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Planning for Hebei new area is on fast track
By Zhang Zhihao (China Daily) 08:48, April 05, 2017


The central government and local authorities will accelerate planning for the Xiongan New Area, the country's top economic planner said on Tuesday.

In addition, those governments will provide policy and financial support for key projects and budgeting, said He Lifeng, minister of the National Development and Reform Commission.

A master blueprint of the new area, overall and detailed blueprints of the initial area and a plan on ecological conservation of the Baiyangdian region, are among the first plans to be mapped out, He told Xinhua News Agency.

The commission will guide the Hebei provincial government and authorities as they draft these plans to ensure they meet the high standards of quality needed for the project, He said.

"Apart from having world-class urban planning, the architecture in the new area will also showcase Chinese cultural characteristics," He said.

"We'll also give support to major transportation, ecology, water conservation, energy and public service projects in the new area," he said.

The central leadership announced on Saturday a historic decision to establish the Xiongan New Area in Hebei province as part of measures to advance the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region. The new area, similar to the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone and the Shanghai Pudong New Area, is of national significance and "crucial for the millennium to come", according to an official circular.

The area includes Xiongxian, Rongcheng and Anxin counties and their surrounding areas. It will eventually expand from the initial 100 to 2,000 square kilometers.

He said the site of the new area was carefully chosen, See New area, "based on practicality, and after rounds of comparison and rigorous research by experts".

The new zone has convenient transportation options; Beijing, Tianjin and Shijiazhuang are all within a half-hour's commute, He said. The zone is ecologically healthy and has a relatively strong environmental capacity as it is home to Baiyangdian Lake, northern China's largest freshwater lake.

The relatively less-developed economy in the region also offers developers plenty of room, He said.

He said the new zone will also take over many of Beijing's non-capital functions, thus becoming the other wing that complements Beijing's Tongzhou district, which has been designated as a sub-center of Beijing municipality.

Beijing's population has reached more than 21 million, creating urban problems such as traffic congestion and overburdened public resources. The root of these issues lies in the capital taking on too many non-capital functions, He said.

A development plan for Beijing has made clear it will be the center of politics, culture, international exchange, technology and innovation the core functions of the capital.

He said another major task of the Xiongan area is to promote Hebei's economic and social development and help develop the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region into a world-class metropolitan area.

The new area, along with Zhangjiakou-where the 2022 Winter Olympics will be held-will become two driving forces for Hebei's development, He said.

People's Daily, the official newspaper of the Communist Party of China, said in an opinion piece posted on its WeChat social media account that the intention in building the new area is not to relocate the capital or to build another capital sub-center.

"It's to accommodate urban functions distributed from Beijing ... including administrative and public agencies, company headquarters, financial institutions, colleges and scientific research centers that are not related to the core function of the capital," it said.

Xu Kuangdi, head of the expert advisory committee on the collaborative development of Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei, suggested that the construction of Xiongan New Area should focus on technological and innovative industries, and the region should attract high-end innovative talent and resources.

Supporting policies have to adapt to local conditions, he said.
Beijing to restore "one axis, one line" landscape
(China.org.cn) 08:32, April 06, 2017


Aerial view of Palace Museum [File Photo]

Beijing will enhance the protection of its historical and cultural heritage as well as old town and try to restore the "one axis, one line" landscape, according to the cultural relics work conference of the city held recently.

Beijing will restore the "one axis, one line" landscape, strengthen the integrated conservation of its old town, speed up the conservation of traditional looks in areas where Palace Museum, Temple of Heaven and Bell and Drum Towers are located, protect and make use of the historical scenery of "Three Hills and Five Gardens," and work out plans on the protection and utilization of Great Wall culture belt, Western Hills culture belt and Grand Canal culture belt.

Mayor of Beijing Cai Qi said that the rich historical and cultural heritage in Beijing should be well protected to improve its construction of Beijing as a national cultural center during an inspection and study on the protection and application for world heritage of the Central Axis of Beijing.

As an important component of the old town of Beijing, Dongcheng will build six main traditional culture areas including Nanluoguxiang and the area between Dongsisantiao and Dongsibatiao and try to renovate 80 percent of its historical and cultural blocks. Xicheng will strive to vacate and renovate a batch of key historical buildings especially guild halls and former residences of celebrities registered as cultural relics.

Liu Yuzhu, director of State Administration of Cultural Heritage, expressed that the State Administration of Cultural Heritage would provide more supports for cultural heritage protection within the construction regions of Beijing's sub-center and 2022 Winter Olympics as well as the establishment of cultural heritage protection projects in Beijing.
China to set up Xiongan New Area in Hebei Province
2017-04-05 09:40 | Globaltimes.cn | Editor:Li Yan
Apr 07, 2017
Fact Box: Five Key Elements of Xiongan New Area
By Wu Gang

Chinese authorities’ announcement in April that a special economic zone will be built in northern China’s Xiongan New Area, near Beijing, has drawn widespread attention, as the government has been comparing it to the milestone special economic zones created in Shenzhen and Shanghai Pudong decades ago. The government hopes the new project will create another economic growth phenomenon. How important is this new zone to China and its investors? And why choose this site? Here are some answers based on recent speeches from government officials and experts who participated in drafting the project:

1. What is the Xiongan New Area?

On April 1, Chinese authorities announced a decision to create an economic development zone in northern China’s Hebei province. The zone, called the Xiongan New Area, encompasses three counties in a largely undeveloped region about 100 km south of Beijing.

2. What is the zone’s primary function?

The Xiongan New Area will encourage development and relocations of businesses and public services in ways that relieve Beijing of some of its urban stress. The zone is also expected to serve as a frontline project for an ongoing government effort to coordinate development in a region that includes Beijing, Hebei and the city of Tianjin. The project is one of the most important strategic plans unveiled since President Xi Jinping took office in 2013.


