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Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

There are 2 planes in the world with EODAS. That'd be the J-20 and F-35; the PAK-FA still uses a single IRST camera ball. These provide full 3-D situational awareness in the IR spectrum. If the J-20's electronics are not at the level of F-35, then it is at least 2nd best.
oh boy!!
do u know the capablity of F 35's EODAS system .PLz know about it's capabilty before comparing it with J20 which is just in
protype stages only .As j20 has 4-5 holes in it it's airframe it makes a jack sense that j20 ''s so called EODAS & it's electronics would be world's 2nd best,even calling them superior to even french electronics:lol:Do u know french Sofradir produces one of
the best Infra red Seekers in the world.Even PAKFA's IRST is supposed to have european seekers most probably french

1st of all see this video of F 35's EODAS system

capabilty of EODAS sytem
The DAS provides:

1)Missile detection and tracking

2)Launch point detection

3)Situational awareness IRST & cueing

4)Weapons support

5)Day/night navigation

well it is possible due it's advanced COTS Freescale PowerPC processors & software ,
It is also augmented by the Electro-Optical Targeting System (EOTS) mounted under the nose of the aircraft, designed by Lockheed Martin.I doubt seriously can J20 have all such capabilty

What ever advanced EODAS system may be but dont expect these system can be effective in evading latest 5th gen SHORT range infra red guided missile like AIM 9x & python 5 which has highly advanced FPA/electroptical seeker & also these missiles can do G manuveurabilty of more than 70G .Those flares wont work with these kind of missiles .These seekers can only be deactivated by laser beam.

Have u ever heard about LASER based DIRCM in ur entire life time.These laser based DIRCM can effectively take care of these
5th gen IR guided missiles.
well United states Northrop Grumman & France's thales have mastered these technology ,well northrop grunman's
Viper™ Mid-IR Laser & Thales FLASH dircm are one of the most succesful DIRCM available in the market. .
Viper™ Mid-IR Laser

so the best solution for a stealth fighter is to avoid within visual range warfare rather focus on bvr warfare as those were specifically designed for those kind of warfare

Payload and high range influence survivability due to being able to strategically deploy the aircraft at airfields further away from places where they are more likely to be destroyed by a preemptive attack and to place more buffer radars/IADS so that they can perform at maximum efficiency.In addition, it reduces the constraints of fuel on maneuvering.
what bag of B.S man!!!
well until & unless u deploy ur jets underneath the fortified bunkers/hangers it is impossible to prevent it from being destroyed by a preemptive attack ,as enemy's Baliistic Missiles & Cruise Missile"S armed with tactical nukes can easily destroy it in it's hangars from long range.:lol:

well what the hell buffer SAM radars has to do with long range of an aircraft .?????

well even air to air refuelling can dramatically increase the range of fighter aircraft & that is usually done nowdays in todays aerial warfare.Well drop tanks hinder manuverabilty i agree .

High payload influences survivability by giving the plane more opportunities to shoot down other planes before being forced to retreat.
well unfortunately all stealth planes have this disadvantage of carrying limited air to air missiles compare to conventional 4th or 4.5 gen fighters as they have to carry weapons internally ,if they have to carry more weapons then they have to place it
externally & this compromises stealth which can be fatal in BVR warfare.

Well the most important factors which affect survivalabilty of a plane are




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The real reason F-22 Raptor was canceled: Superseded by Chinese military technology

1. The Serbs shot down a state-of-the-art F-117 stealth fighter in 1999.

2. Chinese military technology, funding, low-band radars, supercomputing power, and network defenses are magnitudes beyond what the Serbs were capable. The integration of a variety of low-band radars, bi-static radars, multi-static radars, airborne AWACS, triangulation, tracking through "statistical averaging over time," and other advanced techniques should easily allow China to locate and track a F-22.

3. Since the public unveiling of the F-117 and B-2 in 1988, China has had 24 years to prepare in the shooting down of a stealth aircraft.

4. I hope you guys aren't dumb enough to believe the public explanation that the F-22 was canceled due to budget pressure. Behind closed doors, the Senate oversight committee receives classified reports of the true strength of Chinese air defenses.

