or shoddier than present Chinese products.

Anyone who has ever bough a washer and drier set in the 70s or 80s can attest to the quality and durability of their product. I had one and the washer lasted up until last year. Go to any appliance store now and you'll get these front-loaded Samsung/ LG ones that only last up to 8 years because of the electronics. Samsung and LG are great names but they too know that turning a profit means making inferior products.

This is the new paradigm because the consuming public in NA has seen our salaries erode relative to inflation and the cost of many essentials go up. People are going to go for the cheap brands overall because we don't have much choice. It's either pay for gas to get to work or blow it on a new TV. It's either pay the rent or blow it all on a new dishwasher. Whereas people in the past, wouldn't even think twice about that sort of thing. Manufacturing cheap products is there because it has to be.
Please don't make fun of rape. Its a sensitive topic that affects all humanity.

Back to the topic, India will eventually get some investment as many western investors touted India as the next great thing. But India soon disappoint them.

'India, the Most Disappointing Nation Among BRIC'

Its no surprise with the culture of corruption that India will never amount to anything. India will need a major shift in its policies to prevent complete talent drain. The best Indian minds are helping advancing technologies in the US and other countries. Soon, Indians will go to China and help China grow. And China, if its smart, will welcome the best and brightest of India with open arms.

I never said anything about rape. You automatically assumed.

America allows the most talented people of every race to enter and help America advance. China should do the same, infact China has a policy to attract to best and brightest people from all over the world.
Oh spare me that patent cr@p ! I know what patents are & what types of patents are filed these days, wake me up when some of those patents make it to consumer level products & until then shut your tr@p cause CN is nowhere when it comes to innovation & I don't need you baidu for knowing that :lol:

you are not just clueless, but kind of retard, if patent is not one of the results of innovation then what is it?
here are definitions of Patent, Innovate and Invention for your half-grown brain to read

Definition of patent - document, commerce and law (British & World English)
Definition of innovate (British & World English)
Definition of invention - creative activity, device and faculty (British & World English)

PCT is the only international authoritive institution to giveing out grants to new patents``surely their examination body consists of field of professionals not dimwits and retards like you
Patent Cooperation Treaty - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

there are hunderd of thosands of patents filled annually and you claim to 'know' them all``lol, you cannot be more bragging

have a nice read of WIPO detailed reports on innovation and patent grants from 2008 to 2012```(caution: if your are deeply loathed and have choronic inferior complexity advised to be accompanied with psychiatrists)
China must face it. Everything has its limitation, even economic growth. As I see it, China's economic productivity is not balance with its efficiency. Their goal is to produce bulk of products as fast as they can without considering the quality of their materials, in turn they have the big sales but only in one time, because buyers will no longer buy the same products for the second time because of the very low quality. Other countries must stick to the quality principles and not quantity. In the long run, economy that follows these principles will surpass any difficulties.

AS a quality man, I want to tell you that Philos have the worst quality sense I've ever met.
There are plenty of innovation of course non as big as the ones in the west, recently friends have asked me to download and use this prog called wechat which is apparently grown in popularity and I was surprised to see it was created by Tecent holdings. China just like Japan has innovative products which cater to the local markets. And sometimes if they are a hit they spill unto the international markets.

Dear Whatsapp, Aren't You Threatened By WeChat?
WeChat - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

I know of industrial innovations by factory owners who made process improvements to cut cost, improve efficiency and hence able to deliver to the US consumers for low cost, you might not think that's a big deal but actually the competitive advantage is huge.

You have no idea of the manufacturing abilities of China, even the grottiest illegal factory could churn out a replica (electronic or otherwise) which is why its so hard to stop. And you don't think it doesn't take some innovative mindset for some low paid factory to manufacture something from scratch to final product without a decent assembly line?

It seems you lack actual business experience (outside of the desk) and hence you do not appreciate the complexities of the supply lines and manufacturing centers which crisscross the nation with an efficiency which puts DHL to shame. And you think to create that did not require business innovation?

Unfortunately from your post its obvious you are highly China biased, hence even if you did go to China you would unlikely learn anything since your mindset is already made. And if all your world is just limited to wireless dongles and apple Ipads well is really time to open your world.

