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Chengdu J-20 5th Generation Aircraft News & Discussions

J-20 is “rumoured” to explore and establish new flight envelope using 14+ ton WS-10G in 2016. :lol:
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The mass production will start in 2016 or 2017 and 24 pieces annual at beginning.I guess.

Even some might bash me again of being too pessimistic, but I don't think that production will jump immediately from 4 aircraft (like last year) to 24 in 2016 ! Just take a look at how many J-10s are being build each year or maybe more comparable J-11s ...

Just my two cents.
Even some might bash me again of being too pessimistic, but I don't think that production will jump immediately from 4 aircraft (like last year) to 24 in 2016 ! Just take a look at how many J-10s are being build each year or maybe more comparable J-11s ...

Just my two cents.

I don't think any one will bash you Deino! Way too friendly of a guy to get this kind of treatment.

That said, I am willing to gamble that serial production will commence next year (given the current geopolitical situation, unfortunately).
No “news” is good news。

Extremely GOOD news. :yahoo:

Even if overall I agree with You I'm a bit skeptical since no new aircraft spotted at CAC simply means at least no new aircraft in the air ... regardless how many were build and IMO that project now needs most of all flight-hours as many as possible to get it service-reads ASAP.
In this regard it's right now a bit comparable to the Russian T50-project were for an even longer time no new prototype was flown ... and here surely no-one would say "No “news” is good news".

Besides that I'm still too excited - to admit patience is not my virtue - and I simply want so see '2016' .... NOW !

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