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China backs Argentina's sovereignty claim over the Malvinas islands

I'm not talking about directly supporting Argentina over Falklands, but over gradual passing of time it'll be beneficial for India to have an inclination with the latin american countries than UK, given that all of Latin American countries sides with Argentina over their claims on Falklands.

If you support Argentina over UK , your relations with the West will suffer not just UK . Ultimately lets face it , Latin America will not be more important than the West ( EU , Canada and America) anytime even in the distant future .Staying neutral ensures good relations with both sides . We anyway don't have any business in that part of the world at least as of now .
Shameless. Those British on the island are not the aborigines of the island and they are all from UK. If China moves Han Chinese to Tibet and those han want to be Chinese and claims tibet to be part of China, the west world will respond in another way. so the west logic is that they can colonize others, but China cant.

Wow. China wan't to colonize. First see if you can cross SCS.

Tibet had Tibetans before Hans invaded them. Our high IQ Chinese does not know that there were no Aborigines in Falklands. Now the only aborigines are the British there.

Chinese have unique rules for themselves and others. China can claim any island just because some Chinese had seen it centuries ago. But others do not have a right even if they were the first to live on a island.

Unique Chinese!
Wow. China wan't to colonize. First see if you can cross SCS.

Tibet had Tibetans before Hans invaded them. Our high IQ Chinese does not know that there were no Aborigines in Falklands. Now the only aborigines are the British there.

Chinese have unique rules for themselves and others. China can claim any island just because some Chinese had seen it centuries ago. But others do not have a right even if they were the first to live on a island.

Unique Chinese!

Sonyuke_Songpaisan was only refuting that British/Australian, he means no harm to India/or even mention India from what I observe.

You don't have to bash China to endorse some nation who had enslaved this subcontinent for hundreds of years. Your words is inappropriate.
Malvinas islands are Argentina's ,Britain just shameless robbed it,it is time to give the land back to its rightful owner.

Malvinas islands belongs to Argentinians. They should take back the island now. The dispute CANNOT be resolved by legal of diplomatic means. There is only one solution to the conflict.
you have to admit your brazenness.

Even Australia is not yours, it belongs to the Aborigines your colonist occupied their land killed the majority of their population.

I was born here buddy the country is mine as much as it is to the aboriginal australians and i am Australian not British ,my family came here legally. Most aboriginal australians died to desease and dont act like use are saint perfects over there with the mass exiting of Hindus, Sikhs and Christians from there native land and the killings that came from that? If we're gonna play we invaded there country well then id like to know what country existed on this land before Australia.

Settlement at first was peaceful and there was no objections from the aboriginals. Most if not all massacres were done by the british, List of massacres of Indigenous Australians - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Worry about how treat your own minoritys hey? because its better here then where you come from.

It isnt only Australia where locals were miss treated, there are numerous aboriginal and native religions that have been descriminated against and still are Asia, Africa, South America(You are aware that most Argententineans arnt aboriginals right) and even Japan


The falklands are british pure and simple, there were no aboriginal inhabitants and it was claimed by the british, french and spanish before argentina even existed.
The falklands are british pure and simple, there were no aboriginal inhabitants and it was claimed by the british, french and spanish before argentina even existed.
Hey China is not anti-UK. Australia belongs to the UK and we should help them take it back!
China is trying to be a smart a$$ here.. no wonder argentina will loose :woot:
Malvinas islands belongs to Argentinians. They should take back the island now. The dispute CANNOT be resolved by legal of diplomatic means. There is only one solution to the conflict.

Charity begins at home. Please show same curtsy to Tibet and Tibetans

Hey China is not anti-UK. Australia belongs to the UK and we should help them take it back!

Here comes the Gem of the decade :rofl::rofl:
The Malvinas island belongs to Argentina. The British are shameless. China and the global south should support Argentina against racist Western colonialist.

Don't bet on India support, India has stockholm syndrome, they have grown attached to their former master.

Nope, the islands are indisputably British, having only had british inhabitants.

Chinese are shameless in their hypocrisy (course so is the US in the geopolitical arena). Just good to let the Chinese know they are no better than anyone else when it comes to interaction with other nations, their government is just as willing to use any means necessary, but their ambitions at this point in time rock the boat far more than normal and are a major factor in the instability of East Asia. Their belligerence seperates them from the rest of the success stories today.
Nope, the islands are indisputably British, having only had british inhabitants.

Chinese are shameless in their hypocrisy (course so is the US in the geopolitical arena). Just good to let the Chinese know they are no better than anyone else when it comes to interaction with other nations, their government is just as willing to use any means necessary, but their ambitions at this point in time rock the boat far more than normal and are a major factor in the instability of East Asia. Their belligerence seperates them from the rest of the success stories today.
It's time for PLA to pivot to Latin America. Areeba areeba, undalay undalay!
strategic alliance between China and Argentina

I didn't notice that line, does that mean an anti-west alliance with S.A. governments?
The left-wing South American governments (pratically all countries except Colombia and Chile) became anti-american long ago, but in a very infantile way.
Good move by China! China should sell some of the anti-ship and carrier killer missiles to Argentina. It will make the playing field even.
Hell no! They already enough megalomaniac without an proper army.
Malvinas islands are Argentina's ,Britain just shameless robbed it,it is time to give the land back to its rightful owner.
Okay, British along with the french came there FIRST (Argentina wasn't even independent at the time) and made something there to hunt whales or something like that, the argies had taken a part of the island to make just a prison (with the brits on the other side), then the Brits sent the HMS Clio and said to the Argentinians to get off the island. If the brits got there first how they robbed Argentinian territory?
Also, when the Falklands were discovered, no one lived there, then the brits moved settlers to that region, no argentinians lived there at the time, no argies live there now. The Falklanders are all british, why change it now?

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