3. How important is this project for China’s economy?

The official Xinhua News Agency recently called the Xiongan New Area “a great millennial plan,” comparing its launch to similar milestones when the government announced the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone in 1980 and the Shanghai Pudong New Area in 1993. The Shenzhen zone served as a bridge between China’s Soviet-style planned-economy period and its market economy. The Pudong development area has been credited with helping Shanghai become an international hub for trade and financial services. In turn, that development has supported the further opening-up of China’s economy to the rest of the world.

The Shenzhen and Pudong projects helped kick-start industrial expansions in the Pearl River Delta and Yangtze River Delta regions respectively. Xi is pushing hard to get less-developed parts of northern China on board the same modernization bandwagon. Xinhua said Xi has personally inspected parts of the so-called Jing-Jin-Ji region — which includes Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei — many times to discuss coordinated development strategies with local officials. And he held talks on the Xiongan plan on Feb. 23 while touring Anxin county, one of the three counties in the new zone.

4. Why was this region selected?

The area is considered a suitable location for centrally coordinating the joint development of Beijing, Hebei and Tianjin. The Xiongan New Area encompasses Xiongxian, Rongcheng and Anxin counties, which are all within 150 km of Beijing to the north and Tianjin to the east, and less than 200 km northeast of Hebei’s capital, Shijiazhuang. Existing and future transportation networks that include highways and high-speed railways will put Xiongan within a 30-minute commute of each city, said He Lifeng, head of the National Development and Reform Commission, the country’s economic planner.

Xiongan residents will enjoy a relatively clean environment and the largest freshwater lake in North China Plain — Baiyangdian. The area’s current population is small and its development level low, which means it’s a “blank page” with strong potential for urban development, according to Xu Kuangdi, a former Shanghai mayor who now heads the Jing-Jin-Ji Coordinated Development Expert Advisory Committee.

5. Which of Beijing’s companies or organizations will be moved to Xiongan?

Officials have made it clear that Xiongan will be designed to help unburden Beijing, which for years has doubled as the nation’s political center as well as a fast-growing business metropolis with big-city ills. Authorities announced that Xiongan will shoulder some of Beijing’s “noncapital functions,” although to date no one has said which companies or organizations have been slated to move to Xiongan. Urban planners say relocations will be gradual, and they discounted a recent report that all state-owned enterprises now based in Beijing will be forced to move to Xiongan. Xinhua reported the zone is expected to become a new, high-tech industry base with infrastructure and services that attract skilled workers and companies. The area is also expected to offer quality education, health care and other public services.

Many who now live in Beijing say they enjoy the city’s culture and conveniences but complain about traffic, air pollution and high property prices. It’s hoped Xiongan will offer business opportunities comparable with those now in Beijing, giving young adults and families a new option for a capital-city-like lifestyle, said Wu Hequan, a member of the Jing-Jin-Ji committee.
SDIC vows to boost Xiongan New Area
By ZHENG XIN | China Daily | Updated: 2017-04-06 06:49


An aerial view of Xiongxian county, part of the planned Xiongan New Area, in Hebei province.
Photo was taken on April 4, 2017. ZHOU GUOQIANG / FOR CHINA DAILY

SOE set to bring expertise in fund business and capital operations to key projects

The planned Xiongan New Area received another boost when the country's largest State-owned investment holding company by volume said it would help accelerate its construction.

State Development & Investment Corp said on Tuesday that it will tap its expertise in the fund business and capital management to help the brand new economic engine get dimensions of reality sooner than later.

SDIC already counts the infrastructure-related business among its main investments.

Now, it has vowed to actively guide social capital and provide financial support for key projects in the new area, including urban engineering pipelines.

The new area has already received encouraging responses from property and stock markets earlier this week.

The Xiongan New Area in northern Hebei province will include Xiongxian, Rongcheng and Anxin counties and their surrounding areas. It is part of the government's ambitious plan to develop the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.

Gao Ting, head of China strategy at UBS Securities Co, said the planned investment in the new area will likely give impetus to overall economic development.

He added if Xiongan becomes the third, or even the second, most important growth pole in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, its GDP may reach 2 trillion yuan ($290.2 billion) within two decades, going by the experience in the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone in Guangdong province and the Pudong New Area in Shanghai.

"Investment in high-grade infrastructure is set to accelerate coming off a very low base, including buildings, rail transit, public utilities, healthcare and education," he said.

"We estimate Xiongan's total fixed-asset investment could reach 4 trillion yuan over the next 20 years, suggesting substantial demand for cement, steel, rail and transportation."

Wang Huisheng, chairman of SDIC, said the company would utilize its expertise in investment orientation, structural adjustment and asset management to help develop the Xiongan New Area.

According to Wang, the Xiongan New Area will help shift low-priority activity unworthy of the national capital away from Beijing. But such functions, when integrated into the development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, will likely result in an overall better economic structure, cleaner environment and improved public services and, hence, are "crucial for the millennium to come".

He Lifeng, minister of the National Development and Reform Commission, said that the government will continue providing policy, planning and financial support for key projects in the region.

"We'll also give support to major transportation, ecology, water conservation, energy and public service projects in the new area," he said.

Li Xiang contributed to this story.


You can have great plans but at the end of the day you still need the money.
No money no talk.

A world-class airport cluster is set to take off
By ZHANG YU in Shijiazhuang and ZHANG MIN in Tianjin |
China Daily | Updated: 2017-04-06 07:30


An A330 aircraft lands at Tianjin Binhai International Airport, May 5, 2016. [Photo/VCG]

Beijing will serve international flights, Hebei low-cost airlines and Tianjin freight operations

Shijiazhuang Zhengding International Airport, in the capital's neighboring Hebei province, has seen a 50 percent year-on-year increase of passengers from Beijing during the three-day Qingming holiday.

