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Chief of Army Staff | General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani.

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bad habit....at least while in uniform, i dont think it should be done

and this is coming from a (former) smoker
Smoking is very bad and Kiyani has not turned out be a soldier like Field Marshall Ayub Khan. Time for him to go. Young and brave officers need to be promoted who can defend Pakistan. Kiyani have a nice day.
Rawalpindi - May 24, 2011:
Chief of Army Staff (COAS), General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani interacted with six children suffering from perilous diseases like blood cancer and Thalassemia at General Headquarters today.
Earlier on their request, COAS had approved enrolment of these children in the Army for one day. During today’s informal interaction the children thanked COAS for granting their wish and for a memorable day amongst the Armed Forces.
Later, the children had a group photo with COAS, who also presented them souvenirs.

Rawalpindi - May 24, 2011:
Colonel General Alexander Postnikov, Commander -in-Chief Russian Ground Forces called on Chief of Army Staff, General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani at General Headquarters today.
The visiting dignitary remained with him for some time and discussed the matters of professional interest.

Chief of Army Staff, General Ashfaq Parvez Kayani and Colonel General Alexander Postnikov, Commander -in-Chief Russian Ground Forces saluting after laying a floral wreath at Yadgar-e-Shuhada at General Headquarters today. (24-05-2011) - Photo ISPR
^what the hell, does Kiyani didn't bother by PNS Mehran base attack. Salute?
well sir i thinkwe need a active Army chief like Baig after zia he was best last chief kiyani has passed his active time now he should get retired he did nothing good for nation

Well he has been one of the most active commanders so please do not give into emotions just because you hate what is happening nowadays.
Kiyani was DGMO when the whole of Pakistan Army mobilized in a very short time against India during Musharraf era, he did a fine job.
As a COAS, Kiyani actively visited all the front line troops in his tenure during the anti terrorist operations and has done a lot for the common soldier's welfare and morale.
His focus on FC really improved their capability against TTP.
However, Terrorism cannot be defeated just by military action alone.

Now in the past few months we have a situation whereby the mistakes and errors of many decades are biting us hard and we are not happy.
Does not mean Kiyani is incompetent...just that the situation is quite grave and needs a change much more comprehensive than initially envisioned.
Unless our civilian and military leadership come clean with the nation and resolve to work with each other honestly, these problems shall haunt us.
Smoking is very bad and Kiyani has not turned out be a soldier like Field Marshall Ayub Khan. Time for him to go. Young and brave officers need to be promoted who can defend Pakistan. Kiyani have a nice day.

shows how much you know about the military and its history!!!
Smoking is very bad and Kiyani has not turned out be a soldier like Field Marshall Ayub Khan. Time for him to go. Young and brave officers need to be promoted who can defend Pakistan. Kiyani have a nice day.

Some time while reading posts on PDF i am thinking that because of uncertainty in Pakistan people we create problems more than it exists, very very ordinary thinking that he has to go, he has to resign and he has to leave but why you people don't want to encourage and support?

A COAS who ordered to block NATO supply because of death of 2 soldiers so what you think he is sitting idle after 02 May, 22 May (He is not answerable over that) terrorists attacks?
BTW civil intelligence & law enforcement authorities are responsible & answerable for this attack.

Why PA started exercises in Thar and night army aviation exercises in Muzaffarabad, Rawala kot, Abbotabad?

So let them work, and Pakistani people has to leave this stupid attitude "you are good while nothing happened otherwise bad"
Well he has been one of the most active commanders so please do not give into emotions just because you hate what is happening nowadays.
Kiyani was DGMO when the whole of Pakistan Army mobilized in a very short time against India during Musharraf era, he did a fine job.
As a COAS, Kiyani actively visited all the front line troops in his tenure during the anti terrorist operations and has done a lot for the common soldier's welfare and morale.
His focus on FC really improved their capability against TTP.
However, Terrorism cannot be defeated just by military action alone.

Now in the past few months we have a situation whereby the mistakes and errors of many decades are biting us hard and we are not happy.
Does not mean Kiyani is incompetent...just that the situation is quite grave and needs a change much more comprehensive than initially envisioned.
Unless our civilian and military leadership come clean with the nation and resolve to work with each other honestly, these problems shall haunt us.

On seeing this thread where majority of the guys are praising a person (won't call him a soldier as he has not proven his worth for the nation since as usual as shown his back at the time of need). When will we realize that the top brass is all incompetent, cowards & on the pay-roll of masters you know well like our pathetic politicans. Height of hypocrasy is that the armed forces are ready (As they claim) to counter any moves made by India without any prior confirmation/ order from the Govt but when there is any breach/ lapse at the western side they contend that we need Govt's decision. Only excuses to save their necks and to be good in the eyes of their masters. They won't change, Pakistani's should not expect from these deceitful & corrupt persons as they are not sincere to the nation nor to the country. GUYS WAKE-UP, WAKE-UP & START FACING THE FACTS.

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