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China asked to stop construction work in Pakistani Kashmir

1. i did NOT start any thread about ram sham

2. read before posting any BS against members. read with open eyes so that you dont mix up names.

3. As far Indian Muslims its good for them that they should not poke their nose in kashmiri affairs. Once your deobandi paid mulla tried it and he was spitted by Kashmiris.

Enjoy the liberty of being a Pak member on a Pak forum thats all I want to say.
but post reported for Moderation!!
And India as usual crying.

every country needs friends.

Yes I agree China and Pakistan are friends now and Pakistan wants enmity with India so it needs friends.

Can you tell me what is the situation when India - China trade relationship goes to 100 billion or more within a decade. India will offer much more than Pakistan to China. Don't you think this is not the correct way of dealing the issue.
Read my post again, last time India and Pakistani Armies were involved in direct conflict was 71, since Pakistan claims the Kargil people were Mujahideen (which we all know was not the case, but w/e)

Maybe you need to learn to read before typing?

As i said read your history.....Kargil happened in 1998.....i'm talking about 2002. :cheesy:
Kashmir is part of Pakistan and nothing can stop us from investing and building infrastructure there.don't know what India fusses about while that is not even their land.

It is an internationally recognized disputed territory. Recognised by none other than UN of which your country is a permanent member.
Let's Start with Tibet first then.

Kashmiris would go all alone if there was a referendum.

And kashmir would be to weak a nation and pakistan would convert kashmir into another Afghanistan which neither good for India nor for the whole world.

Never forget the fact that India it is only a loose collection of states, many of which want independence from the Union。

All China needs to do is supply weapons and other resources to all the warring factions and India will disappear as we know it。:azn:
Indians hate infrastructure projects even if it's got nothing to do with them. They love useless MBA degrees. Indian will always be Indians.

ya.indians will always be indians.our mind runs your country america.
Statistics on Indians in the U.S.

The United States is host to the second largest Indian diaspora on the planet
In the year 2006, of the total 1,266,264 legal immigrants to the United States, 58,072 were from India. Immigration from India is currently at its highest level in history. Between 2000 and 2006, 421,006 Indian immigrants were admitted to the U.S., up from 352,278 during the 1990–1999 period.[19] According to the 2000 U.S. census, the overall growth rate for Indians from 1990 to 2000 was 105.87 percent. The average growth rate for the whole of USA was only 7.6 percent.
Indians comprise 16.4 percent of the Asian-American community. They are the third largest in the Asian American population. In 2000, of all the foreign born population in U.S., Indians were 1.007 million. From 2000 onwards the growth rate and the per cent rate of Indians amongst all the immigrants has increased by over 100 percent. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, between 1990 and 2000, the Indian population in the U.S. grew 130% — 10 times the national average of 13%.
Indian Americans are the third largest Asian American ethnic group today, following Chinese Americans and Filipino Americans.[20][21][22]
A joint Duke University – UC Berkeley study revealed that Indian immigrants have founded more engineering and technology companies from 1995 to 2005 than immigrants from the UK, China, Taiwan and Japan combined.[23] A University of California, Berkeley, study reported that one-third of the engineers in Silicon Valley are of Indian descent, while 7% of valley hi-tech firms are led by Indian CEOs.
Indian American - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Indians hate infrastructure projects even if it's got nothing to do with them. They love useless MBA degrees. Indian will always be Indians.

ya.indians will always be indians.our mind runs your country america.
Statistics on Indians in the U.S.

The United States is host to the second largest Indian diaspora on the planet
In the year 2006, of the total 1,266,264 legal immigrants to the United States, 58,072 were from India. Immigration from India is currently at its highest level in history. Between 2000 and 2006, 421,006 Indian immigrants were admitted to the U.S., up from 352,278 during the 1990–1999 period.[19] According to the 2000 U.S. census, the overall growth rate for Indians from 1990 to 2000 was 105.87 percent. The average growth rate for the whole of USA was only 7.6 percent.
Indians comprise 16.4 percent of the Asian-American community. They are the third largest in the Asian American population. In 2000, of all the foreign born population in U.S., Indians were 1.007 million. From 2000 onwards the growth rate and the per cent rate of Indians amongst all the immigrants has increased by over 100 percent. According to the U.S. Census Bureau, between 1990 and 2000, the Indian population in the U.S. grew 130% — 10 times the national average of 13%.
Indian Americans are the third largest Asian American ethnic group today, following Chinese Americans and Filipino Americans.[20][21][22]
A joint Duke University – UC Berkeley study revealed that Indian immigrants have founded more engineering and technology companies from 1995 to 2005 than immigrants from the UK, China, Taiwan and Japan combined.[23] A University of California, Berkeley, study reported that one-third of the engineers in Silicon Valley are of Indian descent, while 7% of valley hi-tech firms are led by Indian CEOs.
As i said read your history.....Kargil happened in 1998.....i'm talking about 2002. :cheesy:
It was the "AAr -Paar ki ladai" war cry of vajpayee.but the like his physically weak knee his willpower and morale too proved to be weak kneed and he proved to be the only leader in history who has sent his whole army on picnic on the border and ended up in 700+ casualties that too without fighting.
Stick to topic Indians. Don't give them posts to reply with OT :D
I think India should develop this issue at International scale so that it can be used against SCS issue.

I think both India and China will better avoid these controversial projects to better the relations. Both nations have lot to benefit from each other.

I think India should provide trade corridor to China through India to Arabian Sea, access to Africa and Gulf. Hope relations normalize to this extent that India seems more secure and trusted way to warm waters.
Never forget the fact that India it is only a loose collection of states, many of which want independence from the Union。
Probably yr state media which is nothing more than PR agency for Communist Party told you that. :lol:

All China needs to do is supply weapons and other resources to all the warring factions and India will disappear as we know it。:azn:
You and rest of world have been trying to do this for years and but have terribly failed.

We tried this just once and look what we did to yr best friend and yr only ally , Pakistan. Instead of trying to India disappear trying making Pakistan yr most faith full ally remain intact.

Man you folks have hard time controlling a totally non violent freedom struggle of Tibetans, and dream of destroying India which has over the years suppressed many such thousand times violent rebellion. So buzz off.:wave:
I never understood the whole fight about Kashmir. Kashmir is a hell hole with no resources, why do you fight over it?? Is it just over pride or what?

Kashmir and its people belong to Pakistan, India wants Kashmir but not its people.

Indians need to learn that they are not as important as they want to be.
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