"About 1,500 passengers from Beijing took off from Hebei this holiday," said Cheng Shanshan, an airport spokesperson.

Some domestic airlines, especially those serving Beijing Capital International Airport's 28 percent of airlines to and from second- and third-tier cities, will be transferred to the airport and neighboring Tianjin Binhai International Airport, Feng Zhenglin, head of the Civil Aviation Administration of China, said earlier.

The two airports will form a world-class cluster which is being established in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region to promote integrated development, according to a guideline for the coordinated development of civil aviation in the region released at the end of last year.

According to the guideline, the airport in Tianjin will develop into an international center for freight, while the airport in Hebei will mainly serve popular low-cost airlines.

Beijing will mainly serve international airlines when the capital's second-largest airport is completed in 2019, said China's top civil aviation official.

"Beijing will be built into an international aviation hub while its current domestic flights will be transferred to two neighboring areas-Tianjin municipality and Hebei province," Feng said.

Airports in the cluster will be connected by intercity high-speed railways and urban rail, Feng said.

According to Feng, Beijing's two existing airports have reached their capacity ceiling.

"During peak hours, Beijing Capital International Airport has to handle a plane taking off or landing every 49 seconds on average," Feng said.

The capital has started building a new civilian airport-Daxing International Airport-in an area overlapping the Daxing district in Beijing and Langfang in Hebei.

When completed in 2019, the airport will mainly serve international airlines, together with the capital's existing airports.

Feng cited one example to highlight the region's future airspace integration and comprehensive transportation connectivity.

"Passengers landing in Tianjin can consider they have landed in Beijing, because in the future a high-speed train will connect Beijing Capital International Airport and Tianjin Binhai International Airport," Feng said.

Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei Airport Cluster to Alleviate Capital's Heavy Air Traffic
Published on 5 Mar 2017

Authorities will build a third civil airport in Beijing in part to alleviate passenger flow in the region and reduce travel costs, according to a civil aviation official in Beijing.

Feng, the head of China’s Civil Aviation Administration, said that there are plans to integrate the Daxing International Airport into the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei airport cluster, assigning specific roles to each airport.

"The Beijing Capital International Airport will be mainly running for Star Alliance’s member airlines, and the Daxing International Airport, which is currently under construction, is intended to be a base camp for member airlines of SkyTeam. We are planning to make the Tianjin-Binhai International Airport an international hub in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region as well as an international freight logistics center. As for the Shijiazhuang Zhengding International Airport in Hebei [province], it will be fine-tuned to be a regional hub to provide affordable flights for more people, or low-fare airlines," said Feng.

The aviation official also said that Beijing's two existing airports have reached the limits of their handling capacities. For instance, there are almost no spare slots in the existing airline timetables for international airlines to land in Beijing.

The different locations of the airports in the Beijing and Tianjin municipalities as well as Hebei Province is expected to alleviate the heavy airport traffic in the capital.

The establishment of relevant transportation systems will also be sped up to make the commute more convenient in these three neighboring regions.

"Railways and inter-city transportation will be available in all airports in Beijing. It makes no difference whether one arrives at Tianjin Airport or in Beijing, as it only takes thirty-something minutes to travel from Tianjin to Beijing with high-speed railway. That’s a significant reduction in the time difference between flying to Beijing and flying to its neighboring cities," said Feng.
'New areas' established in China over the years
chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2017-04-11

The Chinese government announced a historic decision on April 1 to establish Xiongan New Area in North China's Hebei province.

The decision was made as part of measures to advance the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, sparking interest around the world.

The move will help phase out some non-capital functions from Beijing, explore a new model of optimized development in densely-populated areas, and restructure the urban layout of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, according to the circular.

As a matter of fact, China has established over a dozen new areas over the past 30 years. Here is a list of some of the major new areas across the country.

A view of the Pudong New Area in East China's Shanghai. [Photo/YANG HUANMIN AND JIN RONG FOR CHINA DAILY]

1. Pudong New Area

Pudong New Area is situated in the east of Shanghai. Its location is the major benefit of the area, located at the junction of the middle China costal area and the mouth of the Yangtze River facing the Pacific Ocean.

Pudong was founded in 1992 to strengthen China's reform and opening up. It has now become a financial hub of modern China while gaining worldwide attention. Several landmark buildings were constructed there, including the Oriental Pearl Tower, Jin Mao Building and Shanghai World Financial Center.

A photo of the Yujiapu Economic Zone in Tianjin Binhai New Area. [Photo/Xinhua]

2. Binhai New Area

Established in 2006, the Binhai New Area is located on the coast of the Bohai Sea east of Tianjin's main urban area, and is part of the Bohai Economic Rim. There are 11 large cities within a 500-kilometer circumference of the area, each with a population of more than one million people.

Tianjin Binhai New Area is home to industrial clusters with distinct advantages. Dominated by secondary and tertiary industries, the area is home to 219 Fortune 500 companies. The output value of new and high-tech industries accounts for 47 percent of the total industrial output value in the zone.

Newly constructed buildings in Liangjiang New Area, Southwest China's Chongqing municipality. [Photo/VCG]

3. Liangjiang New Area

Chongqing's Liangjiang New Area was established in 2010 and it is the first national level development area in inland China. With a total area of 1,200 square km, Liangjiang New Area is located north of the Yangtze River and east of the Jialing River.

The State Council designated five strategic orientations for the new area: demonstration area for scientific development, gateway of the inland region, a pilot zone for urban-rural reform, an advanced manufacturing and modern service center and a financial and innovation center in the upstream Yangtze River.

