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China All Su-35 news

Just few days back, Chinese used to claim that they are not buying SU-35 or any other Plane from Russia or somewhere else… Lot of BIG words was coming out…. Where is those brigade now…???
Just few days back, Chinese used to claim that they are not buying SU-35 or any other Plane from Russia or somewhere else… Lot of BIG words was coming out…. Where is those brigade now…???

Most funny part is Su35 is still a 4th gen fighter and some people here said Chinese fifth generation fighters are better then russian. :D
1.5billion $ for 24 Su-35, about 2 billion$ for 4 Subs(two made in Russia, two made in China);

Will be OK for China to rival US Japan F-35 before J-20 Mass production,and let T-50 get more funds, 1.5 billion only 1.2% of China's year defence cost, 65million a good price.
Just few days back, Chinese used to claim that they are not buying SU-35 or any other Plane from Russia or somewhere else… Lot of BIG words was coming out…. Where is those brigade now…???
This is national interest, not someone's personal emotion. i always support buying SU35 from Russia.

1.5billion $ for 24 Su-35, about 2 billion$ for 4 Subs(two made in Russia, two made in China);

will these subs carry VLS?

65million$ /unite, 1.5billion$ for 24 Su-35
much cheaper than Rafale........

Most funny part is Su35 is still a 4th gen fighter and some people here said Chinese fifth generation fighters are better then russian. :D
J20 need another 5 years to be inducted in PLAAF, so SU 35 will help to reinforce our air control.

when will these sexy babies being delivered to PLAAF?
and BTW. 24 is a good quantity. the russia wanted to sell us more than 48.
24 ist not that much.

CCTV March 24 "Today's Focus" broadcast "China and Russia signed the purchase of 24 Su-35 fighter contract, the following is the text Record:

Xi Jinping's visit to Russia, China and Russia have just signed two major arms sales to the Framework Agreement. Sino-Russian cooperation in the construction of four state-of-the-art "Lada" class AIP submarine sale to China. China to Russia to buy 24 Su-35 fighter. This is the first time in 10 years after China's first major military combat equipment purchased from Russia.

Alleged that the Russian sales to China Lada class AIP submarine mute capability is very good, four submarines will be "2 plus 2" in the form of joint design and construction for the Chinese navy. Which two will be built in Russia, the other two to be built in China.

China's procurement of new fighters to the Russian Su-35 is a type of fourth-generation fighters closest to the fifth-generation fighter, before serving Chinese stealth fighter, the Su-35 can effectively reduce the pressure of the Chinese air defense. Expected future, China and Russia will reach a new military technical cooperation contracts, such as the S-400 long-range air defense missile, 117S high-thrust engine, large transport aircraft Il-476, Il-78M aerial tankers.

Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu pointed out that the importance of the cooperation of Russia and China in the field of military technology to ensure regional stability.

Defense Ministry spokesman Geng Yansheng the colonel also answered questions from reporters on February 18, said the Sino-Russian military-technical cooperation has maintained a healthy development momentum, will further expand cooperation and achieve mutual benefit and win-win. It should be noted that the technical cooperation between China and Russia is not directed against third parties, there is conducive to the peace and stability of the region and the world.
Source said Lada could launch Brahmos, maybe we should buy some Brahmos from Russia as well.
This's typical political deals between China and Russia.

Sometimes i always think why Russian still willing to sell new fighters to china customer? We(China) had domesitc J-11B, J-15, J-16 fighters developed from original Russia Su-27, Su-33, Su-30. But they(Russia) never mind it, wanna sell more to China,if we need including Su-35 and T-50, so WHY?!!

Except TRUE BROTHERS or KEY FRIENDS, who can offer such unreasonable supports? 24x Su-35 not too many than PLAAF owning 600+ 3-gen fighters Airforce(J10A,J11,J11B,Su30,JH7A), 1.5bil dollars much less than 100+bil of China military expenditure each year.

Welcome Su-35 fly to China, importantly welcome >24x 117S jet engines come to China. As a engineer, related technical reference is invaluable. Yes a good deal cost 1.5bill dollars to improve domestic Chinese aircraft engine industry, 117S jet engines worth for detailed research.

Nexttime could consider to import another 24x Russia T-50 fighters... =)
中俄签署采购24架苏35战机与4艘拉达级潜艇合同 2013年03月25日 09:52 来源:中国新闻网
中新网3月25日电 据央视新闻报道,日前,中俄签署重大军售框架协议。中俄合作建造4搜“拉达”级AIP潜艇出售给中国。中国向俄采购24架苏35战机。


finally contract signed. 24 su 35 and 4 subs.
Great News for China but what are the 4 subs which are signed please share details and SU 35 is really good fighting plane
Great News for China but what are the 4 subs which are signed please share details and SU 35 is really good fighting plane
All China designed subs r double-shells, but Russia Lada-class is single-shell.News(i read) also said new Lada-class will use China AIP technology.

So the reason: "two made in Russia, two made in China", Sub technology exchanges between Russia and China.
The last leadership Hu and Wen don't want to buy weapons from Russia,
after change leadership, the new leadership Zi and Li change mind.
when change leadership, something change too. although a lot of people don't agree.
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