Finally no longer an estimation based on a grainy satellite image. But I’m sure
@Asoka will again present us a theory why the J-20 is still about 22-23 m long.
Dude, are we sure what plane is behind J-20? And are we sure it's wingspan is 14.7m? From the picture, I know it's wingspan is a lot bigger than J-20. I am doubtful it's wingspan is 14.7m. And I am doubtful it's J-16.
To be absolutely sure, leaving no room for doubt, that this plane's wingspan is 14.7m seems premature to me.
I used Mr. Deino's previous estimate that J-15's wingspan is 14.7m, and from that I estimated J-20's wingspan is 14.05m. And from that I calculated the length of J-20 from Nose to Nozzle is 21.8m and overall length is 22.8m
Using the estimate of J-20's nose to nozzle length of 20.185m, it still leaves J-20's fuselage to be 3.485m longer than F-22.
This was my lower end estimate of their difference.
I had stated before that their nose to nozzle body length difference to be 3.5-4.5m. And then revised the estimate to be 5m, after estimated the J-20's wingspan to be 14.05m and nose to nozzle length of 21.8m.
There are internet references saying J-16's wingspan to be 14.7m. I simply don't know where they got that from, or how they did the calculation. Simply Assume J-16 to be exactly the same dimension in wingspan, as the original Su-27 is one huge assumption.
There is a report saying the wingspan of Su-35 to be 15.3 m (50.2 ft)
The Flankers behind the J-20 might be the new Su-35. From the picture, it seems it's wingspan is substantially wider than J-20. There is little doubt in my mind, that this difference is a lot bigger when J-15's wingspan is compared to J-20, in the previous satellite picture.