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China backs Pakistan govt after Osama bin Laden's death

BEIJING: China on Tuesday suggested it feared serious instability in Pakistan, and would support the Zardari regime to the hilt. In its zeal to protect Pakistani rulers, China even indicated it would not pressurize Pakistan to hand over the perpetuators of the Mumbai terrorist attack to India.

"Pakistan government is firm in its resolve and strong in action in the fight against terrorism, and made important contribution to the war on terrorism," Chinese foreign ministry spokeswoman Jiang Yu said during a media briefing.

"We respect, understand and support Pakistan's above position," she said in reply to a question on whether Beijing believed Islamabad's claim that it did not know about the US operations in advance.

But China is still worried there are elements within the Pakistani government that knew about the operations and might have cut a deal with the Americans.

"I believe the Pakistan government did not know about the US operation. But if some people in it knew, it is a dangerous matter. The Pakistan government can even be seized by dangerous groups if such a thing actually happened," Hu Shisheng, deputy director in the State-run Institute of South and Southeast Asian Studies, told TOI.

Asked if China would ask Islamabad to transfer the killers involved in Mumbai attack now that there is proof of intense terrorism in Pakistan, Jiang said, "We uphold principles of non-interference in other's internal affairs. Chinese government will continue to support Pakistan in formulating and implementing anti-terrorist activities based on its national conditions."

The Chinese foreign ministry initially described the US operation as a "milestone and a positive development". But it is also worried about expanding American influence in Pakistan, and wants to stop similar operations happening again.

"We have noted the Pakistan foreign ministry has said after the incident that it will never allow its territory to be used for terrorist activities and terrorist attacks against any country and Pakistan will continue to support the international efforts against terrorism," Jiang said.

China fears the death of bin Laden might spur a fresh wave of terrorist activities that might also affect its own Xingjian province across Pakistani border, which has been the hotbed of a separatist movement. It needs Islamabad to check infiltration of terrorists across the border, and would do what it can to support the regime in Pakistan.

Though it believes in non-interference in internal matters of other countries, China would like to "work with Pakistan, India and other South Asian countries to maintain peace and harmony in South Asia," she said.

China backs Pakistan govt after Osama bin Laden's death - The Times of India

It doesn't matter how much China support them

They are sheltering terrorists and now this is proved

This is childish claim that we dnt know Osama living in Pakistan

Best of luck to USA kill all terrorist cuase some people want to save them
well i just witnessed a good debate between CD and true india. My friend Tanlixiang was a spectator and i too have joined in.

i would also like to contribute my 2 cents before turning spectator again.

countries are guided by startetic interests. china is just using pakistan to keep a check on india. when viewed disppassionatley, pakistan is an important ally to keep india engaged. paksiatn keeps india in check and engaged. if there were no disturbance can anyone imagine wat india would have achieved or may be india would have become too big for even china (which it certainly doesnt want).

so china is siding with pak. even the world countries will hesistantly and reluctantly acknowledge this fact so it does not lower the credibility of chinese govt.
Now China is also a nation that is witnessing some sort of Islamic terror in the form of Uigher's according to China itself,well I dont have a problem if China supports Pakistan in this issue,but the real problem is terrorists easily find sanctuary in Pakistan.
countries are guided by startetic interests.


china is just using pakistan to keep a check on india. when viewed disppassionatley, pakistan is an important ally to keep india engaged. paksiatn keeps india in check and engaged. if there were no disturbance can anyone imagine wat india would have achieved or may be india would have become too big for even china (which it certainly doesnt want).

I disagree. Perhaps India was once a factor (a long time ago) regarding the Sino-Pakistani alliance, but no longer.

Pakistan gives us a method to bypass the Malacca straits (Gwadar and KKH), pipelines to the Middle East, and a gateway into the resource-rich Muslim world. These are all things that China desperately needs.

One example, Pakistan argues on our behalf, in the most important Islamic organisations (OIC, etc). They are one of the biggest reasons that we did not see a big backlash over the Xinjiang riots from the Islamic world. If we didn't have Pakistan on our side, we might have been banned from the OIC like India currently is.

China's resource consumption, is growing at a blinding pace. If our resource routes are cut off, we will choke.

I disagree. Perhaps India was once a factor (a long time ago) regarding the Sino-Pakistani alliance, but no longer.