The Free Trade Zone at Zhoushan Archipelago New Area in Zhejiang province. [Photo/VCG]

4. Zhoushan Archipelago New Area

The Zhoushan Archipelago New Area, established in 2011, is located in East China's Zhejiang province.

The new area, covering all of Zhoushan City with an area of 1,440 square km of land and 20,800 square km of inland sea, was planned to be built into a pioneer area in leading oceanic economic development as well as an important new growth engine for the Yangtze River Delta economic zones.

Construction sites at the Lanzhou New Area in Lanzhou, Gansu province. [Photo/VCG]

5. Lanzhou New Area

Lanzhou New Area in Lanzhou, Northwest China's Gansu province, covers a planned area of about 821 square km and it is the first state-level new area in Northwest China.

China's State Council approved Lanzhou New Area construction guidelines in 2012. According to the strategic orientation mentioned in the approval, the Lanzhou New Area will be a major pillar of economic growth in northwestern China, a key national industrial base, a significant strategic platform to carry out China's westward opening-up process and a demonstration area for industrial upgrading.

The new area will be well placed to connect inland cities and border areas in China with Central Asia to promote the economic development of Gansu province and neighboring areas.

A view of Nansha New Area in South China's Guangdong province. [Photo/VCG]

6. Nansha New Area

Nansha New Area in South China's Guangdong province was launched in 2012 to lead the economic transformation and development of the Pearl River Delta region. Nansha New Area has a total area of 803 square km.

The new area's geographical advantages are obvious as it's in the middle of the Pearl River Delta, 38 nautical miles, or 70 km, away from Hong Kong and 41 nautical miles away from Macao.

Its five key development areas are: shipping logistics services, high-end business services, technology intelligence, high-end equipment and technology, and healthcare and leisure industry.

The launch ceremony for The China Western Science and Technology Innovation Port is held at Xixian New Area on Feb 26, 2017 . [Photo/chinadaily.com.cn]

7. Xixian New Area

Founded in 2014, Xixian New Area covers all seven counties and 23 villages, towns and sub-districts of the two cities of Xi'an and Xianyang in Northwest China's Shaanxi province.

With a total area of 882 square km, Xixian has multiple advantages for fast development, including a favorable location and economy, abundant education resources and S&T talented personnel, significant historical and cultural heritage, and a great natural environment.

It plays a crucial role in the integration of Xi’an and Xianyang, development of Northwest China and construction of the Silk Road Economic Belt.

Also, it plays a leading role in exemplifying a new urbanization with Chinese characteristics and improving the mechanisms of urban and rural integrated development.

The cultural square, with a library, an exhibition center, a theater and a leisure square is a landmark in Jinpu New Area, Dalian, in Liaoning province. [Photo provided to China Daily]

8. Jinpu New Area

The central government approved the setting up of Jinpu New Area in 2014. As the forefront of the reform and opening-up policy in Dalian, a series of functional zones has been established in the district, including an exports processing zone, national tourist resort, tariff-free zone and bonded port area.

The government's strategy positioned Jinpu New Area as a strategic site for cooperation within the northeast Asian area, and a growth engine that will lead Northeast China to revitalization. It is also seen as a frontier for the transformation of development modes for old industrial bases, a demonstration area of institutional and independent innovation, a leader in new-type urbanization and urban-rural development, as well as an international shipping center and logistics center in Northeast Asia.

A view of Tianfu New Area in Chengdu, Southwest China's Sichuan province. [Photo/VCG]

9. Tianfu New Area

Tianfu New Area in Chengdu, Southwest China's Sichuan province, was established in 2014 and covers an area of 1,578 square km.

As an inland open gateway, Tianfu New Area is an important component to opening Chinese inland areas to Europe and other Asian regions.

It serves as a channel and platform for exchanges and cooperation between China and other parts of the world in economy, technology, information and culture.

Its core is the high-tech industrial base and high-end manufacturing base. It takes electronic information as the leading industry.

It sets to expand and strengthen the high-tech industries of new energy equipment manufacturing, new materials and biotechnology.

Construction sites at Guian New Area in Southwest China's Guizhou province [Photo/VCG]

10. Guian New Area

Guian New Area, established in 2014, is a national-level economic zone in Southwest China's Guizhou province. It shoulders three major responsibilities - driving economic growth in western China, breaking new ground in economic opening and acting as the benchmark of sound and vibrant eco-system zone.

In 2017, Guian New Area will promote high-end service and other industries to pave the way for further expansion in the coming years, including three service centers - Guian Duty Free Zone, Huaxi University Town and Seven Star Lake Technology Town - as well as 10 bases that provide feature services such as Virtual Reality (VR), semiconductor and pharmaceuticals in 2018.

A view of the West Coast New Area in Qingdao, a coastal city of East Shandong province. [Photo/VCG]

11. West Coast New Area

China's State Council approved the establishment of Qingdao West Coast New Area in Qingdao, a coastal city of East Shandong province in 2014.

The area, in the west coast of Jiaozhou Bay, covers Huangdao district in the coastal city. The area's land size is 2,096 square km and the sea area is about 5,000 square km.

It focuses on the development of the marine economy and emerging marine industries.

The area, aiming to pilot marine technology innovation and serves as a strategic base for deep sea and off-shore exploration, plays a role in seeking new ways for scientific development in the country's marine economy.

@cirr , @Andrew Jin , @ahojunk , @Dungeness

Continued from above.

A night view of Xiangjiang New Areas in Changsha, Central China's Hunan province. [Photo/VCG]

12. Xiangjiang New Area

Xiangjiang New Area, established in 2015, covers 490 square km in Changsha, Central China's Hunan province. Situated on the west bank of the Xiang River, Xiangjiang New Area is Central China's new economic growth base for creative industries, high-tech manufacturing and innovation. It also serves as an example of how urban and rural planning can be integrated, local authorities said.

