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China backs Pakistan govt after Osama bin Laden's death

This case clearly points why China can never be the leader of the free world as America is at present or can be taken seriously by the other countries, however rich it may become
Well its good you have China CAUSE I THINK THE USA will not be too happy or friendly with Pak ISI & ARMY they must be sick death of the lies and constant embarressing links to Taliban.

The Americans have supported Pakistan with Arms & money for 10 years. AND LOOK wat happens OBL lives next to ISI head quarters and a military school.

Pakistan will need more than CHINA if it is to survive and grow in the future.

Burn baby burn...

1. Pakistan makes nukes
2. Pakistan smuggles rocket tech
3. Pakistan profiltrates nuke tech
4. Pakistan runs covert terrorist camps
5. Pakistan sends talibans in Afghanistan to kill collation forces.
6. Pakistan sends terrorist deep into Mumbai and they have a field day shooting out!
7. Pakistan tests rockets and weapons
8. Pakistan buys dozens of f-16 and get tons of toys as US millitary assitance
9. Pakistan get billions in aid to train some freedom fighters against India.
10. Pakistan openly fiddles in Kashmir!

Now we are going to sign strategic co-op agreement with GCC along with China and Man Mohan will continue to applaud his "successful" visit to Riyadh for convincing Saudi royal to sell petroleum at market prices! HA HA HA...

Is there any nation with soo much credits and still standing strong???

In contrast, Iran is only guilty of developing nuclear tech for peaceful use, Saddam allegedly had WMD, North Korea still does not have the ability to attack USA. Ohh and be it Syria or Iran or Sudan none of them have ever threatened USA directly neither posses the capability to do so!
This case clearly points why China can never be the leader of the free world as America is at present or can be taken seriously by the other countries, however rich it may become

China doesn't want to be the world leader. :lol:

"Keep a cool head, and maintain a low profile. Never take the lead... but aim to do something big." - Deng Xiaoping

Secondly, the USA already supports the Pakistani Army, and the Pakistani establishment. In fact, the USA is still the number one source of external funding for the Pakistani Army.
Amid the negative light shone onto Pakistan by the same predictable countries. China comes and gives Pakistan a hug and assures our brother nation that it will remain by its side no matter what. That is the symbol of our friendship. We love you Pakistani brothers and sisters. Don't let outside influence hurt you. Be strong and stay united! :pakistan::china:
To what extent, strategically speaking, can China back up Pakistan? I mean, looking at the hardening stance by the Pakistani military since Raymond Davis episode, it looks obvious that the Pakistani military has decided to play rough with the Americans. What is being asked of Pakistan is a surrender of Afghanistan to pro-India forces. And the military in Pakistan is stubbornly refusing it. They must have some backers. Who? China? Saudia Arabia?
china backing is nothing, this government is utterly disgrace. and im surprised how things have turned up side down like new pml q alliance, seriously wtf????

pp has made alliance in this govt with every opposition, things are really turning funny in pakistan
However, Pakistan need get rid of those terrorists for its own sake.

In addition, China will pursue those uighur terrorists in her highest capacity if some of them slip through the border into Pakistan.

If Pakistan has any doubts about the Mumbai terrorists attack, it can simply raise the issue with India. However, if Pakistan acknowledges that it is really a terrorist attack and those terrorists have slipped into Pakistan, I think Pakistan should try its best to capture them and hand them over to India.

I think Pakistan expects the same in return if terrorists have done the same and escaped into other countries.

The bold part is impossible, this will never happen.
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