A few hours ago a made a grave mistake but now it's up again and this time on You: Gambit is not ranting and he has no obsession.
You are in return avoiding even after several requests and You constant false quoting that they are "un-stealthy" which is different to "not as stealthy as an aircraft without canards" is an obsession by YOU.
As such I simply beg You ... in order to keep that threadclean and civilised: None of Your replies is an explanation for the points I mentioned, why it should be AS stealthy as the F-22 or F-35 like You claim - while in return insisting on gambit's sentence "canards are unstealthy" !
Therefore now a direct order from me as a moderator: Either You argue from now on and leave all insults or You leave it. This discussion will led to nothing, all arguments are said and now let's wait for more facts and nice images.
The only issue however I want to add: why do take some of You instantly each and everything that is not a hyper positive mentioning or applause a China-bashing in general ?? I don't understand this attitude ...
Most Chinese I met so far a very honest people who indeed are able to differ between black and white - aka between bashing of their products like done from most Russians and tragically most Western peoples and a nationalistic hyping of all Chinese products as if the are already not only equal but superior to everything !!!