According to a plan released by the National Development and Reform Commission, by 2025, the Xiangjiang New Area will realize an urbanization rate of 80 percent and will be home to industries such as modern services, advanced manufacturing, ecological tourism and modern agriculture by working with other regional governments and companies.

The Yangtze River Bridge connects Nanjing Jiangbei New Area with the city's main downtown area. [Photo/VCG]

13. Jiangbei New Area

The State Council officially approved the establishment of the Nanjing Jiangbei New Area in June 2015, which is located in Nanjing, East China's Jiangsu province.

With a planning area of 788 square km, it encompasses a group of industrial parks such as Nanjing New and High Technology Industry Development Zone and Nanjing Cross-Strait Technology Industry Park.

The area is aimed at pushing forward the development of the Yangtze River Delta region, thus creating a new growth engine in China's coastal regions.

Fuzhou New Area in East China's Fujian province. [Photo/VCG]

14. Fuzhou New Area

The Fuzhou New Area in East China's Fujian province was officially launched in August 2015. It covers an area of 800 square km.

The establishment of the area aimed to deepen cooperation and exchanges between Fujian and Taiwan, and to promote eco-civilization and eco-social development in Fujian.

The Fuzhou New Area is expected to become an area for deepening cross-strait exchanges, a door for further opening up, and a base of modern industries in Southeast China as well as a pilot zone for reform and innovation.

Dianzhong New Area in Southwest China's Yunnan province. [Photo/VCG]

15. Dianzhong New Area

Dianzhong New Area was officially established and approved by the State Council in 2015. Located in Kunming, Southwest China's Yunnan province, it is viewed as a new urbanization comprehensive experimental area and a first-to-go area of reform and innovation in Southwest China.

The area focuses on mid- to high-end industries such as automobile and equipment manufacturing, electronic information and biology.

A man takes picture of a fountain in Harbin, Northeast Heilongjiang province, on May 19, 2016. [Photo/VCG]

16. Harbin New Area

The State Council decided to establish Harbin New Area in Northeast Heilongjiang province in December 2015, as an effort to implement the Belt and Road Initiative and revitalize the old industrial base in Northeast China.

The new district, which covers 493 square km, has a solid foundation of technology and industry and serves as an engine to carry out comprehensive China-Russia cooperation, boost economic development in Northeast China and build special international culture and tourism cluster.

Harbin is the capital city of Heilongjiang province which used to be the country’s industrial base.

New buildings in Changchun New Area, Northeast China's Jilin province. [Photo/VCG]

17. Changchun New Area

Changchun New Area, approved by the State Council in February 2016, is located in Northeast China's Jilin province. Two ports, four commercial centers, 10 industrial zones, three economic pillars and unparalleled environment will soon illuminate the future of Changchun New Area.

The area aims to become a new and powerful engine for the economic development of Jilin province, of which Changchun is the capital.

Changchun New Area is planning to set up an innovative industrial system focusing on sectors of advanced manufacturing and modern services and agriculture by the end of 2020.


A bird's view of Ganjiang River New Area in East China's Jiangxi province. [Photo/VCG]

18. Ganjiang River New Area

The construction of Ganjiang River New Area in East China's Jiangxi province was approved in June 2016.

The new area includes four administrative parts - Qingshan Lake region and Xinjian county in Nanchang city, the provincial capital of Jiangxi, and Gongqing city and part of Yongxiu county under Jiujiang city, covering a total area of 465 square km.

The founding of Ganjiang River New Area aims at pushing forward the development of the Yangtze River economic zone and promoting economic and social development of Jiangxi province.


Xiongan construction expected to drive up China steel market
Duration: 2:13 mins

Published on 12 Apr 2017

China's establishment of the Xiongan New Area in Hebei Province is good news for the country's steel producers. The government is planning to expand the size of the new area to 2,000 square kilometers by 2050 and that will have a significant increase on domestic steel demand.
'New areas' established in China over the years
chinadaily.com.cn | Updated: 2017-04-11

The Chinese government announced a historic decision on April 1 to establish Xiongan New Area in North China's Hebei province.

The decision was made as part of measures to advance the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, sparking interest around the world.

The move will help phase out some non-capital functions from Beijing, explore a new model of optimized development in densely-populated areas, and restructure the urban layout of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, according to the circular.

As a matter of fact, China has established over a dozen new areas over the past 30 years. Here is a list of some of the major new areas across the country.

A view of the Pudong New Area in East China's Shanghai. [Photo/YANG HUANMIN AND JIN RONG FOR CHINA DAILY]

1. Pudong New Area

Pudong New Area is situated in the east of Shanghai. Its location is the major benefit of the area, located at the junction of the middle China costal area and the mouth of the Yangtze River facing the Pacific Ocean.

Pudong was founded in 1992 to strengthen China's reform and opening up. It has now become a financial hub of modern China while gaining worldwide attention. Several landmark buildings were constructed there, including the Oriental Pearl Tower, Jin Mao Building and Shanghai World Financial Center.

A photo of the Yujiapu Economic Zone in Tianjin Binhai New Area. [Photo/Xinhua]

2. Binhai New Area

Established in 2006, the Binhai New Area is located on the coast of the Bohai Sea east of Tianjin's main urban area, and is part of the Bohai Economic Rim. There are 11 large cities within a 500-kilometer circumference of the area, each with a population of more than one million people.

Tianjin Binhai New Area is home to industrial clusters with distinct advantages. Dominated by secondary and tertiary industries, the area is home to 219 Fortune 500 companies. The output value of new and high-tech industries accounts for 47 percent of the total industrial output value in the zone.

