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China asks Pakistan to hand over Uighur terrorists

I have absolutely no sympathy for the Uighars terrorist. They need to obey the laws of their country. They are not welcome in Pakistan unless they are patriotic Chinese citizens and come officially with valid visas.

By the way, not all Uighars are terrorist. Large majority of Uighar population support their Chinese homeland and reap the benefits of robust Chinese Economy.

most dont give a damn -- they just need to be invested in and given jobs.....

in fact i would be very frank with friends in PRC and tell them that investing in the region and having them reap the benefits that rest of the country is enjoying would be KEY to tackling this militancy issue. The border with China is a complex border so its easy for a few anti-social elements to criss-cross but then again same is the situation with Afghanistan to a larger degree.
What's so bad? It's not like China is bullying us... Plus we are friends
majority of those Uighur suspects are not even having business to be in Pakistan...they are there illegally
believe me -- if i could push a magic red button and that would remove all illegal aliens from Pakistan -- whether they be Uighurs, Tajiks, Afghans, Uzbeks (especially!), Chechens, Arabs etc. who are in Pakistan for nefarious activity belieeeeeeve me I would have pressed that button hard a long time ago. The anti-soviet jihad is long over and i've never been comfortable about some of these people living freely and settling in Pakistan.
I respect and appreciate the sentiment.

p.s. indian dossiers were abstract prose; they werent evidence....
And you think Indian authorities are dimwits to hand over material evidence to Pakistani authorities? That evidence was collected and cataloged painstakingly and shown to your authorities, only to be brushed as aside as flimsy. I doubt Pakistani authorities would be able to do even a fraction of that work! No Pakistani team has visited India to examine the evidence, yet!
Anywho, that evidence was later corroborated by the US through the David Headly case and a bounty was recently announced. Its only a matter of time that that terrorist will be taken out.

Do you still call that evidence "prose"?
and chinese orders are divine intervention...hypocrisy at its best..abu

we didnt need evidence to ascertain that these individuals were in Pakistan illegally....none of them had paperwork so they were deported
haha............ all the keyboard warriors jumped in .

Whats the issue if China asked to hand over the terrorist. We will hand them over to them

1- They are our friend unlike US , India e.t.c.
2-They have helped us in difficult times.
3- We trust them unlike US or hindu pandits

There is not point making noise like idiots. If they have demanded it they have followed the required procedure.

Abt the dossier they dont prepare fake dossier with bullshit information to start a trail.
The request from China is disappointing..... Is Pakistan become home center?

Why not China say to hand over terrorists from India. :hitwall:
Whats there to make a thread abt this news if china felt some nonstate activities are carried by personnel who has some contacts across border they will ask for them and Pak will act accordingly after getting the evidence..Simple..
Whats there to make a thread abt this news if china felt some nonstate activities are carried by personnel who has some contacts across border they will ask for them and Pak will act accordingly after getting the evidence..Simple..
Just Indian Media creating stupid headlines - Like after 26/11 they said that Indian PM has summoned ISI Chief..lmao.
we didnt need evidence to ascertain that these individuals were in Pakistan illegally....none of them had paperwork so they were deported
what abt Dawood ..hope u remember him clifton resident..double standards -> hypocrisy.

u need proof to accept the ajmal's nationality jo apne muh se cheekhe mar mar kar keh raha hai mei pakistani hu...but but here...cause its an order not a request .m i right or m i right??
If China want to declare terrorist group "East Turkistan Islamic Movement" into UN so we should along with US, France, Russia, UK oppose this move...., Like they did in Past in case of Let and Hafiz saed ..

Let them test their own medicine :tdown:
The reason US did not share terrorists' location information with Pakistan because everytime it used to get leaked. Now since China has asked about some terrorists, they may go missing.

I hope China don't have to declare some bounty on Pakistani terrorists just like the US did.

May be China will order some Stealth Helis from US to conduct a unilateral strike inside Pakistan to kill those terrorists if Pakistan don't hand them over.
what abt Dawood ..hope u remember him clifton resident..double standards -> hypocrisy.

he's probably in Dubai....i doubt he's in Karachi. He's welcome with open arms in Dubai and I believe he owns multiple properties and establishments there. Strangely enough, we know how big the black market and the criminal underworld is in india.

india is the biggest contributor towards this guy ''Dawood''....you have your own people to thank for that.

i have little additional information on him, sorry.

u need proof to accept the ajmal's nationality jo apne muh se cheekhe mar mar kar keh raha hai mei pakistani hu...but but here...cause its an order not a request .m i right or m i right??

as far as i know, he's in indian custody......you've spent more money feeding, jailing and building secret tunnels for him that your country forgot about feeding its own hungry people

again - it's the indians only which want to keep the ''issue'' alive for as long as they can (to garner sympathy and distract from other issues of course)
If China want to declare terrorist group "East Turkistan Islamic Movement" into UN so we should along with US, France, Russia, UK oppose this move...., Like they did in Past in case of Let and Hafiz saed ..

Let them test their own medicine :tdown:

We should support China on this, man!

Those days are not far when Chinese air force is going to Pakistan with drones everyday. Who knows, they may end up with the unilateral strike in Pakistan to catch and kill the terrorists.

This headline news is likely false, since i never heard CCTV reported such thing in the morning.
he's probably in Dubai....i doubt he's in Karachi. He's welcome with open arms in Dubai and I believe he owns multiple properties and establishments there. Strangely enough, we know how big the black market and the criminal underworld is in india.

india is the biggest contributor towards this guy ''Dawood''....you have your own people to thank for that.

i have little additional information on him, sorry.

as far as i know, he's in indian custody......you've spent more money feeding, jailing and building secret tunnels for him that your country forgot about feeding its own hungry people

again - it's the indians only which want to keep the ''issue'' alive for as long as they can (to garner sympathy and distract from other issues of course)
from ur post it seems ur hell bent in submitting to chinese...i am not going to argue on this who is where at this point in time and what he owns and how he owns that..these references were to show u mirror in similar demands made by GOI which pak refused with some or other nautankis but china is not going to listen this all ur nautinkis...so all the best coz there are lots of fresh demands going to come up from there side as the time goes on..till then chillax.
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