This is simple common sense. Why would the United States cancel its most technologically advanced F-22 air-superiority fighter? The obvious answer is the U.S. wouldn't cancel it unless the F-22 was no longer effective for its intended purpose of fighting a near-peer (i.e. China).

I can't prove it (because I don't have access to classified reports), but the only logical explanation is the U.S. government has concluded the F-22 is no longer a trump card against China. Hence, the production of the F-22 was intentionally halted. The F-22 is unsuitable, because of its short combat radius of 471 miles and/or the Chinese air defense network.

In conclusion, shooting down a F-22 is well within China's technological capability. That is the expected outcome of a near-peer in military technology (e.g. a country that can build its own J-20 Mighty Dragon all-aspect stealth fighter). However, the Serbs will always own the distinction of being the first to shoot down a at-the-time state-of-the-art stealth fighter.


Lockheed Martin F-22 Raptor - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

"President Obama signed the National Defense Authorization Act for Fiscal Year 2010 in October 2009, without F-22 funding.[84][85]"
The cockpit's oxygen system is totally screwed. The stealth coating is hazardous to maintenance workers and pilots. The computer systems were archaic before the F-22 went into service (they took a totally different route for F-35). In short, it was a good try at building a stealth fighter, but the USA ultimately failed.


You guys can argue all you want trying to appear civilised or in the spirit of "let's talk about it in general terms".

This is simply not the case.

Martian is over simplifying generic ideas to apply them into a very very very difficult problem.

One of the basic approaches in solving problems is to look at what the problem asks, and what the problem statement gives as info.

Martian always mixes these up.

He cannot use what he proposed to track a VLO target. The way he describes there is no way to associate any pings with a real aircraft in time and space in a way that is meaningful for tracking.
Just in case you might get confused, only one bird below is the J-20

New: Janes is reporting citing source in CAC that there are 4 fully assembled prototypes at CAC, however, only two are being tested, engines remain the most considerable headwind.
The cockpit's oxygen system is totally screwed. The stealth coating is hazardous to maintenance workers and pilots. The computer systems were archaic before the F-22 went into service (they took a totally different route for F-35). In short, it was a good try at building a stealth fighter, but the USA ultimately failed.

Care to give me some solid technical details, that how and why YOU tagged it FAILED ?
Care to give me some solid technical details, that how and why YOU tagged it FAILED ?
It is not failed but Obama Administration and parts of agencies investigated there were several useless parts inside f22 to complete the money as f22 creators might have to face charges for "where the money" as u know u cant ask for extra money as backup and at the other hand F22 cannot fly in rain , Oxygen generator failures , maintenance cost is like buying a single f16 per week maintenance of f22 , it's ram coated material is hazardous, most importantly it has very low combat radius which can be a problem not many internal capacity to carry weapons.
...and at the other hand F22 cannot fly in rain...
Another Rachel Maddow suckered. Care to explain, in reasonably technical terms, if the F-22 cannot fly in rain, why is it stationed in Alaska and Hawaii?
Another Rachel Maddow suckered. Care to explain, in reasonably technical terms, if the F-22 cannot fly in rain, why is it stationed in Alaska and Hawaii?
I agree with what you said but I just stated the what is published.
^^^ hey what does that mean "f 35 pawned" ????
by seeing pics u make out conclusion that F 35 pawned:blink:
I have a doubt, there are plenty sources which points, Chinese companies supplied counterfeit equipments to US war machines like P-8A etc..... which is no direct threat to those systems but may cause malfunction in dsiplay so and so........ can any one assure that J-20, J-10 or some other chinese machines will come out with out any fake or counterfeit equipment....
I have a doubt, there are plenty sources which points, Chinese companies supplied counterfeit equipments to US war machines like P-8A etc..... which is no direct threat to those systems but may cause malfunction in dsiplay so and so........ can any one assure that J-20, J-10 or some other chinese machines will come out with out any fake or counterfeit equipment....
Don't believe all words that Americans said! They just find the excuse of malfunctioning of plane because of using cheap, unchecked (or "faked") parts from unknown source. About the issue of "backdoor", I think other countries importing fighters containing USA-made chips should be more careful instead :shout:

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