Newly constructed buildings in Liangjiang New Area, Southwest China's Chongqing municipality. [Photo/VCG]

3. Liangjiang New Area

Chongqing's Liangjiang New Area was established in 2010 and it is the first national level development area in inland China. With a total area of 1,200 square km, Liangjiang New Area is located north of the Yangtze River and east of the Jialing River.

The State Council designated five strategic orientations for the new area: demonstration area for scientific development, gateway of the inland region, a pilot zone for urban-rural reform, an advanced manufacturing and modern service center and a financial and innovation center in the upstream Yangtze River.

The Free Trade Zone at Zhoushan Archipelago New Area in Zhejiang province. [Photo/VCG]

4. Zhoushan Archipelago New Area

The Zhoushan Archipelago New Area, established in 2011, is located in East China's Zhejiang province.

The new area, covering all of Zhoushan City with an area of 1,440 square km of land and 20,800 square km of inland sea, was planned to be built into a pioneer area in leading oceanic economic development as well as an important new growth engine for the Yangtze River Delta economic zones.

Construction sites at the Lanzhou New Area in Lanzhou, Gansu province. [Photo/VCG]

5. Lanzhou New Area

Lanzhou New Area in Lanzhou, Northwest China's Gansu province, covers a planned area of about 821 square km and it is the first state-level new area in Northwest China.

China's State Council approved Lanzhou New Area construction guidelines in 2012. According to the strategic orientation mentioned in the approval, the Lanzhou New Area will be a major pillar of economic growth in northwestern China, a key national industrial base, a significant strategic platform to carry out China's westward opening-up process and a demonstration area for industrial upgrading.

The new area will be well placed to connect inland cities and border areas in China with Central Asia to promote the economic development of Gansu province and neighboring areas.

A view of Nansha New Area in South China's Guangdong province. [Photo/VCG]

6. Nansha New Area

Nansha New Area in South China's Guangdong province was launched in 2012 to lead the economic transformation and development of the Pearl River Delta region. Nansha New Area has a total area of 803 square km.

The new area's geographical advantages are obvious as it's in the middle of the Pearl River Delta, 38 nautical miles, or 70 km, away from Hong Kong and 41 nautical miles away from Macao.

Its five key development areas are: shipping logistics services, high-end business services, technology intelligence, high-end equipment and technology, and healthcare and leisure industry.

The launch ceremony for The China Western Science and Technology Innovation Port is held at Xixian New Area on Feb 26, 2017 . [Photo/chinadaily.com.cn]

7. Xixian New Area

Founded in 2014, Xixian New Area covers all seven counties and 23 villages, towns and sub-districts of the two cities of Xi'an and Xianyang in Northwest China's Shaanxi province.

With a total area of 882 square km, Xixian has multiple advantages for fast development, including a favorable location and economy, abundant education resources and S&T talented personnel, significant historical and cultural heritage, and a great natural environment.

It plays a crucial role in the integration of Xi’an and Xianyang, development of Northwest China and construction of the Silk Road Economic Belt.

Also, it plays a leading role in exemplifying a new urbanization with Chinese characteristics and improving the mechanisms of urban and rural integrated development.

The cultural square, with a library, an exhibition center, a theater and a leisure square is a landmark in Jinpu New Area, Dalian, in Liaoning province. [Photo provided to China Daily]

8. Jinpu New Area

The central government approved the setting up of Jinpu New Area in 2014. As the forefront of the reform and opening-up policy in Dalian, a series of functional zones has been established in the district, including an exports processing zone, national tourist resort, tariff-free zone and bonded port area.

The government's strategy positioned Jinpu New Area as a strategic site for cooperation within the northeast Asian area, and a growth engine that will lead Northeast China to revitalization. It is also seen as a frontier for the transformation of development modes for old industrial bases, a demonstration area of institutional and independent innovation, a leader in new-type urbanization and urban-rural development, as well as an international shipping center and logistics center in Northeast Asia.

A view of Tianfu New Area in Chengdu, Southwest China's Sichuan province. [Photo/VCG]

9. Tianfu New Area

Tianfu New Area in Chengdu, Southwest China's Sichuan province, was established in 2014 and covers an area of 1,578 square km.

As an inland open gateway, Tianfu New Area is an important component to opening Chinese inland areas to Europe and other Asian regions.

It serves as a channel and platform for exchanges and cooperation between China and other parts of the world in economy, technology, information and culture.

Its core is the high-tech industrial base and high-end manufacturing base. It takes electronic information as the leading industry.

It sets to expand and strengthen the high-tech industries of new energy equipment manufacturing, new materials and biotechnology.

Construction sites at Guian New Area in Southwest China's Guizhou province [Photo/VCG]

10. Guian New Area

Guian New Area, established in 2014, is a national-level economic zone in Southwest China's Guizhou province. It shoulders three major responsibilities - driving economic growth in western China, breaking new ground in economic opening and acting as the benchmark of sound and vibrant eco-system zone.

In 2017, Guian New Area will promote high-end service and other industries to pave the way for further expansion in the coming years, including three service centers - Guian Duty Free Zone, Huaxi University Town and Seven Star Lake Technology Town - as well as 10 bases that provide feature services such as Virtual Reality (VR), semiconductor and pharmaceuticals in 2018.

A view of the West Coast New Area in Qingdao, a coastal city of East Shandong province. [Photo/VCG]

11. West Coast New Area

China's State Council approved the establishment of Qingdao West Coast New Area in Qingdao, a coastal city of East Shandong province in 2014.

The area, in the west coast of Jiaozhou Bay, covers Huangdao district in the coastal city. The area's land size is 2,096 square km and the sea area is about 5,000 square km.

It focuses on the development of the marine economy and emerging marine industries.

The area, aiming to pilot marine technology innovation and serves as a strategic base for deep sea and off-shore exploration, plays a role in seeking new ways for scientific development in the country's marine economy.

