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China asked to stop construction work in Pakistani Kashmir

I think the Hindus had jurisdiction over the region all along so how did that happen ? :azn:

Same thing that is happening now in Pakistan where someone who does not conform to ****** mindset is a kafir ahmadiya, hindu or shia
of course we drink water not the blood of kashmiris like hindus just like bhim drank the blood of dushashan in kurukeshtra.

That was Mahabharata and the justice is some what harsher in those days, But what about today's rigid laws of some religions who follow brutal justice system.

That Outsider series will cover up Western deficiencies and highlight flaws in Indian system(no system is immune to flaws) , No use for the people following it.

They won't talk about the atrocities of Iraq, Afghanistan, Vietnam and the list goes on .......
Seen the pictures of those hundreds of thousands raising the Pakistani flag in the capital of the same territory ?

Want pictures of Kashmiris showing Indian flag on the coffins those killed by Pakistani militants?
Want pictures of Kashmiris showing Indian flag on the coffins those killed by Pakistani militants?

The support for Pakistan has always been overwhelming in Kashmir - something which even your leaders and media have admitted ... What is the fuss ?

Kashmiri Muslims carry the coffin of Indian Army soldier Shabir Ahmed Malik
The support for Pakistan has always been overwhelming in Kashmir - something which even your leaders and media have admitted ... What is the fuss ?

More Pakistani lies why is thousands of Kashmiris joining the Indian army to fight Pakistanis? why are we getting tips from Kashmiris on militants crossing over the border? :disagree:
More Pakistani lies

Go read the statements of your political leaders , check your own media reports and then accuse us of lying ...

P.S All these videos @ajtr posting weren't made in Pakistani studios :azn:
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