Pakistan gives us a method to bypass the Malacca straits (Gwadar and KKH), pipelines to the Middle East, and a gateway into the resource-rich Muslim world. These are all things that China desperately needs.

One example, Pakistan argues on our behalf, in the most important Islamic organisations (OIC, etc). They are one of the biggest reasons that we did not see a big backlash over the Xinjiang riots from the Islamic world. If we didn't have Pakistan on our side, we might have been banned from the OIC like India currently is.

China's resource consumption, is growing at a blinding pace. If our resource routes are cut off, we will choke.

yes rightly said but still we can presume that its a self stored reason for china for give and take policy.

But nehow we can not deny too this support have a large reason to content india.But if china look forward thier are lot more issues pending and depending with each other if we resolve the benefit would be much larger than its present.
yes rightly said but still we can presume that its a self stored reason for china for give and take policy.

But nehow we can not deny too this support have a large reason to content india.But if china look forward thier are lot more issues pending and depending with each other if we resolve the benefit would be much larger than its present.

:rofl:Leave India in this matter. China support in Pakistan, is just to show Pakistan that they have someone that always support them. If the US wanted to put their military in Pakistan, by using osama as an excuse, Pakistan can clearly reject it. :pakistan::china:
You know what...maybe China is just honoring it's commitement to it's long-term all-weather ally of old...
but everybody is been assuming that Pakistan has been caught off-guard and guilty...and it's testing times ahead for them
China obviously know this...and as an almost superpower now...the world is watching the rise of China...
The Chinese wisdom will be tested.
It doesn't matter how much China support them

They are sheltering terrorists and now this is proved

This is childish claim that we dnt know Osama living in Pakistan

Best of luck to USA kill all terrorist cuase some people want to save them

Perhaps india should lend its hands to its mentor by sending its terrorists from Beluchistan to capture the terrorists in Pakistan!
Perhaps india should lend its hands to its mentor by sending its terrorists from Beluchistan to capture the terrorists in Pakistan!

That was a bad joke. I dont know how you survive with these jokes. :lol:
Perhaps india should lend its hands to its mentor by sending its terrorists from Beluchistan to capture the terrorists in Pakistan!

Perhaps they should, shouldn't they?

Thanks for the leg up!

It is just the thing that the doctor ordered!
Pakistan is China's permanent ally, permanent brother and permanent interest in South Asia. Any aggression by any foreign power on Pakistan will be, at this moment, almost like a declaration of war against China itself.

Currently, some certain overseas hardcore Indian nationalists are trying to stir up trouble between Pakistan, India and China by calling Pakistan a terrorist state. What they forget to mention is the greatest supporter of terrorism in the world is the US, yet Indian politicians never dare call US a terrorist state. And why would they, when their children and families are all in the US, attending top US schools, with their corrupt money stashed in Swiss Banks? Life's good at the top their kids who get to talk trash on the net, away from India's problems but able to take credit for India's achievements.
Pakistan is China's permanent ally, permanent brother and permanent interest in South Asia. Any aggression by any foreign power on Pakistan will be, at this moment, almost like a declaration of war against China itself.

Currently, some certain overseas hardcore Indian nationalists are trying to stir up trouble between Pakistan, India and China by calling Pakistan a terrorist state. What they forget to mention is the greatest supporter of terrorism in the world is the US, yet Indian politicians never dare call US a terrorist state. And why would they, when their children and families are all in the US, attending top US schools, with their corrupt money stashed in Swiss Banks? Life's good at the top their kids who get to talk trash on the net, away from India's problems but able to take credit for India's achievements.

I love the phrase "permanent brother".

Its disheartening to see China supporting terrorism just to gain some strategic weight in the region in form of pakistan.
CHINA will NOT come to Pakistans Aid.

They never lifted a finger during KARGIL.

AND THEY CANNOT STOP USA if the wot escalates and things get ugly for GOP
CHINA will NOT come to Pakistans Aid.

They never lifted a finger during KARGIL.

Is that why India was afraid to respond after the Mumbai attacks?

This is not Kargil, today we have vital infrastructure running all the way through Pakistan.

More importantly, we may soon replace the USA, as Pakistan's primary sponsor.

But we've already seen... that India doesn't dare to do anything. :wave:
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