@cirr , @Andrew Jin , @ahojunk , @Dungeness

Continued from above.

A night view of Xiangjiang New Areas in Changsha, Central China's Hunan province. [Photo/VCG]

12. Xiangjiang New Area

Xiangjiang New Area, established in 2015, covers 490 square km in Changsha, Central China's Hunan province. Situated on the west bank of the Xiang River, Xiangjiang New Area is Central China's new economic growth base for creative industries, high-tech manufacturing and innovation. It also serves as an example of how urban and rural planning can be integrated, local authorities said.

According to a plan released by the National Development and Reform Commission, by 2025, the Xiangjiang New Area will realize an urbanization rate of 80 percent and will be home to industries such as modern services, advanced manufacturing, ecological tourism and modern agriculture by working with other regional governments and companies.

The Yangtze River Bridge connects Nanjing Jiangbei New Area with the city's main downtown area. [Photo/VCG]

13. Jiangbei New Area

The State Council officially approved the establishment of the Nanjing Jiangbei New Area in June 2015, which is located in Nanjing, East China's Jiangsu province.

With a planning area of 788 square km, it encompasses a group of industrial parks such as Nanjing New and High Technology Industry Development Zone and Nanjing Cross-Strait Technology Industry Park.

The area is aimed at pushing forward the development of the Yangtze River Delta region, thus creating a new growth engine in China's coastal regions.

Fuzhou New Area in East China's Fujian province. [Photo/VCG]

14. Fuzhou New Area

The Fuzhou New Area in East China's Fujian province was officially launched in August 2015. It covers an area of 800 square km.

The establishment of the area aimed to deepen cooperation and exchanges between Fujian and Taiwan, and to promote eco-civilization and eco-social development in Fujian.

The Fuzhou New Area is expected to become an area for deepening cross-strait exchanges, a door for further opening up, and a base of modern industries in Southeast China as well as a pilot zone for reform and innovation.

Dianzhong New Area in Southwest China's Yunnan province. [Photo/VCG]

15. Dianzhong New Area

Dianzhong New Area was officially established and approved by the State Council in 2015. Located in Kunming, Southwest China's Yunnan province, it is viewed as a new urbanization comprehensive experimental area and a first-to-go area of reform and innovation in Southwest China.

The area focuses on mid- to high-end industries such as automobile and equipment manufacturing, electronic information and biology.

A man takes picture of a fountain in Harbin, Northeast Heilongjiang province, on May 19, 2016. [Photo/VCG]

16. Harbin New Area

The State Council decided to establish Harbin New Area in Northeast Heilongjiang province in December 2015, as an effort to implement the Belt and Road Initiative and revitalize the old industrial base in Northeast China.

The new district, which covers 493 square km, has a solid foundation of technology and industry and serves as an engine to carry out comprehensive China-Russia cooperation, boost economic development in Northeast China and build special international culture and tourism cluster.

Harbin is the capital city of Heilongjiang province which used to be the country’s industrial base.

New buildings in Changchun New Area, Northeast China's Jilin province. [Photo/VCG]

17. Changchun New Area

Changchun New Area, approved by the State Council in February 2016, is located in Northeast China's Jilin province. Two ports, four commercial centers, 10 industrial zones, three economic pillars and unparalleled environment will soon illuminate the future of Changchun New Area.

The area aims to become a new and powerful engine for the economic development of Jilin province, of which Changchun is the capital.

Changchun New Area is planning to set up an innovative industrial system focusing on sectors of advanced manufacturing and modern services and agriculture by the end of 2020.


A bird's view of Ganjiang River New Area in East China's Jiangxi province. [Photo/VCG]

18. Ganjiang River New Area

The construction of Ganjiang River New Area in East China's Jiangxi province was approved in June 2016.

The new area includes four administrative parts - Qingshan Lake region and Xinjian county in Nanchang city, the provincial capital of Jiangxi, and Gongqing city and part of Yongxiu county under Jiujiang city, covering a total area of 465 square km.

The founding of Ganjiang River New Area aims at pushing forward the development of the Yangtze River economic zone and promoting economic and social development of Jiangxi province.


So many New Areas, except for Shenzhen and Pudong, the others are more or less failures. Real estate occupy almost all the so called New Areas, few firms, manufacturers, hi-tech incubators are set up in the areas. Hope Xiongan New Area can find a absolutely new and innovative way.
Xiongan's key role is to receive Beijing's non-capital functions: vice premier
(Xinhua) 09:28, April 15, 2017


Aerial photo taken on April 1, 2017 shows Xiongxian County, north China's Hebei Province. China announced Saturday it would establish the Xiongan New Area in Hebei Province, as part of measures to advance the coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei (BTH) region. The New Area, about 100 km southwest of downtown Beijing, will span three counties that sit at the center of the triangular area formed by Beijing, Tianjin and Hebei's provincial capital Shijiazhuang. (Xinhua/Wang Xiao)

BEIJING, April 14 -- The Xiongan New Area's most important role is as a new home for Beijing's "non-capital" functions, according to Vice Premier Zhang Gaoli.

The creation of Xiongan New Area is a major historic and strategic decision that will be crucial for the millennium to come, and President Xi Jinpinghas been directly engaged in the planning process, Zhang told Xinhua.

The Xiongan New Area will be a green, livable and modern urban area, a region led by innovation-driven development, a demonstration area of balanced development, and a pioneering region of open development, Zhang said.

Quoting Xi, the vice premier said development of the new economic zone should protect the local environment, avoid becoming an industrial hub led by traditional industries and the real estate sector, lift growth of neighboring areas and seek higher levels of opening up, such as participating in the Belt and Road Initiative.