I spend time in India to appreciate the eccentricities of the Indian culture, I suggest you do the same for China. Otherwise the world will just leave you behind

I have the experience of auditing an Indian factory. When I went to their warehouse, I found a lot of mouse shiiit there. and I released a CAR to them and require them to take some actions for this non conformance. when I visit their factory 6 months later, I re-audit their warehouse and I found a picture with a dead mouse on their door of warehouse, saying " Mice are not allowed". When I entered the warehouse, I found there is no mouse and mouse $hiit there, but there are plenty of cats.............I can not stop laughing and we terminate the agreement this indian factory in Chennai. This is the real quality I noticed in Indian and this is their standard......:rofl:
If western governments had any balls, they would ban investments in China.

Tell it to GM, Wal-Mart, Procter & Gamble, Caterpillar, Ford, Microsoft, Intel, Coca-Cola, Disney, Mercedes Benz, Ikea, Air Bus, Boeing, Volkswagen, Samsung, Hyundai, McDonald's, KFC, Pizza Hut, Renault, Citroen, HSBC, Standard Chartered, Citibank, Deutschebank, BCG, KPMG, Deloitte Touche Tomatsu, McKinsey, Schering-Plough, Mersck MSD, Novartis, Roche, Johnson &n Johnson, GlaxoSmithKline, Pfizer ... do you want more? Nobody is as stupid!
I have the experience of auditing an Indian factory. When I went to their warehouse, I found a lot of mouse shiiit there. and I released a CAR to them and require them to take some actions for this non conformance. when I visit their factory 6 months later, I re-audit their warehouse and I found a picture with a dead mouse on their door of warehouse, saying " Mice are not allowed". When I entered the warehouse, I found there is no mouse and mouse $hiit there, but there are plenty of cats.............I can not stop laughing and we terminate the agreement this indian factory in Chennai. This is the real quality I noticed in Indian and this is their standard......:rofl:

what did that indian factory produce? Garments?
China’s products are "garbage-quality"- defective, low class and disposable. Their products maybe good for people who could not afford the expensive Japanese, American, German, Korean etc.made brands but if you are wise enough to figure out if its' worth investing with those garbage Chinese tools or spare parts you must think twice. You can choose to die without anything to use or to be killed having dangerous Chinese product in your household either way chose your own poison.
China’s products are "garbage-quality"- defective, low class and disposable. Their products maybe good for people who could not afford the expensive Japanese, American, German, Korean etc.made brands but if you are wise enough to figure out if its' worth investing with those garbage Chinese tools or spare parts you must think twice. You can choose to die without anything to use or to be killed having dangerous Chinese product in your household either way chose your own poison.
be careful. you computer is going to explode ...guess which keys on your keyboard would hit your heart? it would be F I L * P 1 N O ......
hope you still alive tomorrow
be careful. you computer is going to explode ...guess which keys on your keyboard would hit your heart? it would be F I L * P 1 N O ......
hope you still alive tomorrow

Wow very Intelligent view! Very informative i wounder were most best transistors come from? (Philippines)!
China’s products are "garbage-quality"- defective, low class and disposable. Their products maybe good for people who could not afford the expensive Japanese, American, German, Korean etc.made brands but if you are wise enough to figure out if its' worth investing with those garbage Chinese tools or spare parts you must think twice. You can choose to die without anything to use or to be killed having dangerous Chinese product in your household either way chose your own poison.

chinese products 'garbage'?
then try to explain these figures with your stupidity
High-technology exports (current US$) | Data | Table

Wow very Intelligent view! Very informative i wounder were most best transistors come from? (Philippines)!

i'd say the best maids coming from phinoland, others``well
Wow very Intelligent view! Very informative i wounder were most best transistors come from? (Philippines)!

i was talking about a serious problem which might cause you die with your countryman.it is about explosion.what do you mean to talk your best transistors here? are they have bigger explosive power?
i was talking about a serious problem which might cause you die with your countryman.it is about explosion.what do you mean to talk your best transistors here? are they have bigger explosive power?

Really? wow? i never heard of a Filipino transistors exploding unlike melamine mike, cheap copy paste products filed with what i don't know hazardous products like mercury and other dangerous materials that would kill a child which country did that come? (china)! I just wounder why?
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