Development of the Xiongan New Area will explore new ways of addressing the problems of big cities, promote innovation and new growth engines, optimize the urban pattern and bridge the gaps in economic growth and public services in the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region, Zhang added.

The decision to set up the Xiongan New Area was made in a "scrupulous, prudent, methodical and democratic" manner, with senior officials of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region development team meeting many times to discuss such issues as the restoration and protection of the region's vast freshwater wetland Baiyangdian, Zhang said.

Zhang outlined key tasks to ensure steady and orderly progress.

The government will use the most advanced planning philosophy and international standards to create a green, smart area.

Development of Xiongan will move on gradually and methodically with no large-scale real estate development or illegal construction.

The government will strive to balance developing infrastructure and receiving Beijing's non-capital functions.

A clean slate will allow the government to set up a lean, efficient and uniform management body and use market-oriented measures to finance the work, the vice premier said.

The plan for the Xiongan New Area was officially announced on April 1. The new economic zone will span Xiongxian, Rongcheng and Anxin counties in Hebei Province, eventually covering 2,000 square kilometers, with a population of 2 to 2.5 million.

Addressing a central economic meeting at the end of 2014, Xi said that transferring Beijing's non-capital functions, lowering its population density and promoting economic and social development commensurate with its population and resources must be at the core of coordinated development of the Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.

During Communist Party of China (CPC) meetings in April 2015, Xi suggested investigating the possibility of a new city in Hebei, built according to new development concepts.

On March 24, 2016, Xi heard a report on the creation of Beijing's "subsidiary center" in the eastern suburb of Tongzhou and another area -- Xiongan -- where non-capital functions would be transferred from Beijing.

On May 27, 2016, Xiongan New Area appeared for the first time in a report reviewed at a Political Bureau meeting of the CPC Central Committee.

Visiting the location on Feb. 23 this year, Xi expressed satisfaction with the location, population and natural resources of Xiongan.

"It's a good choice, as it will not create too much trouble for locals, involves only a small amount of relocation and something can be achieved in a short time," said Xi.

According to the president's plans, the Xiongan New Area will primarily be the receiver of non-capital functions from Beijing, including some administrative and public institutions, company headquarters, financial institutions, higher education institutions and sci-tech units.
So many New Areas, except for Shenzhen and Pudong, the others are more or less failures. Real estate occupy almost all the so called New Areas, few firms, manufacturers, hi-tech incubators are set up in the areas. Hope Xiongan New Area can find a absolutely new and innovative way.

I think they are not all meant to be industrial or high-tech zones.

Villager becomes potential millionaire in new area Xiongan
By Ma Chi (China Daily) 08:56, April 18, 2017


Aerial photo taken on April 1, 2017 shows Anxin county, North China's Hebei province.[Photo/Xinhua]

Since China announced plans to develop the new area Xiongan, attention has turned to the previously obscure county of Xiongxian.

Before the surprise announcement at the start of this month, Xiongxian county, 100 kilometers south of Beijing and part of the Xiongan New Area, racked up the largest online sales of any county in the country last year, according to logistics platform Cainiao.

According to Cainiao, the three most common purchases by Xiongxian residents were T-shirts, canvas shoes, and mobile phone covers and cases.

Three kilometers away from the county seat of Xiongxian, Jia Xilin, a resident of Wangheiying village, owns a 600-square-meter house and 0.2 acres of land, which makes him a potential millionaire.

But he has no intention to stop work at a logistic center of Cainiao.

"The era of internet will not change. Whenever there is Taobao and online shopping, there will be express delivery, and we have job to do."

He receives the parcels, sorts them out and loads them onto the vehicle. Thousands of parcels are handled by Jia each day, amounting to about two million a year.

By 8 am, the goods have been loaded on four courier vehicles, and are on their way to 108 villages in the county. Jia and his co-workers can then take a break.

"Every parcel in Xiongxian is delivered by our team," Jia said smilingly.

When the workers take a rest, they talk about the house prices of Xiongxian. A residential community opposite the logistics center has seen its house prices skyrocket from 3,000 yuan per square meter a year ago to 30,000 yuan per square meter today.

In addition to its booming e-commerce trade, Xiongxian also produces more than 80 percent of balloons for the country and is home to the largest manufacturer of condoms in North China.

In setting up the new Xiongan area, which spans Xiongxian, Rongcheng and Anxin counties in Hebei province, the policymakers plan to build a new economic engine and advance the coordinated development of Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region.

The move will shift Beijing's non-capital functions to the new area and explore a new model of optimized development in densely populated areas.

Xiongan's key role is to receive Beijing's non-capital functions: vice premier
Absolutely needed, either capital functions move away from Beijing, choose a new national capital, or divert businesses away from Beijing. SASAC (State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission, State Council) - nations's top watchdog for SOE - will lead at least 40 SOE's into Xiongan, among them CISC (China Shipbuilding Industry Corp) is the first to respond.

China to monitor water pollution spending
(Xinhua) 20:16, April 19, 2017

BEIJING, April 19 (Xinhua) -- China unveiled new measures Wednesday to prevent misuse of water pollution funds.

A performance rating framework will be set up to assess whether the money is spent wisely and whether the anti-pollution project is well managed, according to a statement jointly released by the Ministry of Environmental Protection and the Ministry of Finance.

After a comprehensive review on their performance, fund users will be graded on a four-tier rating system, and local authorities will reward the good, and punish the bad, the statement said.

The detailed guideline came as authorities try to rein in the misuse of environmental funds. China's top auditor has found that 17.6 billion yuan (about 2.56 billion U.S. dollars) of fiscal funds for pollution control and resource management in 2016 were not used effectively.

A total of 397 water protection projects had failed to achieve the desired effect, and some environment funds were not distributed in accordance with special protection plans, according to the National Audit Office.
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